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  • 超赞网页动效集锦




    // JavaScript Document
    "use strict";
    window.bubbly = function (t) {
                var o = t || {},
                    e = function () {
                        return Math.random()
                    r = o.canvas || document.createElement("canvas"),
                    n = r.width,
                    a = r.height;
                null === r.parentNode && (r.setAttribute("style", "position:fixed;z-index:-1;left:0;top:0;min-100vw;min-height:100vh;"), n = r.width = window.innerWidth, a = r.height = window.innerHeight, document.body.appendChild(r));
                var i = r.getContext("2d");
                i.shadowColor = o.shadowColor || "#fff",
                    i.shadowBlur = o.blur || 4;
                var l = i.createLinearGradient(0, 0, n, a);
                l.addColorStop(0, o.colorStart || "#2AE"),
                    l.addColorStop(1, o.colorStop || "#17B");
                for (var h = o.bubbles || Math.floor(.02 * (n + a)), d = [], c = 0; c < h; c++) d.push({
                    f: (o.bubbleFunc ||
                        function () {
                            return "hsla(0, 0%, 100%, " + .1 * e() + ")"
                    x: e() * n,
                    y: e() * a,
                    r: 4 + e() * n / 50, //控制半径
                    a: e() * Math.PI ,
                    v: .5 + .5 * e() //控制速度
                }); !
                    function t() {
                        if (null === r.parentNode) return cancelAnimationFrame(t); !1 !== o.animate && requestAnimationFrame(t),
                            i.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over",
                            i.fillStyle = l,
                            i.fillRect(0, 0, n, a),
                            i.globalCompositeOperation = o.compose || "lighter",
                            d.forEach(function (t) {
                                    i.arc(t.x, t.y, t.r, 0, 2 * Math.PI),
                                    i.fillStyle = t.f,
                                    t.x += Math.cos(t.a) * t.v,
                                    t.y += Math.sin(t.a) * t.v,
                                    t.x - t.r > n && (t.x = -t.r),
                                    t.x + t.r < 0 && (t.x = n + t.r),
                                    t.y - t.r > a && (t.y = -t.r),
                                    t.y + t.r < 0 && (t.y = a + t.r)
                        colorStart: "#04246f",
                        colorStop: "#032775"

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cdoneiX/p/13202616.html
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