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  • 【Machine Learning in Action --2】K-近邻算法构造手写识别系统









    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    from numpy import *     #引入科学计算包numpy
    from os import listdir
    import operator         #经典python函数库,运算符模块
    def classifyO(inX,dataSet,labels,k):     
        dataSetSize=dataSet.shape[0] #得到数组的行数,即知道有几个训练数据
        diffMat=tile(inX,(dataSetSize,1))-dataSet  #tile是numpy中的函数,tile将原来的一个数组,扩充成了4个一样的数组;diffMat得到目标与训练数值之间的差值
        sqDiffMat=diffMat**2         #各个元素分别平方
        distances=sqDistances**0.5   #开方,得到距离
        sortedDistIndicies=distances.argsort()  #升序排列
        for i in range(k):
        return sortedClassCount[0][0]
    def img2vector(filename):
        for i in range(32):
            for j in range(32):
        return returnVect


    >>> import kNN
    >>> testVector=kNN.img2vector('digits/testDigits/0_13.txt') #根据自己的目录写
    >>> testVector[0,0:31]
    array([ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,
            0.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,
            0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.])
    >>> testVector[0,32:63]
    array([ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  1.,
            1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,
            0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.])


      我们已经将数据处理成分类器可以识别的格式,现在要做的是将这些数据输入到分类器,检查分类器的执行结果。handwritingClassTest()是测试分类器的代码,将其写入kNN.py文件中。在写入之前,保证将from os import listdir写入文件的起始部分。这段代码主要功能是从os模块中导入函数listdir,它可以列出给定目录的文件名。

    def handwritingClassTest():
        trainingFileList=listdir('E:\python excise\digits\trainingDigits')
        for i in range(m):
            trainingMat[i,:]=img2vector('digits/trainingDigits/%s' %fileNameStr)
        testFileList=listdir('E:/python excise/digits/testDigits')
        for i in range(mTest):
            print "the classifier came back with:%d,the real answeris:%d" %(classifierResult,classNumStr)
            if(classifierResult !=classNumStr):errorCount+=1.0
        print "
    the total number of error is:%d"%errorCount
        print "
    the total error rate is:%f"%(errorCount/float(mTest))

      解释:将E:\python excise\digits\trainingDigits目录中的文件内容存储到列表trainingFileList中,然后可以得到文件中有有多少文件,并将其存储在变量m中。接着,代码创建一个m行1024列的训练矩阵,该矩阵的每行数据存储一个图像。我们可以从文件名中解析出分类数字,该目录下的文件按照规则命名,如文件9_45.txt的分类是9,它是数字9的第45个实例。然后我们可以将类代码存储到hwLabels向量中,使用前面的img2vector函数载入图像。

      下一步中,对E:/python excise/digits/testDigits目录中文件执行相似的操作,不同的是我们并不将这个目录下的文件载入矩阵,而是使用classifyO()函数测试该目录下的每个文件。由于文件中的值已经在0和1之间,所以不用归一化。


    >>> kNN.handwritingClassTest()
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
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    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
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    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
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    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
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    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
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    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
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    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:0,the real answeris:0
    the classifier came back with:1,the real answeris:1
    the classifier came back with:1,the real answeris:1
    the classifier came back with:1,the real answeris:1
    the classifier came back with:1,the real answeris:1
    the classifier came back with:9,the real answeris:9
    the classifier came back with:9,the real answeris:9
    the classifier came back with:9,the real answeris:9
    the classifier came back with:9,the real answeris:9
    the classifier came back with:9,the real answeris:9
    the classifier came back with:9,the real answeris:9
    the classifier came back with:9,the real answeris:9
    the classifier came back with:9,the real answeris:9
    the classifier came back with:9,the real answeris:9
    the classifier came back with:9,the real answeris:9
    the classifier came back with:9,the real answeris:9
    the classifier came back with:9,the real answeris:9
    the classifier came back with:9,the real answeris:9
    the classifier came back with:9,the real answeris:9
    the classifier came back with:9,the real answeris:9
    the total number of error is:11
    the total error rate is:0.011628



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/chamie/p/4830643.html
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