Template Engines: Pug and Handlebars
web app中,views可能是HTML pages(或部分它们),但是也可以是JSON, XML文件, 或者在desktop programs中是GUIs。
在web app内,使用模版可以动态地生成无限多个pages。
Project: Adding Pug Templates to Blog
: Global app-wide templateindex.pug
: Home page with the list of postsarticle.pug
: Individual article pagelogin.pug
: Page with a login formpost.pug
: Page for adding a new articleadmin.pug
: Page to administer articles after logging in
Because the templates in this mini-project require data, we'll skip the demo until Chapter 5, where we'll plug in the MongoDB database. So the source code for the Pug templates is exactly the same as in the code/ch5
folder of the GitHub repository azat-co/practicalnode
: https://github.com/azat-co/practicalnode. Feel free to copy it from there or follow the instructions to implement listed below in this section.