OpenAI-gym (Git Repo) provides a great toolkit and a playgroud for research on Deep Reinforcement Learning. Furtherly, gym-gazebo (Git Repo), based on openAI-gym, simplies ROS / Gazebo user on transferring openAI tools into Gazebo.
The following is a record when I implemented this package in my own PC, in particular how I dealt with the installation and complie issues.
- Ubuntu 14.04
- ROS Indigo
- Gazebo 7
- pip 9.0.1
- tensorflow
- keras
- Dependencies
- pip 9.0.1 (make sure it is done before automatic installation)
- sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev
- sudo apt-get upgrade python-pip python-dev
- sudo pip install --upgrade pip
- pip 9.0.1 (make sure it is done before automatic installation)
- Installation bash
- in the bash file setup_indigo.bash, I have to modify something like below to avoid the errors
- after "# Create catkin_wsmodify", add "cd ~"
- 'vcs import < ../../gazebo.repos' to 'vcs import < ../../gym-gazebo/gym_gazebo/envs/installation/gazebo.repos'
- right after it add a line: git clone https://github.com/ethz-asl/mav_comm.git
- in the bash file setup_indigo.bash, I have to modify something like below to avoid the errors
- Invalid tag: environment variable 'GYM_GAZEBO_WORLD_CIRCUIT2' is not set.
- simply need to set according env variables
- cd gym-gazebo/gym-gazebo/env/installation && bash turtlebot_setup.bash
- simply need to set according env variables
- KeyError: 'ROS_PORT_SIM'
- https://github.com/erlerobot/gym-gazebo/issues/59
- export ROS_PORT_SIM=11311
- https://github.com/erlerobot/gym-gazebo/issues/59