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  • LLVM,Clang



    LLVM提供了完整編譯系統的中間層,它會將中間語言(IF, Intermediate form)從編譯器取出與最佳化,最佳化後的IF接著被轉換及鏈結到目標平台的汇编语言。LLVM可以接受來自GCC工具鏈所編譯的IF,包含它底下現存的編譯器。


    Clang 和 LLVM 的更多资料,请参看官方文档,http://llvm.org    http://clang.llvm.org

    以下是clang tools的简要介绍


    clang is a C, C++, and Objective-C compiler which encompasses preprocessing, parsing, optimization, code
    generation, assembly, and linking. Depending on which high-level mode setting is passed, Clang will stop
    before doing a full link. While Clang is highly integrated, it is important to understand the stages of
    compilation, to understand how to invoke it. These stages are:


    The clang executable is actually a small driver which controls the overall execution of other tools
    such as the compiler, assembler and linker. Typically you do not need to interact with the driver, but
    you transparently use it to run the other tools.


    This stage handles tokenization of the input source file, macro expansion, #include expansion and
    handling of other preprocessor directives. The output of this stage is typically called a ".i" (for
    C), ".ii" (for C++), ".mi" (for Objective-C) , or ".mii" (for Objective-C++) file.


    Parsing and Semantic Analysis
    This stage parses the input file, translating preprocessor tokens into a parse tree. Once in the form
    of a parser tree, it applies semantic analysis to compute types for expressions as well and determine
    whether the code is well formed. This stage is responsible for generating most of the compiler warnings
    as well as parse errors. The output of this stage is an "Abstract Syntax Tree" (AST).


    Code Generation and Optimization
    This stage translates an AST into low-level intermediate code (known as "LLVM IR") and ultimately to
    machine code. This phase is responsible for optimizing the generated code and handling target-specific
    code generation. The output of this stage is typically called a ".s" file or "assembly" file.


    Clang also supports the use of an integrated assembler, in which the code generator produces object
    files directly. This avoids the overhead of generating the ".s" file and of calling the target

    This stage runs the target assembler to translate the output of the compiler into a target object file.
    The output of this stage is typically called a ".o" file or "object" file.

    This stage runs the target linker to merge multiple object files into an executable or dynamic library.
    The output of this stage is typically called an "a.out", ".dylib" or ".so" file.

    The Clang compiler supports a large number of options to control each of these stages. In addition to
    compilation of code, Clang also supports other tools:

    Clang Static Analyzer

    The Clang Static Analyzer is a tool that scans source code to try to find bugs through code analysis. This
    tool uses many parts of Clang and is built into the same driver.


  • 相关阅读:
    CS231N 常用激活函数
    CS231N 数据预处理(data proprecessing)
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/breezemist/p/3491965.html
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