注: 以下来自 <<HeadFirst JavaScript 程序设计>> 人民邮电出处社, 袁国忠译
- 如果在函数体没有用var声明变量, 这个变量会被当作是全局变量.
function playTrun(player, location) { points = 0; //使用未声明的变量, 它会被自动视为全局变量 if (location == 1){ points = points + 100; } return points }
- 如果局部变量与全局变量同名, 全局变量会被遮住.
var beanCounter = 10; function getNumberOfItems(ordertype) { var beanCounter = 0; if (ordertype == "order" { console.log("ordertype: " + ordertype); } return beanCounter; //在函数中每次使用的都是局部变量beanCounter. 全局变量和局部变量不会互相影响, 修改一个不会影响到另一个. }
例: 取出数组中最大值和所有最大值的索引.
function sort(){ var scores = [60,50,60,58,54,54,58,50,52,54,48,69,34,55,51,52,44,51,69,64,66,55,52,61,46,31,57,52,44,18,41,53,55,61,51,44]; var element = scores[0]; for (let index = 0; index < scores.length; index++) { var temp = scores[index]; // console.log(scores[index+1]) if (temp > element){ element = temp; } else { continue; } } console.log(element) var i = []; for (let index = 0; index < scores.length; index++) { if (scores[index] == element){ i.push(index); } } i.forEach(element => { console.log(element) }); } sort()
var fiat = { drive: function(){ if (this.started){ if (this.fuel > 0){ alert (this.make + " " + this.model + "goes zoom zoom!"); this.fuel = this.fuel-1; } else { alert("Uh oh, out of fuel"); this.stop(); } } else { alert("You need to start the engine first.") } }, addFuel: function(amount){ this.fuel = this.fuel + amount; } } fiat.drive()
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge"> <title>Document</title> </head> <body> <h1>Dog Bark!</h1> <p id="code1">The eagle is in the</p> <p id="code2">The fox is in the</p> <p id="code3">snuck into the garden last night</p> <p id="code4">They said it would rain</p> <p id="code5">Does the red robin crow at</p> <script src = "test001.js"> </script> </body> </html>
2. JS脚本
var access = document.getElementById("code3"); var code = access.innerHTML; code = code + "midnight"; alert(code);
回调函数(事件处理程序 event handler) callback:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge"> <title>Document</title> <style>.redtext{color: red}</style> <!-- 设置属性redtext值颜色为红色--> </head> <body> <script src = "test001.js"> </script> <h1>Dog Bark!</h1> <p id="code1">The eagle is in the</p> <p id="code2">The fox is in the</p> <p id="code3">snuck into the garden last night</p> <p id="code4">They said it would rain</p> <p id="code5">Does the red robin crow at</p> </body> </html>
2. JS
function init() { var abc = document.getElementById("code1"); abc.innerHTML = "I am Satan"; abc.setAttribute("class", "redtext"); //定义属性redtext, 以便在网页中为该属性值设置颜色. } window.onload = init; //确保网页加载完成之后, 会执行回调函数. 这样无论<script>标签是放在body其它代码前面还是后面, script标签里的内容都能够被执行.