- 19 - My trip to Walmart and Sets
Sets : 1,in curve brace {} ,2 have no duplicate
groceries = {'beer', 'cereal','milk','apple', 'avacodo', 'beer'} print(groceries, groceries.__len__()) if 'cereal' in groceries: print('We have got milk')
C:Users30478AppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython36python.exe C:/Users/30478/PycharmProjects/YouTubeTutorial/ {'beer', 'avacodo', 'cereal', 'milk', 'apple'} 5 We have got milk Process finished with exit code 0
----20 - Dictionary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
a dictionary in python is a Key Value pair.
classmates = {'Tony': "iron man", 'Emma': "pretty girl", 'Charles': "ProfessorX", 'Rogen':"Wolf"} #print(classmates) #print(classmates['Tony']) for x, y in classmates.items(): print(x+" is "+y)
C:Users30478AppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython36python.exe C:/Users/30478/PycharmProjects/YouTubeTutorial/ Tony is iron man Emma is pretty girl Charles is ProfessorX Rogen is Wolf Process finished with exit code 0
----21 - Modules ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Modules:a set of a bounch of function.
usage of Modules:import module
def tsushi(fish): print(fish+" can be used to cook Tsushi")
import feel import random feel.tsushi("tuna") x = random.randrange(1, 100) print(x)
C:Users30478AppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython36python.exe C:/Users/30478/PycharmProjects/YouTubeTutorial/ tuna can be used to cook Tsushi 19 Process finished with exit code 0
----22 - Download an Image from the Web ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IDE: JetBrains PyCharm Community Edition 2017.2 x64:
file-setting - project Name( chose the one you want to use)-project interpreter :
1) on the right ,is downloaded modules form web
2) + ,install module(downloaded),could select
3) - ,uninstall module
use random to generate a random number as a img name
use urllib.request to download
image will be download,and stored in project folder.
import random import urllib.request def download_webImage(url): name = random.randrange(1,1000) #str(number) convert a number to string full_name = str(name) + ".jpg" urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, full_name) download_webImage("")
----23 - How to Read and Write Files ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
fw = open('stamp.txt', 'w') fw.write('this syntx well first create a new file named stamp.txt ') fw.write('Try write something into a file ') fw.close() fr = open('C:/Users/30478/Desktop/stamp.txt', 'r') text = print(text) fr.close()
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this syntx well first create a new file named stamp.txt
Try write something into a file
Process finished with exit code 0
this syntx well first create a new file named stamp.txt
Try write something into a file
----24 - Downloading Files from the Web ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
而斜杠在Python的字符串中有转义的作用。例如: 表示换行如果路径中有 ew就会被转义。加上r就是为了避免这种情况。
from urllib import request goog_url = "" def download(csv_url): response = request.urlopen(csv_url) csv = csv_str = str(csv) lines = csv_str.split("\n") filename = r"goog.csv" fw = open(filename, "w") for line in lines: fw.write(line+' ') fw.close() download(goog_url)
----Tutorial - 25-27 - How to Build a Web Crawler (3/3) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup def trade_spider(max_pages): page = 1 while page <= max_pages: url = "" "&page=" + str(page) print(url) source_code = requests.get(url) plain_text = source_code.text soup = BeautifulSoup(plain_text, "html.parser") #for link in soup.find_all('a', {'class': 'item-name'}): for link in soup.find_all('a'): href = link.get('href') #print(href) if href is None: break print(href[0: 6]) print("!!!" + href[0: 6] is 'thread') #if href[0: 6] is 'thread': is variable the same memory,== value is same if href[0: 6] == 'thread': print(href[0: 6]) print("!!!" + href) get_single_item_data("" + href) page += 1 def get_single_item_data(item_url): sourse_code = requests.get(item_url) plain_text = sourse_code.text soup = BeautifulSoup(plain_text) for item_name in soup.findAll('span', {'id': 'thread_subject'}): print(item_name.string) trade_spider(1)
---- 28 - You are the only Exception ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def x1(): tuna = int(input("input a number: ")) print(tuna) def xxx(): # go loop until get a number input while True: try: number = int(input("input a number: ")) print(18/number) break #excpetion except ValueError: print("Make sure enter a number") except ZeroDivisionError: print("Don't pick zero") #general exception except: break #try - except - finally(always executed ) finally: print("Input is over.") xxx()
C:Users30478AppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython36python.exe C:/Users/30478/PycharmProjects/YouTubeTutorial/ input a number: x Make sure enter a number Input is over. input a number: x Make sure enter a number Input is over. input a number: 0 Don't pick zero Input is over. input a number: 7 Make sure enter a number Input is over. input a number: 2.5714285714285716 Input is over. Process finished with exit code 0
----29 - Classes and Objects------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Enemy: life = 3 def attact(self): print("It's painful!") -= 1 def checkLife(self): if <= 0: print('Game Over!') else: print(str( + "life left") #use class by made object ,ememy1 is a object of ememy class ememy1 = Enemy() ememy2 = Enemy() ememy1.attact() ememy1.attact() ememy2.attact() ememy1.checkLife() ememy2.checkLife()
C:Users30478AppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython36python.exe C:/Users/30478/PycharmProjects/YouTubeTutorial/ It's painful! It's painful! It's painful! 1life left 2life left Process finished with exit code 0
----30 - init ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class tuna: def __init__(self): print("Game start!") def checkLife(self, si): print(si) #use class by made object ememy1 = tuna() ememy1.checkLife("sssss ssss") class Enemy: def __init__(self,x): = x def get_energy(self): print( json = Enemy(10) andy = Enemy(90) json.get_energy() andy.get_energy()
C:Users30478AppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython36python.exe C:/Users/30478/PycharmProjects/YouTubeTutorial/ Game start! sssss ssss 10 90 Process finished with exit code 0
----31 - Class vs Instance Variables------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class girl: gender = "girl" def __init__(self, name): = name ammy = girl("ammy") anna = girl("anna") #gender is a class variable,name is a instance variable print( + " is a " + ammy.gender) print( + " is a " + anna.gender)
C:Users30478AppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython36python.exe C:/Users/30478/PycharmProjects/YouTubeTutorial/ ammy is a girl anna is a girl Process finished with exit code 0
----32 - Inheritance------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Parent(): def print_last_name(self): print("Robert") def print_middle_name(self): print("alean") class Child(Parent): def print_first_name(self): print("Charly") #overwrite def print_middle_name(self): print("Blue") charly = Child() charly.print_first_name() charly.print_middle_name() charly.print_last_name()
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Process finished with exit code 0
inherit a class from other python file
class Parent: def print_last_name(self): print("Robert") def print_middle_name(self): print("alean")
import parent class Child(parent.Parent): def print_first_name(self): print("Charly") #overwrite def print_middle_name(self): print("Blue") charly = Child() charly.print_first_name() charly.print_middle_name() charly.print_last_name()
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Process finished with exit code 0
----33 - Multiple Inheritance------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Parent(): def print_last_name(self): print("Robert") def print_middle_name(self): print("alean") class Study(): def object1(self): print("I am good at math")
import parent #pass :in class need a line of code ,but not want do anything,just write pass,fix the syntxerror class Child(parent.Parent, parent.Study): pass charly = Child() charly.print_middle_name() charly.print_last_name() charly.object1()
C:Users30478AppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython36python.exe C:/Users/30478/PycharmProjects/YouTubeTutorial/
I am good at math
Process finished with exit code 0
----34 - threading-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import threading class Clcthread(threading.Thread): #if we don't want to use variable just put a '_' over there def run(self): for _ in range(10): print('Loop for 10 times' + threading.current_thread().getName()) x = Clcthread(name="Run thread 1") y = Clcthread(name="Run thread 2") x.start() y.start()
C:Users30478AppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython36python.exe C:/Users/30478/PycharmProjects/YouTubeTutorial/ Loop for 10 timesRun thread 1 Loop for 10 timesRun thread 1 Loop for 10 timesRun thread 1 Loop for 10 timesRun thread 1 Loop for 10 timesRun thread 2 Loop for 10 timesRun thread 1 Loop for 10 timesRun thread 2 Loop for 10 timesRun thread 1 Loop for 10 timesRun thread 2 Loop for 10 timesRun thread 1 Loop for 10 timesRun thread 2 Loop for 10 timesRun thread 1 Loop for 10 timesRun thread 2 Loop for 10 timesRun thread 1 Loop for 10 timesRun thread 2 Loop for 10 timesRun thread 1 Loop for 10 timesRun thread 2 Loop for 10 timesRun thread 2 Loop for 10 timesRun thread 2 Loop for 10 timesRun thread 2 Process finished with exit code 0
----38 - Unpack List or Tuples------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tuples 数组
package =['December 25', '2017', '2000'] date, year, price = package print(date) #python cookbook def drop_first_last(grades): first, *middle, last = grades avg = sum(middle)/len(middle) print(len(middle), "students", avg, "on avg score") drop_first_last([65, 76, 88, 91, 98, 100])
first, *middle, last = sorted(grades) it drops minimum and maximum values.
C:Users30478AppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython36python.exe C:/Users/30478/PycharmProjects/YouTubeTutorial/ December 25 4 students 88.25 on avg score Process finished with exit code 0
----Python Programming Tutorial - 40 - Lamdba -----------------------------
#lambda: small function without name. answer = lambda x: x*7 print(answer(5))
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