1 create database if not exists shop default character set utf8mb4 default collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
select column,count(*) as count from table group by column HAVING count > 1
UPDATE a INNER JOIN b ON b.order_id = a.id SET a.target_id = b.target_id, a.item_type = b.type WHERE a.id in (select id from (SELECT id from awhere target_id = 0 order by id limit 100) sub1);
DELETE FROM table as ta WHERE ta.id <> ( select t.maxid from (select max(tb.id) as maxid from table as tb where ta.order_id = tb.order_id) t );
5.select case赋值
1 select name, (case sex when 0 then '未知' when 1 then '男' when 2 then '女') as '性别' from users;
6.select concat字符串处理
select title, concat('http://host/?u=', type) as url from address;
7.update replace替换字段
update table set url = replace(url, 'qq.com', 'aa.com');
8.where json查询
select * from table where json->'$.oid' = 2;
9.update json字段
update table set json = json_set(json, '$.oid', 3);
update table set json = json_object('oid', 3);
10.You can't specify target table '表名' for update in FROM clause
update table set type = 1,type_symbol = 'aa' where order_id in (select id from (select orders.id from orders left join table on table.order_id = orders.id where orders.item_type = 2 and table.type != 1) t);
show full fields from table;
ALTER TABLE `database`.`table` ADD COLUMN `column` tinyint(1) UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 1 COMMENT '备注' AFTER `column0`;
/*取积分最高的前10条数据*/ SELECT id,nickname,score from users order by score desc limit 10; 等效于 SELECT id,nickname,score from users order by score desc limit 0, 10; 此处可看到limit用法,limit i,n表示返回查询结果集中游标从i开始的n行数据(游标起始为0)。 /*给结果集加上序号*/ SELECT (@i:=@i+1) as rowno,id,nickname,score from users, (select @i:=0) as rowno order by score desc limit 0, 10; /*取第二行数据,limit 1, 1*/ SELECT (@i:=@i+1) as rowno,id,nickname,total_revenue from users, (select @i:=1) as rowno order by total_revenue desc limit 1,1; /*取第三行数据,limit 2, 1*/ SELECT (@i:=@i+1) as rowno,id,nickname,total_revenue from users, (select @i:=2) as rowno order by total_revenue desc limit 2,1;
select Score, (select count(distinct(Score)) from Scores as t where t.Score >= s.Score) as `Rank` from Scores as s order by Score desc;
SELECT Score, (case when @currentScore = Score then @i when @currentScore := Score then @i := @i +1 end) as `rank` from test, (select @i := 0, @currentScore := null) as t order by Score desc;
inner join
left join
right join
outer join
full join
cross join
CREATE FUNCTION getNthHighestSalary(N INT) RETURNS INT BEGIN set N:=N-1; RETURN ( select (select distinct Salary from Employee order by Salary desc limit 1 offset N) as SecondHightSalary ); END
select distinct(Num) as ConsecutiveNums from (select Num, case when @current = Num then @t:=@t+1 when @current := Num then @t:=1 end as times from Logs, (select @t:=1, @current:=null) as tmp) as tmp2 where times >= 3;
SELECT DISTINCT l1.Num AS ConsecutiveNums FROM Logs l1, Logs l2, Logs l3 WHERE l1.Id = l2.Id - 1 AND l2.Id = l3.Id - 1 AND l1.Num = l2.Num AND l2.Num = l3.Num ;