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  • 功能齐全轮播

    (function ($) {
      $.fn.swipeslider = function (options) {
        var slideContainer = this;
        var slider = this.find('.sw-slides'); // reference to slider
        var defaultSettings = {
          / How long one slide will change the other.
          transitionDuration: 500,
          / Enable autoplay
          // autoPlay: false,
          autoPlay: true,
          * How frequently slides will be changed.
          autoPlayTimeout: 10000,
          * Transition effect.
          timingFunction: 'ease-out',
          * Show 'Next' and 'Previous' buttons.
          prevNextButtons: true,
          * Show slide switches.
          bullets: true,
          * Enable swipe function.
          swipe: true,
          * Overall height of the slider. Set it to percent to make it responsive.
          * Otherwise the slider will keep the height.
    //    sliderHeight: '35%'
        var settings = $.extend(defaultSettings, options);
        // Privates //
        /** Sliding states:
        * 0 - sliding not started
        * 1 - sliding started
        * 2 - slide released
        var slidingState = 0;
        var startClientX = 0;
        var startPixelOffset = 0;
        var pixelOffset = 0;
        var currentSlide = 0;
        var slideCount = 0;
        // Overall width of sliders.
        var slidesWidth = 0;
        // Flag for disbling swipe function while transition animation is playing.
        var allowSwipe = true;
        var transitionDuration = settings.transitionDuration;
        var swipe = settings.swipe;
        var autoPlayTimeout = settings.autoPlayTimeout;
        // ID of timeout function that waits for animation to end.
        var animationDelayID = undefined;
        var allowSlideSwitch = true;
        var autoPlay = settings.autoPlay;
        * Set initial values.
        (function init() {
          $(slideContainer).css('padding-top', settings.sliderHeight);
          slidesWidth = slider.width();
          // Change slide width when window changes.
          if(settings.prevNextButtons) {
          // Add last slide before first and first before last to seamless and engless transition
          slideCount = slider.find('.sw-slide').length;
          if(settings.bullets) {
            insertBullets(slideCount - 2);
          if(swipe) {
            // Add event handlers to react when user swipe.
            slider.on('mousedown touchstart', swipeStart);
            $('html').on('mouseup touchend', swipeEnd);
            $('html').on('mousemove touchmove', swiping);
          // Jump to slide 1 (since another slide was added to the beginning of row);
        function resizeSlider(){
          // Slide width is being changed automatically. Tough slidesWidth used to calculate a distance of transition effect.
          slidesWidth = slider.width();
        function swipeStart(event) {
          if(!allowSwipe) {
          // If it is mobile device redefine event to first touch point
          if (event.originalEvent.touches)
            event = event.originalEvent.touches[0];
          // Check if slide started on slider 
          if (slidingState == 0){
            slidingState = 1; // Status 1 = slide started.
            startClientX = event.clientX;
        /** Triggers when user continues swipe.
        * @param event browser event object
        function swiping(event) {
          var pointerData;
          // Get pointer data from event.
          if (event.originalEvent.touches) {
            pointerData = event.originalEvent.touches[0];
          } else {
            pointerData = event;
          // Distance of slide from the first touch
          var deltaSlide = pointerData.clientX - startClientX;
          // If sliding started first time and there was a distance.
          if (slidingState == 1 && deltaSlide != 0) {
            slidingState = 2; // Set status to 'actually moving'
            startPixelOffset = currentSlide * -slidesWidth; // Store current offset of slide
          //  When user move image
          if (slidingState == 2) {
            event.preventDefault(); // Disable default action to prevent unwanted selection. Can't prevent touches.
            // Means that user slide 1 pixel for every 1 pixel of mouse movement.
            var touchPixelRatio = 1;
            // Check for user doesn't slide out of boundaries
            if ((currentSlide == 0 && pointerData.clientX > startClientX) ||
               (currentSlide == slideCount - 1 && pointerData.clientX < startClientX)) {
              // Set ratio to 3 means image will be moving by 3 pixels each time user moves it's pointer by 1 pixel. (Rubber-band effect)
              touchPixelRatio = 3;
            // How far to translate slide while dragging.
            pixelOffset = startPixelOffset + deltaSlide / touchPixelRatio;
            // Apply moving and remove animation class
        function swipeEnd(event) {
          if (slidingState == 2) {
            // Reset sliding state.
            slidingState = 0;
            // Calculate which slide need to be in view.
            currentSlide = pixelOffset < startPixelOffset ? currentSlide + 1 : currentSlide -1;
            // Make sure that unexisting slides weren't selected.
            currentSlide = Math.min(Math.max(currentSlide, 0), slideCount - 1);
            // Since in this example slide is full viewport width offset can be calculated according to it.
            pixelOffset = currentSlide * -slidesWidth;
          slidingState = 0;
        function disableSwipe() {
          allowSwipe = false;
          window.setTimeout(enableSwipe, transitionDuration)
        function enableSwipe() {
          allowSwipe = true;
        function disableAutoPlay() {
          allowSlideSwitch = false;
        function enableAutoPlay() {
          if(autoPlay) {
            allowSlideSwitch = true;
        function startAutoPlay() {
          if(allowSlideSwitch) {
            animationDelayID = window.setTimeout(performAutoPlay, autoPlayTimeout);
        function performAutoPlay() {
        function switchForward() {
          currentSlide += 1;
        function switchBackward() {
          currentSlide -= 1;
        function switchSlide() {
          translateX(-currentSlide * slidesWidth);
          if(currentSlide == 0) {
            window.setTimeout(jumpToEnd, transitionDuration);
          } else if (currentSlide == slideCount - 1) {
            window.setTimeout(jumpToStart, transitionDuration);
        function jumpToStart() {
        function jumpToEnd() {
          jumpToSlide(slideCount - 2);
        function jumpToSlide(slideNumber) {
          currentSlide = slideNumber;
          translateX(-slidesWidth * currentSlide);
          window.setTimeout(returnTransitionAfterJump, 50);
        function returnTransitionAfterJump() {
        function enableTransition(enable) {
          if (enable) {
          } else {
        function translateX(distance) {
          // Prefixes are being set automatically.
      //      .css('-webkit-transform','translateX(' + distance + 'px)')
      //      .css('-ms-transform','translateX(' + distance + 'px)')
            .css('transform','translateX(' + distance + 'px)');
        function setTransitionDuration(duration) {
      //      .css('-webkit-transition-duration', duration + 'ms')
            .css('transition-duration', duration + 'ms');
        function setTimingFunction(functionDescription) {
      //      .css('-webkit-transition-timing-function', functionDescription)
            .css('transition-timing-function', functionDescription);
        function setTransitionProperty(property) {
      //      .css('-webkit-transition-property', property)
            .css('transition-property', property);
        function insertPrevNextButtons() {
          slider.after('<span class="sw-next-prev sw-prev"></span>');
          slider.after('<span class="sw-next-prev sw-next"></span>');
            if(allowSlideSwitch) {
        function insertBullets(count) {
          slider.after('<ul class="sw-bullet"></ul>');
          var bulletList = slider.parent().find('.sw-bullet');
          for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            if (i == 0) {
              bulletList.append('<li class="sw-slide-' + i + ' active"></li>');
            } else {
              bulletList.append('<li class="sw-slide-' + i + '"></li>');
            var item = slideContainer.find('.sw-slide-' + i);
            (function(lockedIndex) {
              item.click(function() {
                // Disable autoplay on time of transition.
                currentSlide = lockedIndex + 1;
        function setActiveBullet(number) {
          var activeBullet = 0;
          if(number == 0) {
            activeBullet = slideCount - 3;
          } else if (number == slideCount - 1) {
            activeBullet = 0;
          } else {
            activeBullet = number - 1;
          slideContainer.find('.sw-slide-' + activeBullet).addClass('active');
        return slideContainer;    
    <div class="container">
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                        <li class="sw-slide">
                            <!--<img src="img/children_game_concept01.jpg" alt="Concept for children game">-->
                        <li class="sw-slide">
                            <!--<img src="img/children_game_concept02.jpg" alt="Another Concept for children game">-->
                        <li class="sw-slide">
                            <img src="img/lang_yie_ar_kung_fu.jpg" alt="Another Concept for children game">
                        <li class="sw-slide">
                            <!--<img src="img/borderlands_tiny_tina.jpg" alt="Another Concept for children game">-->
                        <li class="sw-slide">
                            <!--<img src="img/summer_beach.jpg" alt="Another Concept for children game">-->
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/chen527/p/10592676.html
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