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  • Charles 下载

    本文参考:Charles 下载

    Charles 下载


    Windows 64

    Charles Windows 64 bit msi, 64.8 MB


    Windows 32

    Charles Windows 32 bit msi, 63.9 MB



    macOS (dmg, 58.2 MB) Compatible with macOS 10.7 - 10.14.


    Linux 64

    Linux 64 bit (tar.gz, 56.1 MB) 或者使用APT或YUM软件包存储库安装.

    Linux 32

    Linux 32 bit (tar.gz, 55.6 MB) 或者使用APT或YUM软件包存储库安装.

    YUM 安装

    Charles has a YUM repository for Red Hat-based Linux distributions.

    cat <<EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/Charles.repo
    [charlesproxy]name=Charles Proxy Repository

    Then install Charles:

    sudo yum install charles-proxy

    The package creates a "charles" command in /usr/bin, and adds Charles in your application menus in your window manager.

    You may also install the beta track of Charles which is called charles-proxy-beta.

    APT 安装

    Charles has an APT repository for Debian-based Linux distributions.

    NB: The keys for the repo changed on 26 July 2016, to utilise a larger key size and stronger digests. Existing users of the APT repository will need to import the new public key. The new public key is at the same URL as the old public key, therefore repeat the apt-key add step below to add it. Finally, run apt-get update to use the new key.

    First install the GPG public key for the repository so you can verify that the packages are correctly signed. The current public key id is 1AD28806 and its fingerprint is 4BA7 DB85 7B57 0089 7420 96E1 5F16 B97C 1AD2 8806:

    wget -q -O - https://www.charlesproxy.com/packages/apt/PublicKey | sudo apt-key add -

    or alternatively:

    sudo apt-key adv --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 1AD28806

    Then add the repository to your sources:

    sudo sh -c 'echo deb https://www.charlesproxy.com/packages/apt/ charles-proxy main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/charles.list'

    Then update your sources and install Charles:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install charles-proxy

    The package creates a "charles" command in /usr/bin, and adds Charles in your application menus in your window manager.

    You may also install the beta track of Charles which is called charles-proxy-beta.

    Charles 3

    To install Charles 3, use the package charles-proxy3. You can have both Charles 4 and Charles 3 installed at the same time.

    The package creates a "charles3" command in /usr/bin, and adds Charles in your application menues in your window manager. 本文参考:https://www.axihe.com/

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/broszhu/p/11546532.html
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