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  • oracle 开发 第02章 查询



    01.选择列 SELECT
    02.选择行 WHERE
    03.行标识符 rowid
    04.行号 rownum
    05.算术运算 +、-、*、/
    06.日期运算 to_date('2015-10-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD')
    09.连接操作符 |
    10.空值 NULL
    11.去重复列 DISTINCT
    12.比较运算符 >、>=、=、<、<=、<>
    16.逻辑运算符 AND、OR
    17.ORDER BY 排序
    18.内连接 INNER JOIN
    23.左外连接 LEFT OUTER JOIN
    24.右外连接 RIGHT OUTER JOIN

    01.选择列 SELECT

    select customer_id,first_name,last_name,dob,phone from customers;
    select * from customers;

    02.选择行 WHERE

    select * from customers where customer_id =2;

    03.行标识符 rowid

    select rowid,customer_id from customers;

    04.行号 rownum

    select rownum,customer_id,first_name,last_name from customers;
    select rownum,customer_id,first_name,last_name from customers where customer_id = 3;

    05.算术运算 +、-、*、/

    select 2*6 from dual;
    select 10*12/3-1 from dual;
    select 10*(12/3-1) from dual;

    06.日期运算 to_date('2015-10-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD')

    select to_date('2012/7/25','yyyy/mm/dd') + 1 from dual;
    select * from dual;
    select to_date('2012/8/2','yyyy/mm/dd') - 3 from dual;


    select name,price + 2 from products;
    select name,price*3 +1 from products;


    select price*2 double_price from products;
    select price*2 "double price" from products;
    select 10*(12/3-1) as "computation" from dual;

    09.连接操作符 |

    select first_name||' '||last_name as "customers name" from customers;

    10.空值 NULL

    select * from customers;
    select customer_id,first_name,last_name,dob from customers where dob is null;
    select customer_id,first_name,last_name,phone from customers where phone is null;
    select customer_id,first_name,last_name,nvl(phone,'unkown phone number') as phone_number from customers;
    select customer_id,first_name,last_name,nvl(dob,to_date('2000/01/01')) as dob from customers;

    11.去重复列 DISTINCT

    select customer_id from purchases;
    select distinct customer_id from purchases;

    12.比较运算符 >、>=、=、<、<=、<>

    select * from customers where customer_id <> 2;
    select product_id,name from products where product_id < 8;
    select rownum,product_id,name from products where rownum <= 3;
    select * from customers where customer_id > any(2,3,4);
    select * from customers where customer_id > all(2,3,4);


    select * from customers where first_name like '_o%';            --下划线匹配一个字符,百分号匹配任意多个字符
    select * from customers where first_name not like '_o%';
    select name from promotions where name like '%\%%' escape '';  --是转义字符,告诉数据库如何区分要搜索的字符和通配符


    select * from customers where customer_id in (2,3,5);
    select * from customers where customer_id not in (2,3,5);
    select * from customers where customer_id not in (2,3,5,null);    --列表中包含null值时,not in 不返回值


    select * from customers where customer_id between 1 and 3;        --区间是闭区间
    select * from customers where customer_id not between 1 and 3;    --not between检索2个开区间

    16.逻辑运算符 AND、OR

    select *
      from customers
     where dob > to_date('1970/01/01', 'yyyy/mm/dd')
       and customer_id > 3;
    select *
      from customers
     where dob > to_date('1970/01/01', 'yyyy/mm/dd')
        or customer_id > 3;
    select *
      from customers
     where dob > to_date('1970/01/01', 'yyyy/mm/dd')
        or customer_id < 2
       and phone like '%1211'; --比较优于and,and优先于or
    select *
      from customers
     where dob > to_date('1970/01/01', 'yyyy/mm/dd')
        or (customer_id < 2 and phone like '%1211');

    17.ORDER BY 排序

    select * from customers order by last_name;            --默认升序
    select * from customers order by first_name asc,last_name desc;
    select customer_id,first_name,last_name from customers order by 1;    --根据列的位置序号排序

    18.内连接 INNER JOIN

    select name, product_type_id from products where product_id = 3;
    select name from product_types where product_type_id = 2;
    select products.name, product_types.name
      from products, product_types
     where products.product_type_id = product_types.product_type_id
       and products.product_id = 3; --查询product_id为3的产品的名称及类型
    select products.name, product_types.name
      from products, product_types
     where products.product_type_id = product_types.product_type_id
     order by products.name; --查询所有产品的名称及类型


    select p.name, pt.name
      from products p, product_types pt
     where p.product_type_id = pt.product_type_id
     order by p.name;


    select pt.product_type_id,p.product_id from product_types pt,products p;


    select c.first_name, c.last_name, p.name as prodcut, pt.name as type
      from customers c, purchases pr, products p, product_types pt
     where c.customer_id = pr.customer_id
       and p.product_id = pr.product_id
       and p.product_type_id = pt.product_type_id
     order by p.name; --查询顾客购买信息


    select * from salary_grades;    --查询员工工资等级
    select * from employees;        --查询员工工资
    select e.first_name,e.last_name,e.title,e.salary,sg.salary_grade_id
    from employees e,salary_grades sg
    where e.salary between sg.low_salary and sg.high_salary
    order by salary_grade_id;        --查询员工的工资和工资等级

    23.左外连接 LEFT OUTER JOIN

    select p.name, pt.name
      from products p, product_types pt
     where p.product_type_id = pt.product_type_id(+)
     order by p.name;
    select p.name, pt.name
      from products p
      left outer join product_types pt
        on p.product_type_id = pt.product_type_id
     order by p.name; --SQL/92标准
    select p.name, pt.name
      from products p
      left outer join product_types pt
     using (product_type_id)
     order by p.name; --SQL/92标准

    24.右外连接 RIGHT OUTER JOIN

    select p.name, pt.name
      from products p, product_types pt
     where p.product_type_id(+) = pt.product_type_id
     order by p.name;
    select p.name, pt.name
      from products p
     right outer join product_types pt
        on p.product_type_id = pt.product_type_id
     order by p.name; --SQL/92标准
    select p.name, pt.name
      from products p
     right outer join product_types pt
     using (product_type_id)
     order by p.name; --SQL/92标准


    select * from employees;
    select w.first_name || ' ' || w.last_name || 'works for ' || m.first_name || ' ' ||
      from employees w, employees m
     where w.manager_id = m.employee_id
     order by w.first_name; --查询每个雇员及其管理者的名字


    select w.last_name || 'works for ' || nvl(m.last_name, 'the shareholders')
      from employees w, employees m
     where w.manager_id = m.employee_id(+)
     order by w.last_name; --查询每个雇员及其管理者名字,包括CEO


    select p.name, pt.name
      from products p, product_types pt
     where p.product_type_id = pt.product_type_id
     order by p.name; --where子句,SQL/86标准
    select p.name, pt.name
      from products p
     inner join product_types pt
        on p.product_type_id = pt.product_type_id
     order by p.name; --join子句,SQL/92标准
    select p.name, pt.name
      from products p
     inner join product_types pt
     using (product_type_id)
     order by p.name; --using子句,等值连接,且连接列同名
    select p.name, pt.name, product_type_id
      from products p
     inner join product_types pt
     using (product_type_id)
     order by p.name; --using子句引用列,不加表名或别名


    select e.first_name, e.last_name, e.title, e.salary, sg.salary_grade_id
      from employees e, salary_grades sg
     where e.salary between sg.low_salary and sg.high_salary
     order by salary_grade_id;
    select e.first_name, e.last_name, e.title, e.salary, sg.salary_grade_id
      from employees e
     inner join salary_grades sg
        on e.salary between sg.low_salary and sg.high_salary
     order by salary_grade_id;


    select c.first_name, c.last_name, p.name as prodcut, pt.name as type
      from customers c, purchases pr, products p, product_types pt
     where c.customer_id = pr.customer_id
       and p.product_id = pr.product_id
       and p.product_type_id = pt.product_type_id
     order by p.name; --where子句,SQL/86标准
    select c.first_name, c.last_name, p.name as prodcut, pt.name as type
      from customers c
     inner join purchases pr
     using (customer_id)
     inner join products p
     using (product_id)
     inner join product_types pt
     using (product_type_id)
     order by p.name; --join子句,SQL/92标准


    [1] Jason Price.精通Oracle Database 12c SQL&PLSQL编程(第3版).[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2014

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