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  • Working With Playbooks--Intro to Playbooks

    Intro to Playbooks


    About Playbooks


    Playbooks are a completely different way to use ansible than in adhoc task execution mode, and are particularly powerful.


    Simply put, playbooks are the basis for a really simple configuration management and multi-machine deployment system, unlike any that already exist, and one that is very well suited to deploying complex applications.


    Playbooks can declare configurations, but they can also orchestrate steps of any manual ordered process, even as different steps must bounce back and forth between sets of machines in particular orders. They can launch tasks synchronously or asynchronously.


    While you might run the main /usr/bin/ansible program for ad-hoc tasks, playbooks are more likely to be kept in source control and used to push out your configuration or assure the configurations of your remote systems are in spec.


    There are also some full sets of playbooks illustrating a lot of these techniques in the ansible-examples repository. We’d recommend looking at these in another tab as you go along.

    ansible-examples存储库中还有一些完整的手册说明了很多这些技术 我们建议您在另一个标签中查看这些内容。

    There are also many jumping off points after you learn playbooks, so hop back to the documentation index after you’re done with this section.


    Playbook Language Example


    Playbooks are expressed in YAML format (see YAML Syntax) and have a minimum of syntax, which intentionally tries to not be a programming language or script, but rather a model of a configuration or a process.


    Each playbook is composed of one or more ‘plays’ in a list.


    The goal of a play is to map a group of hosts to some well defined roles, represented by things ansible calls tasks. At a basic level, a task is nothing more than a call to an ansible module (see Working With Modules).


    By composing a playbook of multiple ‘plays’, it is possible to orchestrate multi-machine deployments, running certain steps on all machines in the webservers group, then certain steps on the database server group, then more commands back on the webservers group, etc.


    “plays” are more or less a sports analogy. You can have quite a lot of plays that affect your systems to do different things. It’s not as if you were just defining one particular state or model, and you can run different plays at different times.


    For starters, here’s a playbook that contains just one play:


    - hosts: webservers
        http_port: 80
        max_clients: 200
      remote_user: root
      - name: ensure apache is at the latest version 确保apache是最新版本
          name: httpd
          state: latest
      - name: write the apache config file 写apache是最新版本
          src: /srv/httpd.j2
          dest: /etc/httpd.conf
        - restart apache
      - name: ensure apache is running 确保apache正在进行
          name: httpd
          state: started
        - name: restart apache
            name: httpd
            state: restarted

    Playbooks can contain multiple plays. You may have a playbook that targets first the web servers, and then the database servers. For example:


    - hosts: webservers
      remote_user: root
      - name: ensure apache is at the latest version 确保apache是​​最新版本
          name: httpd
          state: latest
      - name: write the apache config file 编写apache配置文件
          src: /srv/httpd.j2
          dest: /etc/httpd.conf
    - hosts: databases
      remote_user: root
      - name: ensure postgresql is at the latest version 确保postgresql是最新版本
          name: postgresql
          state: latest
      - name: ensure that postgresql is started 确保postgresql启动
          name: postgresql
          state: started

    You can use this method to switch between the host group you’re targeting, the username logging into the remote servers, whether to sudo or not, and so forth. Plays, like tasks, run in the order specified in the playbook: top to bottom.


    Below, we’ll break down what the various features of the playbook language are.




    Hosts and Users


    For each play in a playbook, you get to choose which machines in your infrastructure to target and what remote user to complete the steps (called tasks) as.


    The hosts line is a list of one or more groups or host patterns, separated by colons, as described in the Working with Patterns documentation. The remote_user is just the name of the user account:

    hosts行是一个由冒号分隔的一个或多个组或主机模式的列表,如使用模式 文档中所述。remote_user只是用户帐户的名称:

    - hosts: webservers
      remote_user: root

    The remote_user parameter was formerly called just user. It was renamed in Ansible 1.4 to make it more distinguishable from the user module (used to create users on remote systems).

    remote_user参数以前只称为user它在Ansible 1.4中重命名,使其与用户模块(用于在远程系统上创建用户)更加区分

    Note 注意
    The remote_user parameter was formerly called just user. It was renamed in Ansible 1.4 to make it more distinguishable from the user module (used to create users on remote systems).
    该remote_user参数以前只称为user。它在Ansible 1.4中重命名,使其与用户模块(用于在远程系统上创建用户)更加区分。

    Remote users can also be defined per task:


    - hosts: webservers
      remote_user: root
        - name: test connection
          remote_user: yourname

    Support for running things as another user is also available (see Understanding Privilege Escalation):


    - hosts: webservers
      remote_user: yourname
      become: yes

    You can also use become on a particular task instead of the whole play:


    - hosts: webservers
      remote_user: yourname
        - service:
            name: nginx
            state: started
          become: yes
          become_method: sudo

    You can also login as you, and then become a user different than root:


    - hosts: webservers
      remote_user: yourname
      become: yes
      become_user: postgres

    You can also use other privilege escalation methods, like su:


    - hosts: webservers
      remote_user: yourname
      become: yes
      become_method: su

    If you need to specify a password to sudo, run ansible-playbook with --ask-become-pass or when using the old sudo syntax --ask-sudo-pass (-K). If you run a become playbook and the playbook seems to hang, it’s probably stuck at the privilege escalation prompt. Just Control-C to kill it and run it again adding the appropriate password.


    When using become_user to a user other than root, the module arguments are briefly written into a random tempfile in /tmp. These are deleted immediately after the command is executed. This only occurs when changing privileges from a user like ‘bob’ to ‘timmy’, not when going from ‘bob’ to ‘root’, or logging in directly as ‘bob’ or ‘root’. If it concerns you that this data is briefly readable (not writable), avoid transferring unencrypted passwords with become_user set. In other cases, /tmp is not used and this does not come into play. Ansible also takes care to not log password parameters.
    当使用become_user非root用户时,模块参数会被简单地写入随机的临时文件中/tmp。执行命令后立即删除它们。这种情况只发生在将用户从'bob'更改为'timmy'时的权限,而不是从'bob'更改为'root',或直接以'bob'或'root'身份登录时。如果您担心此数据可以短暂读取(不可写),请避免使用become_user设置传输未加密的密码 。在其他情况下,/tmp不使用,这不会发挥作用。Ansible还注意不记录密码参数。

    New in version 2.4.版本2.4中的新功能。

    You can also control the order in which hosts are run. The default is to follow the order supplied by the inventory:


    - hosts: all
      order: sorted
      gather_facts: False
        - debug:
            var: inventory_hostname

    Possible values for order are:


    The default. The order is ‘as provided’ by the inventory 
    As the name implies, this reverses the order ‘as provided’ by the inventory
    Hosts are alphabetically sorted by name
    Hosts are sorted by name in reverse alphabetical order
       Hosts are randomly ordered each run

    Tasks list


    Each play contains a list of tasks. Tasks are executed in order, one at a time, against all machines matched by the host pattern, before moving on to the next task. It is important to understand that, within a play, all hosts are going to get the same task directives. It is the purpose of a play to map a selection of hosts to tasks.


    When running the playbook, which runs top to bottom, hosts with failed tasks are taken out of the rotation for the entire playbook. If things fail, simply correct the playbook file and rerun.


    The goal of each task is to execute a module, with very specific arguments. Variables, as mentioned above, can be used in arguments to modules.


    Modules should be idempotent, that is, running a module multiple times in a sequence should have the same effect as running it just once. One way to achieve idempotency is to have a module check whether its desired final state has already been achieved, and if that state has been achieved, to exit without performing any actions. If all the modules a playbook uses are idempotent, then the playbook itself is likely to be idempotent, so re-running the playbook should be safe.


    The command and shell modules will typically rerun the same command again, which is totally ok if the command is something like chmod or setsebool, etc. Though there is a creates flag available which can be used to make these modules also idempotent.

    commandshell模块通常会再次运行相同的命令,这是完全确定的,如果命令是一样的东西 chmod还是setsebool等虽然有一个creates可用的标志,它可以用来让这些模块也幂等。

    Every task should have a name, which is included in the output from running the playbook. This is human readable output, and so it is useful to provide good descriptions of each task step. If the name is not provided though, the string fed to ‘action’ will be used for output.


    Tasks can be declared using the legacy action: module options format, but it is recommended that you use the more conventional module: options format. This recommended format is used throughout the documentation, but you may encounter the older format in some playbooks.

    可以使用旧格式声明任务,但建议您使用更传统的格式。在整个文档中使用了此推荐格式,但在某些剧本中可能会遇到旧格式。action: module optionsmodule: options

    Here is what a basic task looks like. As with most modules, the service module takes key=value arguments:

      - name: make sure apache is running
          name: httpd
          state: started

    The command and shell modules are the only modules that just take a list of arguments and don’t use the key=value form. This makes them work as simply as you would expect:

    command shell 模块是只取参数列表,并没有使用唯一的模块key=value形式。这使它们像您期望的那样工作:

      - name: enable selinux
        command: /sbin/setenforce 1

    The command and shell module care about return codes, so if you have a command whose successful exit code is not zero, you may wish to do this:

    command shell 模块关心的返回码,所以如果你有一个命令,其成功退出码不为零,你不妨这样做:

      - name: run this command and ignore the result
        shell: /usr/bin/somecommand || /bin/true

    Or this:


      - name: run this command and ignore the result
        shell: /usr/bin/somecommand
        ignore_errors: True

    If the action line is getting too long for comfort you can break it on a space and indent any continuation lines:


      - name: Copy ansible inventory file to client
        copy: src=/etc/ansible/hosts dest=/etc/ansible/hosts
                owner=root group=root mode=0644

    Variables can be used in action lines. Suppose you defined a variable called vhost in the vars section, you could do this:


      - name: create a virtual host file for {{ vhost }}
          src: somefile.j2
          dest: /etc/httpd/conf.d/{{ vhost }}

    Those same variables are usable in templates, which we’ll get to later.


    Now in a very basic playbook all the tasks will be listed directly in that play, though it will usually make more sense to break up tasks as described in Creating Reusable Playbooks.


    Action Shorthand


    New in version 0.8.


    Ansible prefers listing modules like this:


        src: templates/foo.j2
        dest: /etc/foo.conf

    Early versions of Ansible used the following format, which still works:


    action: template src=templates/foo.j2 dest=/etc/foo.conf

    Handlers: Running Operations On Change


    As we’ve mentioned, modules should be idempotent and can relay when they have made a change on the remote system. Playbooks recognize this and have a basic event system that can be used to respond to change.


    These ‘notify’ actions are triggered at the end of each block of tasks in a play, and will only be triggered once even if notified by multiple different tasks.


    For instance, multiple resources may indicate that apache needs to be restarted because they have changed a config file, but apache will only be bounced once to avoid unnecessary restarts.


    Here’s an example of restarting two services when the contents of a file change, but only if the file changes:


    - name: template configuration file
        src: template.j2
        dest: /etc/foo.conf
         - restart memcached
         - restart apache

    The things listed in the notify section of a task are called handlers.


    Handlers are lists of tasks, not really any different from regular tasks, that are referenced by a globally unique name, and are notified by notifiers. If nothing notifies a handler, it will not run. Regardless of how many tasks notify a handler, it will run only once, after all of the tasks complete in a particular play.


    Here’s an example handlers section:


        - name: restart memcached
            name: memcached
            state: restarted
        - name: restart apache
            name: apache
            state: restarted

    As of Ansible 2.2, handlers can also “listen” to generic topics, and tasks can notify those topics as follows:

    从Ansible 2.2开始,处理程序也可以“监听”通用主题,任务可以通知如下主题:

        - name: restart memcached
            name: memcached
            state: restarted
          listen: "restart web services"
        - name: restart apache
            name: apache
          listen: "restart web services"
        - name: restart everything
          command: echo "this task will restart the web services"
          notify: "restart web services"

    This use makes it much easier to trigger multiple handlers. It also decouples handlers from their names, making it easier to share handlers among playbooks and roles (especially when using 3rd party roles from a shared source like Galaxy).


    Notify handlers are always run in the same order they are defined, not in the order listed in the notify-statement. This is also the case for handlers using listen.
    Handler names and listen topics live in a global namespace.
    If two handler tasks have the same name, only one will run. *
    如果两个处理程序任务具有相同的名称,则只运行一个。 *
    You cannot notify a handler that is defined inside of an include. As of Ansible 2.1, this does work, however the include must be static.
    您无法通知在include内定义的处理程序。从Ansible 2.1开始,这确实有效,但是include必须是静态的。


    Roles are described later on, but it’s worthwhile to point out that:


    • handlers notified within pre_taskstasks, and post_tasks sections are automatically flushed in the end of section where they were notified;
    • 处理程序中通知pre_taskstasks以及post_tasks部分是在那里他们被通知部的端部自动刷新;
    • handlers notified within roles section are automatically flushed in the end of tasks section, but before any taskshandlers.
    • roles部分内通知的处理程序在部分末尾自动刷新tasks,但在任何tasks处理程序之前。

    If you ever want to flush all the handler commands immediately you can do this:


       - shell: some tasks go here
       - meta: flush_handlers
       - shell: some other tasks

    In the above example any queued up handlers would be processed early when the meta statement was reached. This is a bit of a niche case but can come in handy from time to time.

    在上面的示例中,任何排队的处理程序将在meta 到达语句时尽早处理这是一个利基案例,但可以不时派上用场。

    Executing A Playbook

    Now that you’ve learned playbook syntax, how do you run a playbook? It’s simple. Let’s run a playbook using a parallelism level of 10:


    ansible-playbook playbook.yml -f 10


    Should you want to invert the architecture of Ansible, so that nodes check in to a central location, instead of pushing configuration out to them, you can.


    The ansible-pull is a small script that will checkout a repo of configuration instructions from git, and then run ansible-playbook against that content.


    Assuming you load balance your checkout location, ansible-pull scales essentially infinitely.


    Run ansible-pull --help for details.

    运行详细信息。ansible-pull --help

    There’s also a clever playbook available to configure ansible-pull via a crontab from push mode.

    还有一个聪明的手册可以ansible-pull通过推送模式从crontab 进行配置

    Tips and Tricks


    To check the syntax of a playbook, use ansible-playbook with the --syntax-check flag. This will run the playbook file through the parser to ensure its included files, roles, etc. have no syntax problems.


    Look at the bottom of the playbook execution for a summary of the nodes that were targeted and how they performed. General failures and fatal “unreachable” communication attempts are kept separate in the counts.


    If you ever want to see detailed output from successful modules as well as unsuccessful ones, use the --verbose flag. This is available in Ansible 0.5 and later.

    如果您想查看成功模块以及不成功模块的详细输出,请使用该--verbose标志。这在Ansible 0.5及更高版本中可用。

    To see what hosts would be affected by a playbook before you run it, you can do this:


    ansible-playbook playbook.yml --list-hosts

    See also 也可以看看

    YAML Syntax
    Learn about YAML syntax 了解YAML语法
    Best Practices
    Various tips about managing playbooks in the real world 关于在现实世界中管理剧本的各种提示
    All modules
    Learn about available modules 了解可用的模块
    Developing Modules
    Learn how to extend Ansible by writing your own modules 了解如何通过编写自己的模块来扩展Ansible
    Working with Patterns 
    Learn about how to select hosts 了解如何选择主机
    Github examples directory
    Complete end-to-end playbook examples 完整的端到端剧本示例
    Mailing List
    Questions? Help? Ideas? Stop by the list on Google Groups 有问题吗?帮帮我?想法?停止在Google网上论坛列表中
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cevinchen/p/9571578.html
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