Here’s the list of the articles so far:
- Day 0: Basics and installation
- Day 1: The gray, the red, and the squiggly
- Day 2: The color bar and the green box
- Day 3: ReSharper survival guide, or, What’s up with my keybindings?
- Day 4: Auto closing delimiters
- Day 5: Integrated unit-test runner
- Day 6: Shared options in the .resharper file
- Day 7: Code formatting
- Day 8: Find Usages
- Day 9: Parameter Info
- Day 10: Go To Type
- Day 11: Code navigation
- Day 12: Type Hierarchy view
- Day 13: File Structure view
- Day 14: Suggested variable names
- Day 15: The Ctrl+Space family
- Day 16: Importing namespaces with Alt+Enter
- Day 17: Change All with Alt+Enter (and, Introducing the red light bulb)
- Day 18: Adding things with Alt+Enter
- Day 19: Implement Members with Alt+Enter
- Day 20: Fix errors and warnings with Alt+Enter
- Day 21: Code transformations with Alt+Enter
- Day 22: Generating code with Alt+Ins
- Day 23: Introduce Variable (and, introducing Ctrl+Shift+R to refactor)
- Day 24: Introduce Field
- Day 25: Introduce Parameter
- Day 26: Change Signature
- Day 27: Extract Method
- Day 28: Really Extract Static Method and Extract Property
- Day 29: Refactoring with interfaces
- Day 30: Rename, including Viral Rename
- Day 31: Safe Delete