Page({ data: { progressWidth: 0, progressTime: 60, mark: true, playPausetips: "开始" }, playbtn() { let that = this; let mark = that.data.mark; if (mark) { that.timer = setInterval(that.run, 1000); //that.timer关键点 wx.showToast({ title: '开始', }) that.setData({ mark: false, playPausetips: "暂停" }) } else { clearInterval(that.timer); wx.showToast({ title: '暂停', }) that.setData({ mark: true, playPausetips: "开始" }) } }, run() { let that = this; let totalProgressTime = 60 //秒 let progressWidth = that.data.progressWidth; //显示进度 let progressTime = that.data.progressTime; //时间 if (progressWidth === 100) { wx.showToast({ title: '结束回调处理', }) clearInterval(that.timer); that.setData({ progressTime: totalProgressTime, //进度条需要总时间s progressWidth: 100, //进度100% progressTime: 60 }) return; } progressTime--; progressWidth = (totalProgressTime - progressTime) * (100 / 60) that.setData({ progressWidth: progressWidth, progressTime: progressTime }) } })
<view class='out' style='margin-top:10px'> <view class='in' style='{{progressWidth}}%'></view> </view> <view class='caozuo'> <text>{{progressTime}}秒</text> <text bindtap='playbtn' data-change='1'>{{playPausetips}}</text> </view>
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