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  • Python开发中国象棋实战(附源码)


    Pygame 做的中国象棋,一直以来喜欢下象棋,写了 python 就拿来做一个试试,水平有限,电脑走法水平低,需要在下次版本中更新电脑走法,希望源码能帮助大家更好的学习 python。总共分为四个文件,chinachess.py 为主文件,constants.py 数据常量,pieces.py 棋子类,走法,computer.py 电脑走法计算。

     PS:另外很多人在学习Python的过程中,往往因为遇问题解决不了或者没好的教程从而导致自己放弃,为此我整理啦从基础的python脚本到web开发、爬虫、django、数据挖掘等【PDF等】需要的可以进Python全栈开发交流.裙 :一久武其而而流一思(数字的谐音)转换下可以找到了,里面有最新Python教程项目可拿,不懂的问题有老司机解决哦,一起相互监督共同进步

    Python 中国象棋源码 V1

    chinachess.py 为主文件

    import pygame
    import time
    import constants
    import pieces
    import computer
    class MainGame():
        window = None
        Start_X = constants.Start_X
        Start_Y = constants.Start_Y
        Line_Span = constants.Line_Span
        Max_X = Start_X + 8 * Line_Span
        Max_Y = Start_Y + 9 * Line_Span
        player1Color = constants.player1Color
        player2Color = constants.player2Color
        Putdownflag = player1Color
        piecesSelected = None
        button_go = None
        piecesList = []
        def start_game(self):
            MainGame.window = pygame.display.set_mode([constants.SCREEN_WIDTH, constants.SCREEN_HEIGHT])
            MainGame.button_go = Button(MainGame.window, "重新开始", constants.SCREEN_WIDTH - 100, 300)  # 创建开始按钮
            while True:
                # 获取事件
        def drawChessboard(self):
            mid_end_y = MainGame.Start_Y + 4 * MainGame.Line_Span
            min_start_y = MainGame.Start_Y + 5 * MainGame.Line_Span
            for i in range(0, 9):
                x = MainGame.Start_X + i * MainGame.Line_Span
                if i==0 or i ==8:
                    y = MainGame.Start_Y + i * MainGame.Line_Span
                    pygame.draw.line(MainGame.window, constants.BLACK, [x, MainGame.Start_Y], [x, MainGame.Max_Y], 1)
                    pygame.draw.line(MainGame.window, constants.BLACK, [x, MainGame.Start_Y], [x, mid_end_y], 1)
                    pygame.draw.line(MainGame.window, constants.BLACK, [x, min_start_y], [x, MainGame.Max_Y], 1)
            for i in range(0, 10):
                x = MainGame.Start_X + i * MainGame.Line_Span
                y = MainGame.Start_Y + i * MainGame.Line_Span
                pygame.draw.line(MainGame.window, constants.BLACK, [MainGame.Start_X, y], [MainGame.Max_X, y], 1)
            speed_dial_start_x =  MainGame.Start_X + 3 * MainGame.Line_Span
            speed_dial_end_x =  MainGame.Start_X + 5 * MainGame.Line_Span
            speed_dial_y1 = MainGame.Start_Y + 0 * MainGame.Line_Span
            speed_dial_y2 = MainGame.Start_Y + 2 * MainGame.Line_Span
            speed_dial_y3 = MainGame.Start_Y + 7 * MainGame.Line_Span
            speed_dial_y4 = MainGame.Start_Y + 9 * MainGame.Line_Span
            pygame.draw.line(MainGame.window, constants.BLACK, [speed_dial_start_x, speed_dial_y1], [speed_dial_end_x, speed_dial_y2], 1)
            pygame.draw.line(MainGame.window, constants.BLACK, [speed_dial_start_x, speed_dial_y2],
                             [speed_dial_end_x, speed_dial_y1], 1)
            pygame.draw.line(MainGame.window, constants.BLACK, [speed_dial_start_x, speed_dial_y3],
                             [speed_dial_end_x, speed_dial_y4], 1)
            pygame.draw.line(MainGame.window, constants.BLACK, [speed_dial_start_x, speed_dial_y4],
                             [speed_dial_end_x, speed_dial_y3], 1)
        def piecesInit(self):
            MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Rooks(MainGame.player2Color, 0,0))
            MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Rooks(MainGame.player2Color,  8, 0))
            MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Elephants(MainGame.player2Color,  2, 0))
            MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Elephants(MainGame.player2Color,  6, 0))
            MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.King(MainGame.player2Color, 4, 0))
            MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Knighs(MainGame.player2Color,  1, 0))
            MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Knighs(MainGame.player2Color,  7, 0))
            MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Cannons(MainGame.player2Color,  1, 2))
            MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Cannons(MainGame.player2Color, 7, 2))
            MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Mandarins(MainGame.player2Color,  3, 0))
            MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Mandarins(MainGame.player2Color, 5, 0))
            MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Pawns(MainGame.player2Color, 0, 3))
            MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Pawns(MainGame.player2Color, 2, 3))
            MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Pawns(MainGame.player2Color, 4, 3))
            MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Pawns(MainGame.player2Color, 6, 3))
            MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Pawns(MainGame.player2Color, 8, 3))
            MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Rooks(MainGame.player1Color,  0, 9))
            MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Rooks(MainGame.player1Color,  8, 9))
            MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Elephants(MainGame.player1Color, 2, 9))
            MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Elephants(MainGame.player1Color, 6, 9))
            MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.King(MainGame.player1Color,  4, 9))
            MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Knighs(MainGame.player1Color, 1, 9))
            MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Knighs(MainGame.player1Color, 7, 9))
            MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Cannons(MainGame.player1Color,  1, 7))
            MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Cannons(MainGame.player1Color,  7, 7))
            MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Mandarins(MainGame.player1Color,  3, 9))
            MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Mandarins(MainGame.player1Color,  5, 9))
            MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Pawns(MainGame.player1Color, 0, 6))
            MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Pawns(MainGame.player1Color, 2, 6))
            MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Pawns(MainGame.player1Color, 4, 6))
            MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Pawns(MainGame.player1Color, 6, 6))
            MainGame.piecesList.append(pieces.Pawns(MainGame.player1Color, 8, 6))
        def piecesDisplay(self):
            for item in MainGame.piecesList:
                #MainGame.window.blit(item.image, item.rect)
        def getEvent(self):
            # 获取所有的事件
            eventList = pygame.event.get()
            for event in eventList:
                if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                    pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                    mouse_x = pos[0]
                    mouse_y = pos[1]
                    if (
                            mouse_x > MainGame.Start_X - MainGame.Line_Span / 2 and mouse_x < MainGame.Max_X + MainGame.Line_Span / 2) and (
                            mouse_y > MainGame.Start_Y - MainGame.Line_Span / 2 and mouse_y < MainGame.Max_Y + MainGame.Line_Span / 2):
                        # print( str(mouse_x) + "" + str(mouse_y))
                        # print(str(MainGame.Putdownflag))
                        if MainGame.Putdownflag != MainGame.player1Color:
                        click_x = round((mouse_x - MainGame.Start_X) / MainGame.Line_Span)
                        click_y = round((mouse_y - MainGame.Start_Y) / MainGame.Line_Span)
                        click_mod_x = (mouse_x - MainGame.Start_X) % MainGame.Line_Span
                        click_mod_y = (mouse_y - MainGame.Start_Y) % MainGame.Line_Span
                        if abs(click_mod_x - MainGame.Line_Span / 2) >= 5 and abs(
                                click_mod_y - MainGame.Line_Span / 2) >= 5:
                            # print("有效点:x="+str(click_x)+" y="+str(click_y))
                            # 有效点击点
                            self.PutdownPieces(MainGame.player1Color, click_x, click_y)
                    if MainGame.button_go.is_click():
                        print("button_go click")
                        print("button_go click out")
        def PutdownPieces(self, t, x, y):
            selectfilter=list(filter(lambda cm: cm.x == x and cm.y == y and cm.player == MainGame.player1Color,MainGame.piecesList))
            if len(selectfilter):
                MainGame.piecesSelected = selectfilter[0]
            if MainGame.piecesSelected :
                arr = pieces.listPiecestoArr(MainGame.piecesList)
                if MainGame.piecesSelected.canmove(arr, x, y):
                    self.PiecesMove(MainGame.piecesSelected, x, y)
                    MainGame.Putdownflag = MainGame.player2Color
                fi = filter(lambda p: p.x == x and p.y == y, MainGame.piecesList)
                listfi = list(fi)
                if len(listfi) != 0:
                    MainGame.piecesSelected = listfi[0]
        def PiecesMove(self,pieces,  x , y):
            for item in  MainGame.piecesList:
                if item.x ==x and item.y == y:
            pieces.x = x
            pieces.y = y
            print("move to " +str(x) +" "+str(y))
            return True
        def Computerplay(self):
            if MainGame.Putdownflag == MainGame.player2Color:
                computermove = computer.getPlayInfo(MainGame.piecesList)
                #if computer==None:
                piecemove = None
                for item in MainGame.piecesList:
                    if item.x == computermove[0] and item.y == computermove[1]:
                        piecemove= item
                self.PiecesMove(piecemove, computermove[2], computermove[3])
                MainGame.Putdownflag = MainGame.player1Color
        def VictoryOrDefeat(self):
            txt =""
            result = [MainGame.player1Color,MainGame.player2Color]
            for item in MainGame.piecesList:
                if type(item) ==pieces.King:
                    if item.player == MainGame.player1Color:
                    if item.player == MainGame.player2Color:
            if len(result)==0:
            if result[0] == MainGame.player1Color :
                txt = "失败!"
                txt = "胜利!"
            MainGame.window.blit(self.getTextSuface("%s" % txt), (constants.SCREEN_WIDTH - 100, 200))
            MainGame.Putdownflag = constants.overColor
        def getTextSuface(self, text):
            # print(pygame.font.get_fonts())
            font = pygame.font.SysFont('kaiti', 18)
            txt = font.render(text, True, constants.TEXT_COLOR)
            return txt
        def endGame(self):
    if __name__ == '__main__':

    constants.py 数据常量

    import pygame
    Start_X = 50
    Start_Y = 50
    Line_Span = 60
    player1Color = 1
    player2Color = 2
    overColor = 3
    BG_COLOR=pygame.Color(200, 200, 200)
    Line_COLOR=pygame.Color(255, 255, 200)
    TEXT_COLOR=pygame.Color(255, 0, 0)
    # 定义颜色
    BLACK = ( 0, 0, 0)
    WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
    RED = (255, 0, 0)
    GREEN = ( 0, 255, 0)
    BLUE = ( 0, 0, 255)
    repeat = 0
    pieces_images = {
        'b_rook': pygame.image.load("imgs/s2/b_c.gif"),
        'b_elephant': pygame.image.load("imgs/s2/b_x.gif"),
        'b_king': pygame.image.load("imgs/s2/b_j.gif"),
        'b_knigh': pygame.image.load("imgs/s2/b_m.gif"),
        'b_mandarin': pygame.image.load("imgs/s2/b_s.gif"),
        'b_cannon': pygame.image.load("imgs/s2/b_p.gif"),
        'b_pawn': pygame.image.load("imgs/s2/b_z.gif"),
        'r_rook': pygame.image.load("imgs/s2/r_c.gif"),
        'r_elephant': pygame.image.load("imgs/s2/r_x.gif"),
        'r_king': pygame.image.load("imgs/s2/r_j.gif"),
        'r_knigh': pygame.image.load("imgs/s2/r_m.gif"),
        'r_mandarin': pygame.image.load("imgs/s2/r_s.gif"),
        'r_cannon': pygame.image.load("imgs/s2/r_p.gif"),
        'r_pawn': pygame.image.load("imgs/s2/r_z.gif"),

    pieces.py 棋子类,走法,

    import pygame
    import constants
    class  Pieces():
        def __init__(self, player,  x, y):
            self.imagskey = self.getImagekey()
            self.image = constants.pieces_images[self.imagskey]
            self.x = x
            self.y = y
            self.player = player
            self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
            self.rect.left = constants.Start_X + x * constants.Line_Span - self.image.get_rect().width / 2
            self.rect.top = constants.Start_Y + y * constants.Line_Span - self.image.get_rect().height / 2
        def displaypieces(self,screen):
            self.rect.left = constants.Start_X + self.x * constants.Line_Span - self.image.get_rect().width / 2
            self.rect.top = constants.Start_Y + self.y * constants.Line_Span - self.image.get_rect().height / 2
            #self.image = self.images
        def canmove(self, arr, moveto_x, moveto_y):
        def getImagekey(self):
            return None
        def getScoreWeight(self,listpieces):
            return  None
    class Rooks(Pieces):
        def __init__(self, player,  x, y):
            self.player = player
            super().__init__(player,  x, y)
        def getImagekey(self):
            if self.player == constants.player1Color:
                return "r_rook"
                return "b_rook"
        def canmove(self, arr, moveto_x, moveto_y):
            if self.x == moveto_x and self.y == moveto_y:
                return False
            if arr[moveto_x][moveto_y] ==self.player :
                return  False
            if self.x == moveto_x:
                step = -1 if self.y > moveto_y else 1
                for i in range(self.y +step, moveto_y, step):
                    if arr[self.x][i] !=0 :
                        return False
                #print(" move y")
                return True
            if self.y == moveto_y:
                step = -1 if self.x > moveto_x else 1
                for i in range(self.x + step, moveto_x, step):
                    if arr[i][self.y] != 0:
                        return False
                return True
        def getScoreWeight(self, listpieces):
            score = 11
            return score
    class Knighs(Pieces):
        def __init__(self, player,  x, y):
            self.player = player
            super().__init__(player,  x, y)
        def getImagekey(self):
            if self.player == constants.player1Color:
                return "r_knigh"
                return "b_knigh"
        def canmove(self, arr, moveto_x, moveto_y):
            if self.x == moveto_x and self.y == moveto_y:
                return False
            if arr[moveto_x][moveto_y] == self.player:
                return False
            #print(str(self.x) +""+str(self.y))
            move_x = moveto_x-self.x
            move_y = moveto_y - self.y
            if abs(move_x) == 1 and abs(move_y) == 2:
                step = 1 if move_y > 0 else -1
                if arr[self.x][self.y + step] == 0:
                    return True
            if abs(move_x) == 2 and abs(move_y) == 1:
                step = 1 if move_x >0 else -1
                if arr[self.x +step][self.y] ==0 :
                    return  True
        def getScoreWeight(self, listpieces):
            score = 5
            return score
    class Elephants(Pieces):
        def __init__(self, player, x, y):
            self.player = player
            super().__init__(player, x, y)
        def getImagekey(self):
            if self.player == constants.player1Color:
                return "r_elephant"
                return "b_elephant"
        def canmove(self, arr, moveto_x, moveto_y):
            if self.x == moveto_x and self.y == moveto_y:
                return False
            if arr[moveto_x][moveto_y] == self.player:
                return False
            if self.y <=4 and moveto_y >=5 or self.y >=5 and moveto_y <=4:
                return  False
            move_x = moveto_x - self.x
            move_y = moveto_y - self.y
            if abs(move_x) == 2 and abs(move_y) == 2:
                step_x = 1 if move_x > 0 else -1
                step_y = 1 if move_y > 0 else -1
                if arr[self.x + step_x][self.y + step_y] == 0:
                    return True
        def getScoreWeight(self, listpieces):
            score = 2
            return score
    class Mandarins(Pieces):
        def __init__(self, player,  x, y):
            self.player = player
            super().__init__(player,  x, y)
        def getImagekey(self):
            if self.player == constants.player1Color:
                return "r_mandarin"
                return "b_mandarin"
        def canmove(self, arr, moveto_x, moveto_y):
            if self.x == moveto_x and self.y == moveto_y:
                return False
            if arr[moveto_x][moveto_y] == self.player:
                return False
            if moveto_x <3 or moveto_x >5:
                return False
            if moveto_y > 2 and moveto_y < 7:
                return False
            move_x = moveto_x - self.x
            move_y = moveto_y - self.y
            if abs(move_x) == 1 and abs(move_y) == 1:
                return True
        def getScoreWeight(self, listpieces):
            score = 2
            return score
    class King(Pieces):
        def __init__(self, player, x, y):
            self.player = player
            super().__init__(player, x, y)
        def getImagekey(self):
            if self.player == constants.player1Color:
                return "r_king"
                return "b_king"
        def canmove(self, arr, moveto_x, moveto_y):
            if self.x == moveto_x and self.y == moveto_y:
                return False
            if arr[moveto_x][moveto_y] == self.player:
                return False
            if moveto_x < 3 or moveto_x > 5:
                return False
            if moveto_y > 2 and moveto_y < 7:
                return False
            move_x = moveto_x - self.x
            move_y = moveto_y - self.y
            if abs(move_x) + abs(move_y) == 1:
                return True
        def getScoreWeight(self, listpieces):
            score = 150
            return score
    class Cannons(Pieces):
        def __init__(self, player,  x, y):
            self.player = player
            super().__init__(player, x, y)
        def getImagekey(self):
            if self.player == constants.player1Color:
                return "r_cannon"
                return "b_cannon"
        def canmove(self, arr, moveto_x, moveto_y):
            if self.x == moveto_x and self.y == moveto_y:
                return False
            if arr[moveto_x][moveto_y] == self.player:
                return False
            overflag = False
            if self.x == moveto_x:
                step = -1 if self.y > moveto_y else 1
                for i in range(self.y + step, moveto_y, step):
                    if arr[self.x][i] != 0:
                        if overflag:
                            return False
                            overflag = True
                if overflag and arr[moveto_x][moveto_y] == 0:
                    return False
                if not overflag and arr[self.x][moveto_y] != 0:
                    return False
                return True
            if self.y == moveto_y:
                step = -1 if self.x > moveto_x else 1
                for i in range(self.x + step, moveto_x, step):
                    if arr[i][self.y] != 0:
                        if overflag:
                            return False
                            overflag = True
                if overflag and arr[moveto_x][moveto_y] == 0:
                    return False
                if not overflag and arr[moveto_x][self.y] != 0:
                    return False
                return True
        def getScoreWeight(self, listpieces):
            score = 6
            return score
    class Pawns(Pieces):
        def __init__(self, player, x, y):
            self.player = player
            super().__init__(player,  x, y)
        def getImagekey(self):
            if self.player == constants.player1Color:
                return "r_pawn"
                return "b_pawn"
        def canmove(self, arr, moveto_x, moveto_y):
            if self.x == moveto_x and self.y == moveto_y:
                return False
            if arr[moveto_x][moveto_y] == self.player:
                return False
            move_x = moveto_x - self.x
            move_y = moveto_y - self.y
            if self.player == constants.player1Color:
                if self.y > 4  and move_x != 0 :
                    return  False
                if move_y > 0:
                    return  False
            elif self.player == constants.player2Color:
                if self.y <= 4  and move_x != 0 :
                    return  False
                if move_y < 0:
                    return False
            if abs(move_x) + abs(move_y) == 1:
                return True
        def getScoreWeight(self, listpieces):
            score = 2
            return score
    def listPiecestoArr(piecesList):
        arr = [[0 for i in range(10)] for j in range(9)]
        for i in range(0, 9):
            for j in range(0, 10):
                if len(list(filter(lambda cm: cm.x == i and cm.y == j and cm.player == constants.player1Color,
                    arr[i][j] = constants.player1Color
                elif len(list(filter(lambda cm: cm.x == i and cm.y == j and cm.player == constants.player2Color,
                    arr[i][j] = constants.player2Color
        return arr

    computer.py 电脑走法计算

    import constants
    #import time
    from pieces import listPiecestoArr
    def getPlayInfo(listpieces):
        pieces = movedeep(listpieces ,1 ,constants.player2Color)
        return [pieces[0].x,pieces[0].y, pieces[1], pieces[2]]
    def movedeep(listpieces, deepstep, player):
        arr = listPiecestoArr(listpieces)
        listMoveEnabel = []
        for i in range(0, 9):
            for j in range(0, 10):
                for item in listpieces:
                    if item.player == player and item.canmove(arr, i, j):
                        #标记是否有子被吃 如果被吃 在下次循环时需要补会
                        piecesremove = None
                        for itembefore in listpieces:
                            if itembefore.x == i and itembefore.y == j:
                                piecesremove= itembefore
                        if piecesremove != None:
                        move_x = item.x
                        move_y = item.y
                        item.x = i
                        item.y = j
                        #print(str(move_x) + "," + str(move_y) + "," + str(item.x) + "  ,  " + str(item.y))
                        scoreplayer1 = 0
                        scoreplayer2 = 0
                        for itemafter in listpieces:
                            if itemafter.player == constants.player1Color:
                                scoreplayer1 += itemafter.getScoreWeight(listpieces)
                            elif  itemafter.player == constants.player2Color:
                                scoreplayer2 += itemafter.getScoreWeight(listpieces)
                        #print("得分:"+item.imagskey +", "+str(len(moveAfterListpieces))+","+str(i)+","+str(j)+"," +str(scoreplayer1) +"  ,  "+ str(scoreplayer2) )
                        #如果得子 判断对面是否可以杀过来,如果又被杀,而且子力评分低,则不干
                        arrkill = listPiecestoArr(listpieces)
                        if scoreplayer2 > scoreplayer1 :
                            for itemkill in listpieces:
                                if itemkill.player == constants.player1Color and itemkill.canmove(arrkill, i, j):
                        if deepstep > 0 :
                            nextplayer = constants.player1Color if player == constants.player2Color else constants.player2Color
                            nextpiecesbest= movedeep(listpieces, deepstep -1, nextplayer)
                            listMoveEnabel.append([item, i, j, nextpiecesbest[3], nextpiecesbest[4], nextpiecesbest[5]])
                            #print("得分:" + item.imagskey + ", " + str(len(listpieces)) + "," + str(move_x) + "," + str(move_y) + "," + str(i) + "  ,  " + str(j))
                            if player == constants.player2Color:
                                listMoveEnabel.append([item, i, j, scoreplayer1, scoreplayer2, scoreplayer1 - scoreplayer2])
                                listMoveEnabel.append([item, i, j, scoreplayer1, scoreplayer2, scoreplayer2 - scoreplayer1])
                        item.x = move_x
                        item.y = move_y
                        if piecesremove != None:
        list_scorepalyer1 = sorted(listMoveEnabel, key=lambda tm: tm[5], reverse=True)
        piecesbest = list_scorepalyer1[0]
        if deepstep ==1 :
        return piecesbest
    以上就是本次分享,另外很多人在学习Python的过程中,往往因为遇问题解决不了或者没好的教程从而导致自己放弃,为此我整理啦从基础的python脚本到web开发、爬虫、django、数据挖掘等【PDF等】需要的可以进Python全栈开发交流.裙 :一久武其而而流一思(数字的谐音)转换下可以找到了,里面有最新Python教程项目可拿,不懂的问题有老司机解决哦,一起相互监督共同进步


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