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  • 【HDOJ】4056 Draw a Mess


      1 /* 4056 */
      2 #include <iostream>
      3 #include <sstream>
      4 #include <string>
      5 #include <map>
      6 #include <queue>
      7 #include <set>
      8 #include <stack>
      9 #include <vector>
     10 #include <deque>
     11 #include <algorithm>
     12 #include <cstdio>
     13 #include <cmath>
     14 #include <ctime>
     15 #include <cstring>
     16 #include <climits>
     17 #include <cctype>
     18 #include <cassert>
     19 #include <functional>
     20 #include <iterator>
     21 #include <iomanip>
     22 using namespace std;
     23 //#pragma comment(linker,"/STACK:102400000,1024000")
     25 #define sti                set<int>
     26 #define stpii            set<pair<int, int> >
     27 #define mpii            map<int,int>
     28 #define vi                vector<int>
     29 #define pii                pair<int,int>
     30 #define vpii            vector<pair<int,int> >
     31 #define rep(i, a, n)     for (int i=a;i<n;++i)
     32 #define per(i, a, n)     for (int i=n-1;i>=a;--i)
     33 #define clr                clear
     34 #define pb                 push_back
     35 #define mp                 make_pair
     36 #define fir                first
     37 #define sec                second
     38 #define all(x)             (x).begin(),(x).end()
     39 #define SZ(x)             ((int)(x).size())
     40 #define lson            l, mid, rt<<1
     41 #define rson            mid+1, r, rt<<1|1
     43 typedef struct {
     44     int id;
     45     int xc, yc, w, h, c;
     46 } draw_t;
     48 const int maxm = 50005;
     49 const int maxn = 205;
     50 int fa[maxn][maxm];
     51 draw_t draw[maxm];
     52 int C[10];
     53 int n, m, q;
     54 int xc, yc, w, h, c;
     56 int find(int rn, int x) {
     57     if (fa[rn][x] == x)
     58         return x;
     59     return fa[rn][x] = find(rn, fa[rn][x]);
     60 }
     62 void init() {
     63     memset(C, 0, sizeof(C));
     64     rep(i, 0, n)
     65         rep(j, 0, m+1)
     66             fa[i][j] = j;
     67     --n;
     68     --m;
     69 }
     71 int move(int xth, int l, int r) {
     72     int ret = 0;
     74     l = find(xth, l);
     75     while (l <= r) {
     76         ++ret;
     77         fa[xth][l] = l + 1;
     78         l = find(xth, l+1);
     79     }
     81     return ret;
     82 }
     84 void DrawDiamond() {
     85     int ly = yc - w;
     86     int ry = yc + w;
     87     int l, r, xth;
     89     xth = xc;
     90     while (xth>=0 && ly<=ry) {
     91         l = max(0, ly);
     92         r = min(m, ry);
     93         C[c] += move(xth, l, r);
     94         --xth;
     95         ++ly;
     96         --ry;
     97     }
     99     xth = xc + 1;
    100     ly = yc - w + 1;
    101     ry = yc + w - 1;
    102     while (xth<=n && ly<=ry) {
    103         l = max(0, ly);
    104         r = min(m, ry);
    105         C[c] += move(xth, l, r);
    106         ++xth;
    107         ++ly;
    108         --ry;
    109     }
    110 }
    112 void DrawRectangle() {
    113     int xth = xc;
    114     int n_ = min(n, xc+h-1);
    115     int l = yc;
    116     int r = min(m, yc+w-1);
    118     while (xth <= n_) {
    119         C[c] += move(xth, l, r);
    120         ++xth;
    121     }
    122 }
    124 void DrawTriangle() {
    125     int w_ = w >> 1;
    126     int n_ = min(n, xc+w_);
    127     int ly = yc - w_;
    128     int ry = yc + w_;
    129     int l, r;
    130     int xth = xc;
    132     while (xth<=n_ && ly<=ry) {
    133         l = max(0, ly);
    134         r = min(m, ry);
    135         C[c] += move(xth, l, r);
    136         ++ly;
    137         --ry;
    138         ++xth;
    139     }
    140 }
    142 void DrawCircle() {
    143     int ly = yc - w;
    144     int ry = yc + w;
    145     int l, r;
    146     __int64 w2 = 1LL * w * w, tmp;
    147     int delta;
    148     int xth = xc;
    150     l = max(0, ly);
    151     r = min(m, ry);
    152     C[c] += move(xth, l, r);
    154     rep(i, 1, w+1) {
    155         tmp = 1LL * i * i;
    156         delta = sqrt(w2 - tmp + 0.5);
    157         ly = yc - delta;
    158         ry = yc + delta;
    159         l = max(0, ly);
    160         r = min(m, ry);
    161         if (xth-i >= 0) {
    162             C[c] += move(xth-i, l, r);
    163         }
    164         if (xth+i <= n) {
    165             C[c] += move(xth+i, l, r);
    166         }
    167     }
    168 }
    170 void solve() {
    171     int id;
    173     per(i, 0, q) {
    174         id = draw[i].id;
    175         xc = draw[i].xc;
    176         yc = draw[i].yc;
    177         w = draw[i].w;
    178         c = draw[i].c;
    179         h = draw[i].h;
    180         if (id == 0) {
    181             DrawCircle();
    182         } else if (id == 1) {
    183             DrawDiamond();
    184         } else if (id == 2) {
    185             DrawRectangle();
    186         } else {
    187             DrawTriangle();
    188         }
    189     }
    191     rep(j, 1, 10) {
    192         if (j == 9) {
    193             printf("%d
    ", C[j]);
    194         } else {
    195             printf("%d ", C[j]);
    196         }
    197     }
    198 }
    200 int main() {
    201     ios::sync_with_stdio(false);
    202     #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE
    203         freopen("data.in", "r", stdin);
    204         freopen("data.out", "w", stdout);
    205     #endif
    207     char op[20];
    209     while (scanf("%d %d %d", &n, &m, &q)!=EOF) {
    210         init();
    211         rep(i, 0, q) {
    212             scanf("%s", op);
    213             if (op[0] == 'C') {
    214                 scanf("%d %d %d %d", &xc, &yc, &w, &c);
    215                 draw[i].id = 0;
    216                 // DrawCircle();
    217             } else if (op[0] == 'D') {
    218                 scanf("%d %d %d %d", &xc, &yc, &w, &c);
    219                 draw[i].id = 1;
    220                 // DrawDiamond();
    221             } else if (op[0] == 'R') {
    222                 scanf("%d %d %d %d %d", &xc, &yc, &h, &w, &c);
    223                 draw[i].id = 2;
    224                 // DrawRectangle();
    225             } else {
    226                 scanf("%d %d %d %d", &xc, &yc, &w, &c);
    227                 draw[i].id = 3;
    228                 // DrawTriangle();
    229             }
    230             draw[i].xc = xc;
    231             draw[i].yc = yc;
    232             draw[i].h = h;
    233             draw[i].w = w;
    234             draw[i].c = c;
    235         }
    236         solve();
    237     }
    239     #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE
    240         printf("time = %d.
    ", (int)clock());
    241     #endif
    243     return 0;
    244 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/bombe1013/p/5170993.html
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