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  • 深度增强学习--Policy Gradient

    前面都是value based的方法,现在看一种直接预测动作的方法 Policy Based

    Policy Gradient






      1 import sys
      2 import gym
      3 import pylab
      4 import numpy as np
      5 from keras.layers import Dense
      6 from keras.models import Sequential
      7 from keras.optimizers import Adam
      9 EPISODES = 1000
     11 #policy gradient的一种,REINFORCE算法
     12 # This is Policy Gradient agent for the Cartpole
     13 # In this example, we use REINFORCE algorithm which uses monte-carlo update rule
     14 class REINFORCEAgent:
     15     def __init__(self, state_size, action_size):
     16         # if you want to see Cartpole learning, then change to True
     17         self.render = True
     18         self.load_model = False
     19         # get size of state and action
     20         self.state_size = state_size#4
     21         self.action_size = action_size#2
     23         # These are hyper parameters for the Policy Gradient
     24         self.discount_factor = 0.99
     25         self.learning_rate = 0.001
     26         self.hidden1, self.hidden2 = 24, 24
     28         # create model for policy network
     29         self.model = self.build_model()
     31         # lists for the states, actions and rewards
     32         self.states, self.actions, self.rewards = [], [], []
     34         if self.load_model:
     35             self.model.load_weights("./save_model/cartpole_reinforce.h5")
     37     # approximate policy using Neural Network
     38     # state is input and probability of each action is output of network
     39     def build_model(self):
     40         model = Sequential()
     41         model.add(Dense(self.hidden1, input_dim=self.state_size, activation='relu', kernel_initializer='glorot_uniform'))
     42         model.add(Dense(self.hidden2, activation='relu', kernel_initializer='glorot_uniform'))
     43         model.add(Dense(self.action_size, activation='softmax', kernel_initializer='glorot_uniform'))
     44         model.summary()
     45         # Using categorical crossentropy as a loss is a trick to easily
     46         # implement the policy gradient. Categorical cross entropy is defined
     47         # H(p, q) = sum(p_i * log(q_i)). For the action taken, a, you set 
     48         # p_a = advantage. q_a is the output of the policy network, which is
     49         # the probability of taking the action a, i.e. policy(s, a). 
     50         # All other p_i are zero, thus we have H(p, q) = A * log(policy(s, a))
     51         model.compile(loss="categorical_crossentropy", optimizer=Adam(lr=self.learning_rate))
     52         return model
     54     # using the output of policy network, pick action stochastically
     55     def get_action(self, state):
     56         policy = self.model.predict(state, batch_size=1).flatten()#2
     57         return np.random.choice(self.action_size, 1, p=policy)[0]#choose action accordding to probability
     59     # In Policy Gradient, Q function is not available.
     60     # Instead agent uses sample returns for evaluating policy
     61     def discount_rewards(self, rewards):
     62         discounted_rewards = np.zeros_like(rewards)
     63         running_add = 0
     64         for t in reversed(range(0, len(rewards))):
     65             running_add = running_add * self.discount_factor + rewards[t]
     66             discounted_rewards[t] = running_add
     67         return discounted_rewards
     69     # save <s, a ,r> of each step
     70     def append_sample(self, state, action, reward):
     71         self.states.append(state)
     72         self.rewards.append(reward)
     73         self.actions.append(action)
     75     # update policy network every episode
     76     def train_model(self):
     77         '''
     78         example:
     79         self.states:[array([[-0.00647736, -0.04499117,  0.02213829, -0.00486359]]), array([[-0.00737719, -0.24042351,  0.02204101,  0.2947212 ]]), array([[-0.01218566, -0.04562261,  0.02793544,  0.00907036]]), array([[-0.01309811, -0.24113382,  0.02811684,  0.31043471]]), array([[-0.01792078, -0.04642351,  0.03432554,  0.02674995]]), array([[-0.01884925, -0.24202048,  0.03486054,  0.33006229]]), array([[-0.02368966, -0.04741166,  0.04146178,  0.04857336]]), array([[-0.0246379 , -0.24310286,  0.04243325,  0.35404415]]), array([[-0.02949995, -0.43880168,  0.04951413,  0.65979978]]), array([[-0.03827599, -0.2444025 ,  0.06271013,  0.38310959]]), array([[-0.04316404, -0.44035616,  0.07037232,  0.69488702]]), array([[-0.05197116, -0.63637999,  0.08427006,  1.00886738]]), array([[-0.06469876, -0.83251953,  0.10444741,  1.32677873]]), array([[-0.08134915, -0.63885961,  0.13098298,  1.06852366]]), array([[-0.09412634, -0.44569036,  0.15235346,  0.8196508 ]]), array([[-0.10304015, -0.25294509,  0.16874647,  0.57850069]]), array([[-0.10809905, -0.44997994,  0.18031649,  0.91923131]]), array([[-0.11709865, -0.25769299,  0.19870111,  0.68820344]])]
     80         self.rewards:[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -100]
     81         self.actions:[0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1]
     82         '''
     83         episode_length = len(self.states)#18
     85         discounted_rewards = self.discount_rewards(self.rewards)
     86         '''
     87         example:
     88         disconnted_rewards:array([ -68.58863868,  -70.29155422,  -72.01167093,  -73.74916255,-75.5042046 , -77.27697434, -79.06765085, -80.876415  , -82.7034495 ,  -84.54893889,  -86.41306958,  -88.29602988,-90.19800998, -92.119202 , -94.0598,-96.02,-98., -100. ])
     89         '''
     90         discounted_rewards -= np.mean(discounted_rewards)
     91         discounted_rewards /= np.std(discounted_rewards)#将作为神经网络预测对象
     92         '''
     93         array([ 1.59468271,  1.41701722,  1.23755712,  1.05628429,  0.87318042,
     94         0.68822702,  0.50140541,  0.3126967 ,  0.12208185, -0.0704584 ,
     95        -0.26494351, -0.46139311, -0.65982705, -0.86026537, -1.06272832,
     96        -1.26723636, -1.47381013, -1.6824705 ])
     97         '''
     98         update_inputs = np.zeros((episode_length, self.state_size))#shape(18,4)
     99         advantages = np.zeros((episode_length, self.action_size))#shape(18,2)
    101         for i in range(episode_length):
    102             update_inputs[i] = self.states[i]
    103             advantages[i][self.actions[i]] = discounted_rewards[i]
    105         self.model.fit(update_inputs, advantages, epochs=1, verbose=0)
    106         self.states, self.actions, self.rewards = [], [], []
    108 if __name__ == "__main__":
    109     # In case of CartPole-v1, you can play until 500 time step
    110     env = gym.make('CartPole-v1')
    111     # get size of state and action from environment
    112     state_size = env.observation_space.shape[0]
    113     action_size = env.action_space.n
    115     # make REINFORCE agent
    116     agent = REINFORCEAgent(state_size, action_size)
    118     scores, episodes = [], []
    120     for e in range(EPISODES):
    121         import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    122         done = False
    123         score = 0
    124         state = env.reset()
    125         state = np.reshape(state, [1, state_size])
    127         while not done:
    128             if agent.render:
    129                 env.render()
    131             # get action for the current state and go one step in environment
    132             action = agent.get_action(state)
    133             next_state, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
    134             next_state = np.reshape(next_state, [1, state_size])
    135             reward = reward if not done or score == 499 else -100
    137             # save the sample <s, a, r> to the memory
    138             agent.append_sample(state, action, reward)
    140             score += reward
    141             state = next_state
    143             if done:
    144                 # every episode, agent learns from sample returns
    145                 agent.train_model()
    147                 # every episode, plot the play time
    148                 score = score if score == 500 else score + 100
    149                 scores.append(score)
    150                 episodes.append(e)
    151                 pylab.plot(episodes, scores, 'b')
    152                 pylab.savefig("./save_graph/cartpole_reinforce.png")
    153                 print("episode:", e, "  score:", score)
    155                 # if the mean of scores of last 10 episode is bigger than 490
    156                 # stop training
    157                 if np.mean(scores[-min(10, len(scores)):]) > 490:
    158                     sys.exit()
    160         # save the model
    161         if e % 50 == 0:
    162             agent.model.save_weights("./save_model/cartpole_reinforce.h5")
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