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    // Shifts pbInput down by dwBitOffset.



    ShiftBytes(PBYTE pbInput, ULONG cbInput, DWORD dwBitOffset, PBYTE pbOutput)





        DWORD dwByteIndex = dwBitOffset / 8;

        dwBitOffset %= 8;


        DWORD dwRemainderShift = 8 - dwBitOffset;


        // Only copy 4 bytes max.

        DWORD dwEndIndex = min(dwByteIndex + sizeof(DWORD), cbInput);

        DWORD dwCurrOutputIndex = 0;

        while (dwByteIndex < dwEndIndex) {

            DEBUGCHK(dwCurrOutputIndex < sizeof(DWORD));

            DEBUGCHK(dwByteIndex < cbInput);


            pbOutput[dwCurrOutputIndex] = pbInput[dwByteIndex] >> dwBitOffset;


             if (dwByteIndex != cbInput) {

                BYTE bTemp = pbInput[dwByteIndex];

                bTemp <<= dwRemainderShift;

                pbOutput[dwCurrOutputIndex] |= bTemp;








    //  GetBitSlice - Get a bit slice from a stream of bytes

    //  Input:  pBuffer - buffer containing data stream

    //          cbBuffer - size of buffer in bytes

    //          dwBitOffset - bit offset from start of buffer

    //          ucBitCount - number of bits (less than or equal to 32)

    //  Output:


    //  Return: returns a DWORD contain the bit slice shifted to fill the least significant bits

    //  Notes:  will raise an SEH exception if integer overflow occurs


    DWORD CSDDevice::GetBitSlice(PUCHAR pBuffer, ULONG cbBuffer, DWORD dwBitOffset, UCHAR ucBitCount)


        UCHAR rgbShifted[4] = { 0 };


        if (ucBitCount > 32) {

            DEBUG_CHECK(FALSE, (TEXT("GetBitSlice: invalid number of bits \n")));

            return 0;


         typedef SafeInt<DWORD> SafeDW;

        // Exception will be raised on the next line if there is an overflow.

        if ( (SafeDW(dwBitOffset) + SafeDW(ucBitCount)) > (SafeDW(cbBuffer) * 8) ) {

            DEBUG_CHECK(FALSE, (TEXT("GetBitSlice: invalid bit offset given the number of bits \n")));

            return 0;



        // Shift the pBuffer down by dwBitOffset bits.

        ShiftBytes(pBuffer, cbBuffer, dwBitOffset, rgbShifted);


        DWORD dwUsedBytes; // How many bytes have valid data.


        if (ucBitCount % 8 == 0) {

            // Return a byte multiple.

            dwUsedBytes = ucBitCount / 8;


        else {

            // Clear the last used byte of upper bits.

            DWORD dwLastByteIndex = (ucBitCount - 1) / 8;

            DWORD dwRemainderShift = 8 - (ucBitCount % 8);

            rgbShifted[dwLastByteIndex] <<= dwRemainderShift;

            rgbShifted[dwLastByteIndex] >>= dwRemainderShift;

            dwUsedBytes = dwLastByteIndex + 1;



        // Clear the unused bytes.

        if (dwUsedBytes != sizeof(rgbShifted)) {

            memset(rgbShifted + dwUsedBytes, 0, sizeof(rgbShifted) - dwUsedBytes);


         DWORD dwRet;

        memcpy(&dwRet, rgbShifted, sizeof(dwRet));


        return dwRet;



    • WORD GetBitValue( PBYTE pBuf, DWORD dwBit, DWORD dwNum )
    • {
    •     DWORD dwByte=dwBit/8;
    •     DWORD dwBitinByte=dwBit & 0x7;
    •     if(dwBitinByte + dwNum >24 )
    •         return 0; //Not supported.
    •     else if(dwBitinByte + dwNum >16 )
    •         return (pBuf[dwByte]>>(dwBitinByte) ) |
    •                    (pBuf[dwByte+1]<<( 8- dwBitinByte) ) |
    •                   ( pBuf[dwByte+2] << (16-dwBitinByte) );
    •     else if(dwBitinByte + dwNum >8 )
    •         return (pBuf[dwByte]>>(dwBitinByte) ) |  (pBuf[dwByte+1]<<( 8- dwBitinByte) ) ;
    •     else
    •         return pBuf[dwByte]>>(dwBitinByte);
    • }


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ceblog/p/1776951.html
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