UniQuery_sqlite.close; UniQuery_sqlite.SQL.Clear; UniQuery_sqlite.SQL.Add('SELECT * FROM TABLE'); try UniQuery_sqlite.Open; except { TODO : 异常捕获 } end; //循环出所有记录 for i := 0 to UniQuery_sqlite.RecordCount - 1 do begin //.... UniQuery_sqlite.Next; end;
今天突然发现一个问题,明明数据库里存在近百条记录,但只查出来了25条,仔细检查了代码,没有问题啊,于是又检查了UniDAC UniQuery的属性,发现有这样一个属性: FetchRows,而且默认值是25!肯定是这里的问题了,帮助里搜了一下这个属性,帮助解释如下:
可见这个属性是为了性能考虑的,既然默认设置成25,肯定是最佳设置了,还是不改为何,于是寻求其他解决办法,网上又搜到了这样一个解释:If you set the QueryRecCount option to True, TUniTable executes SELECT COUNT() query automatically when you open the table, and assigns the correct value to the RecordCount property.
特别是这一句:Used for TCustomDADataSet to perform additional query to get the record count for this SELECT, so the RecordCount property reflects the actual number of records.