linux发行版(OS)=linux kernel➕外围软件(meta data);
应用镜像=基础镜像rootfs(meta data)➕应用程序image分层(文件);
Usage: docker image COMMAND Manage images Commands: build Build an image from a Dockerfile history Show the history of an image import Import the contents from a tarball to create a filesystem image inspect Display detailed information on one or more images load Load an image from a tar archive or STDIN ls List images prune Remove unused images pull Pull an image or a repository from a registry push Push an image or a repository to a registry rm Remove one or more images save Save one or more images to a tar archive (streamed to STDOUT by default) tag Create a tag TARGET_IMAGE that refers to SOURCE_IMAGE Usage: docker images [OPTIONS] [REPOSITORY[:TAG]] List images Options: -a, --all Show all images (default hides intermediate images) --digests Show digests -f, --filter filter Filter output based on conditions provided --format string Pretty-print images using a Go template --no-trunc Don't truncate output -q, --quiet Only show numeric IDs
docker images #列出所有镜像;
docker image ls #列出所有镜像;
docker image ls -q #列出所有镜像id;
docker image rm alpine #删除latest版本的镜像;
docker image rm alpine:3.14 #删除镜像alpine:3.14;
docker rmi alpine #简写方式:删除latest版本的镜像;
mkdir /root/hello/ cd /root/hello/ cat <<eof> hello.c #include<stdio.h> int main() { printf("hello world! from chalon."); } eof yum -y install gcc glibc glibc-static #编译c语言程序需要gcc编译器及glibc库文件; gcc -static hello.c -o hello #编译c语言程序为二进制执行文件; ./hello #测试二进制程序; cat <<eof> dockerfile FROM scratch #基础镜像为空; ADD hello / #将本目录下hello程序添加进镜像根目录; CMD ["/hello"] #运行容器时默认执行/hello程序; eof docker build -t chalon/hello-world:v1 ./ #在当前目录下构建image; docker history chalon/hello-world:v1 #查看镜像历史记录,确认镜像分层layer为2; docker image ls;ll -h #image基于hello创建,文件大小差别不大; docker run chalon/hello-world:v1 #启动image运行容器;
案例 3 本地自建仓库,并上传、拉取、管理镜像
##镜像拉取采用https协议,因此本地仓库需要在配置中写明为insecure-registries; cat <<eof> /etc/docker/daemon.json { "exec-opts":["native.cgroupdriver=systemd"], "log-driver":"json-file", "log-opts":{ "max-size":"100m" }, "experimental": true, "registry-mirrors": ["https://docker.mirrors.ustc.edu.cn"], "insecure-registries": ["localhost:50000"] } eof sed -i '/[Service]/aEnvironmentFile=/etc/docker/daemon.json' /lib/systemd/system/docker.service #设置docker.service的启动配置文件为/etc/docker/daemon.json; systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl restart docker docker run -d -p 50000:5000 --restart always --name chalon_registry registry #创建本地仓库chalon_registry; docker pull alpine docker tag alpine localhost:50000/alpine:v1 #重新标记镜像为本地仓库的镜像; docker push localhost:50000/alpine:v1 #推送镜像至本地仓库; docker rmi localhost:50000/alpine:v1 && docker images #删除测试镜像; docker pull localhost:50000/alpine:v1 && docker images #测试从本地仓库拉取镜像; docker exec -it chalon_registry ls /var/lib/registry/docker/registry/v2/repositories/ #登录自建仓库查看仓库镜像明细; curl http://localhost:50000/v2/_catalog #查看本地仓库的images目录; curl http://localhost:50000/v2/alpine/tags/list #查看本地仓库的image的版本信息; ##其他node测试本地仓库是否可用; cat <<eof> /etc/docker/daemon.json { "exec-opts":["native.cgroupdriver=systemd"], "log-driver":"json-file", "log-opts":{ "max-size":"100m" }, "experimental": true, "registry-mirrors": ["https://docker.mirrors.ustc.edu.cn"], "insecure-registries": [""] } eof sed -i '/[Service]/aEnvironmentFile=/etc/docker/daemon.json' /lib/systemd/system/docker.service #设置docker.service的启动配置文件为/etc/docker/daemon.json; systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl restart docker docker pull && docker images