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  • 微信小程序-----自定义验证码实现


      1 <template>
      2   <div class="validate-code">
      3     <h3>验证码已发送至</h3>
      4     <div class="middle">
      5       <div class="tel">{{telPhone}}</div>
      6       <div class="right">
      7         <div class="timer" v-if="timer">({{count}}s)</div>
      8         <div class="txt-btn" v-else @click="getCode">重新获取验证码</div>
      9       </div>
     10     </div>
     11     <div class="code-wrap">
     12       <input type="number"
     13              placeholder="输入短信验证码"
     14              :maxlength="6"
     15              placeholder-style="color: #ccc;"
     16              @focus="handleFocus"
     17              @blur="handleBlur"
     18              v-model="validateCode">
     19       <div class="front-wrap" @click="getFocus">
     20         <div class="block">
     21           <i :class="{'active': validateCode.length === 0 && hasFocused}"></i>
     22           {{validateArray[0]}}
     23         </div>
     24         <div class="block">
     25           <i :class="{'active': validateCode.length === 1 && hasFocused}"></i>
     26           {{validateArray[1]}}
     27         </div>
     28         <div class="block">
     29           <i :class="{'active': validateCode.length === 2 && hasFocused}"></i>
     30           {{validateArray[2]}}
     31         </div>
     32         <div class="block">
     33           <i :class="{'active': validateCode.length === 3 && hasFocused}"></i>
     34           {{validateArray[3]}}
     35         </div>
     36         <div class="block">
     37           <i :class="{'active': validateCode.length === 4 && hasFocused}"></i>
     38           {{validateArray[4]}}
     39         </div>
     40         <div class="block">
     41           <i :class="{'active': validateCode.length === 5 && hasFocused}"></i>
     42           {{validateArray[5]}}
     43         </div>
     44       </div>
     45       <div class="tips" v-if="errMsg">{{errMsg}}</div>
     46     </div>
     47     <div class="btn" :class="{'effective': validateCode.length === 6}" @click="bindPhone">登录</div>
     48   </div>
     49 </template>
     51 <script>
     52   import fly from '@/http/config'
     54   export default {
     55     components: {},
     56     data () {
     57       return {
     58         telPhone: '',
     59         validateCode: '',
     60         errMsg: '',
     61         count: 60,
     62         timer: null,
     63         hasFocused: false
     64       }
     65     },
     66     computed: {
     67       validateArray () {
     68         return Array.from(this.validateCode);
     69       }
     70     },
     71     onShow () {
     72       this.errMsg = '';
     73       this.validateCode = '';
     74     },
     75     onReady () {
     76       this.telPhone = this.$root.$mp.query.telPhone;
     77       this.initTimer();
     78     },
     79     created () {
     80       //
     81     },
     82     methods: {
     83       handleFocus () {
     84         this.hasFocused = true;
     85         this.errMsg = '';
     86       },
     87       handleBlur() {
     88         this.hasFocused = false;
     89       },
     91       getCode () {
     92         if (!this.timer) {
     93           this.getBindingVerifyCode()
     94         }
     95       },
     96       getBindingVerifyCode () {
     97         let _this = this
     98         fly.get('/2c/*********/*******', {
     99           phoneNum: this.telPhone
    100         }).then((data) => {
    101           wx.showToast({
    102             title: data.message
    103           })
    104           _this.initTimer()
    105         }, err => {
    106           console.log(err)
    107         })
    108       },
    109       bindPhone () {
    110         let _this = this;
    111         if (this.validateArray.length < 6) {
    112           return
    113         }
    114         fly.get('/2c/*****/*******', {
    115           phoneNum: this.telPhone,
    116           verifyCode: this.validateCode
    117         }).then((data) => {
    118           wx.showToast({
    119             title: data.message
    120           })
    121           wx.setStorage({
    122             key: 'phoneNum',
    123             data: _this.telPhone
    124           });
    125           setTimeout(() => {
    126             wx.reLaunch({
    127               url: '/pages/index/main'
    128             });
    129           }, 1000);
    130         }, err => {
    131           console.log(err);
    132           _this.errMsg = err.message;
    133           wx.showToast({
    134             icon: 'none',
    135             title: err.message
    136           });
    137         })
    138       },
    139       initTimer () {
    140         let _this = this
    141         this.timer = setInterval(() => {
    142           if (_this.count <= 0) {
    143             _this.count = 60
    144             clearInterval(_this.timer)
    145             _this.timer = null
    146           }
    147           _this.$set({
    148             'count': _this.count
    149           })
    150           _this.count--
    151         }, 1000)
    152       }
    153     }
    154   }
    155 </script>
    158 <style lang="scss" src="./index.scss">
    160 </style>


      1 .profile{
      2   width: 100%;
      3   height: 100%;
      4   background: #f6f6f6;
      5   .get-user-info {
      6     width: 200px;
      7     height: 50px;
      8   }
      9   .herder{
     10     padding: 25px 10px;
     11     background: #f25252;
     12     display: flex;
     13     justify-content: flex-start;
     14     align-items: center;
     15     .avatar-wrap{
     16       width: 60px;
     17       height: 60px;
     18       overflow: hidden;
     19       border-radius: 50%;
     20       img{
     21         width: 60px;
     22         height: 60px;
     23       }
     24     }
     25     .user-info{
     26       color: #fff;
     27       margin-left: 10px;
     28       display: flex;
     29       flex-direction: column;
     30       justify-content: center;
     31       h5{
     32         font-size: 16px;
     33         line-height: 16px;
     34         margin-bottom: 10px;
     35       }
     36       p{
     37         text-indent: 13px;
     38         font-size: 14px;
     39         line-height: 14px;
     40         background: url("../../assets/images/profile/icon_phone.png") 0 50%/9px 14px no-repeat;
     41       }
     42     }
     43   }
     44   .content{
     45     .main{
     46       margin: 10px 0;
     47       .content-item{
     48         height: 50px;
     49         padding: 0 10px;
     50         display: flex;
     51         background: #fff;
     52         justify-content: space-between;
     53         align-items: center;
     54         border-bottom: 1px solid #f6f6f6;
     55         .left{
     56           display: flex;
     57           align-items: center;
     58           img{
     59             width: 15px;
     60             height: 15px;
     61             margin-right: 9px;
     62           }
     63           .title{
     64             font-size: 15px;
     65             color: #333;
     66           }
     67         }
     68         .arrow{
     69           display: flex;
     70           justify-content: center;
     71           align-items: center;
     72           .phone{
     73             font-size: 15px;
     74             color: #399fda;
     75             margin-right: 8px;
     76           }
     77           img{
     78             width: 6px;
     79             height: 9px;
     80           }
     81         }
     82       }
     83     }
     84     .card-wrap{
     85       background: #fff;
     86       padding: 12px 10px;
     87       .card{
     88         height: 50px;
     89         border-radius: 4px;
     90         background: #ffdc69;
     91         display: flex;
     92         justify-content: space-between;
     93         align-items: center;
     94         position: relative;
     95         .left{
     96           span{
     97             font-size: 15px;
     98             color: #884600;
     99             line-height: 50px;
    100           }
    101           img{
    102             width: 34px;
    103             height: 31px;
    104             margin: 0 5px 0 10px;
    105             vertical-align: middle;
    106           }
    107         }
    108         .arrow{
    109           display: flex;
    110           justify-content: flex-start;
    111           align-items: center;
    112           img{
    113             width: 4px;
    114             height: 6px;
    115             margin: 0 10px 0 3px;
    116           }
    117           span{
    118             font-size: 13px;
    119             color: #884600;
    120           }
    121         }
    122         .icon-fixed{
    123           position: absolute;
    124           top: 0;
    125           right: 0;
    126           width: 27px;
    127           height: 27px;
    128         }
    129       }
    130     }
    131   }
    132 }
  • 相关阅读:
    Tao Yu的论文之一 "Service Selection Algorithms for Web Services with Endtoend QoS Constraints (ISeBM2005)"
    Web Service Replacement相关论文收集
    笔记: WWW04QoS computation and policing in dynamic web service selection
    [阅读笔记] 支持服务关联的组合服务选择方法研究(cjc)
    CIMS论文之一: 支持服务质量全局最优和动态重计划的Web服务组合
    [泛读]4篇Web Service Replication方面论文
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cangqinglang/p/9314112.html
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