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  • JAVA中调用存储过程和函数


    Calling a Stored Procedure in a Database

    This example demonstrates how to call stored procedures with IN, OUT, and IN/OUT parameters.
    CallableStatement cs;
    try {
      // Call a procedure with no parameters
        cs = connection.prepareCall("{call myproc}");
      // Call a procedure with one IN parameter
        cs = connection.prepareCall("{call myprocin(?)}");
        // Set the value for the IN parameter
        cs.setString(1, "a string");
        // Execute the stored procedure
      // Call a procedure with one OUT parameter
        cs = connection.prepareCall("{call myprocout(?)}");
        // Register the type of the OUT parameter
        cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.VARCHAR);
        // Execute the stored procedure and retrieve the OUT value
        String outParam = cs.getString(1);     // OUT parameter
      // Call a procedure with one IN/OUT parameter
        cs = connection.prepareCall("{call myprocinout(?)}");
        // Register the type of the IN/OUT parameter
        cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.VARCHAR);
        // Set the value for the IN/OUT parameter
        cs.setString(1, "a string");
        // Execute the stored procedure and retrieve the IN/OUT value
        outParam = cs.getString(1);            // OUT parameter
    } catch (SQLException e) {


    Calling a Function in a Database

    A function is essentially a stored procedure that returns a result. This example demonstrates how to call functions with IN, OUT, and IN/OUT parameters.
    CallableStatement cs;
    try {
      // Call a function with no parameters; the function returns a VARCHAR
        // Prepare the callable statement
        cs = connection.prepareCall("{? = call myfunc}");
        // Register the type of the return value
        cs.registerOutParameter(1, i);
        // Execute and retrieve the returned value
        String retValue = cs.getString(1);
      // Call a function with one IN parameter; the function returns a VARCHAR
        cs = connection.prepareCall("{? = call myfuncin(?)}");
        // Register the type of the return value
        cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.VARCHAR);
        // Set the value for the IN parameter
        cs.setString(2, "a string");
        // Execute and retrieve the returned value
        retValue = cs.getString(1);
      // Call a function with one OUT parameter; the function returns a VARCHAR
        cs = connection.prepareCall("{? = call myfuncout(?)}");
        // Register the types of the return value and OUT parameter
        cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.VARCHAR);
        cs.registerOutParameter(2, Types.VARCHAR);
        // Execute and retrieve the returned values
        retValue = cs.getString(1);           // return value
        String outParam = cs.getString(2);    // OUT parameter
      // Call a function with one IN/OUT parameter; the function returns a VARCHAR
        cs = connection.prepareCall("{? = call myfuncinout(?)}");
        // Register the types of the return value and OUT parameter
        cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.VARCHAR);
        cs.registerOutParameter(2, Types.VARCHAR);
        // Set the value for the IN/OUT parameter
        cs.setString(2, "a string");
        // Execute and retrieve the returned values
        retValue = cs.getString(1);           // return value
        outParam = cs.getString(2);           // IN/OUT parameter
    } catch (SQLException e) {


    For Oracle stored procedure returns CURSOR parameter, you can

    1、Registered via JDBC CallableStatement.registerOutParameter(index,OracleTypes.CURSOR).

    2、Get it back via callableStatement.getObject(index).


     1 //getDBUSERCursor is a stored procedure
     2 String getDBUSERCursorSql = "{call getDBUSERCursor(?,?)}";
     3 callableStatement = dbConnection.prepareCall(getDBUSERCursorSql);
     4 callableStatement.setString(1, "mkyong");
     5 callableStatement.registerOutParameter(2, OracleTypes.CURSOR);
     7 // execute getDBUSERCursor store procedure
     8 callableStatement.executeUpdate();
    10 // get cursor and cast it to ResultSet
    11 rs = (ResultSet) callableStatement.getObject(2);
    13 // loop it like normal
    14 while (rs.next()) {
    15     String userid = rs.getString("USER_ID");
    16     String userName = rs.getString("USERNAME");
    17 }


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/caroline/p/2450181.html
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