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  • 节目和节目单的生成及发送

    // API for Program
    Step 1: Create a program object
    Step 2: Add play window
    Step 3: Add item(text, clock, etc.) to the program
    Step 4: Save the program to file
    Step 5: Destroy the program object
    CP5200API HOBJECT CALLING_CONV CP5200_Program_Create (WORD width, WORD height, BYTE color);
    CP5200API int CALLING_CONV CP5200_Program_Destroy (HOBJECT hObj);
    CP5200API int CALLING_CONV CP5200_Program_SetProperty(HOBJECT hObj, int nPropertyValue, int nPropertyID);
    CP5200API int CALLING_CONV CP5200_Program_SetBackgndImage(HOBJECT hObj, const BYTE* pImgDat, WORD wImgWidth, WORD wImgHeight, BYTE color, int nMode, int nCompress);
    CP5200API int CALLING_CONV CP5200_Program_AddPlayWindow(HOBJECT hObj, WORD x, WORD y, WORD cx, WORD cy);
    CP5200API int CALLING_CONV CP5200_Program_SetWindowProperty(HOBJECT hObj, int nWinNo, int nPropertyValue, int nPropertyID);
    CP5200API int CALLING_CONV CP5200_Program_SetItemProperty(HOBJECT hObj, int nWinNo, int nItem, int nPropertyValue, int nPropertyID);
    CP5200API int CALLING_CONV CP5200_Program_AddText(HOBJECT hObj, int nWinNo, const char* pText, int nFontSize, COLORREF crColor, int nEffect, int nSpeed, int nStay);
    CP5200API int CALLING_CONV CP5200_Program_AddText1(HOBJECT hObj, int nWinNo, const char* pText, int nFontSize, COLORREF crColor, int nEffect, int nSpeed, int nStay);
    CP5200API int CALLING_CONV CP5200_Program_AddTagText(HOBJECT hObj, int nWinNo, const char* pText, int nFontSize, COLORREF crColor, int nEffect, int nSpeed, int nStay);
    CP5200API int CALLING_CONV CP5200_Program_AddTagText1(HOBJECT hObj, int nWinNo, const char* pText, int nFontSize, COLORREF crColor, int nEffect, int nSpeed, int nStay);
    CP5200API int CALLING_CONV CP5200_Program_AddFormattedText( HOBJECT hObj, int nWinNo, const char *pText, const char *pFontFaceName, const byte *pFormatData, const byte *pScreenData, int nMode, int nEffect, int nSpeed, int nStay, int nCompress );
    CP5200API int CALLING_CONV CP5200_Program_AddFormattedTextW( HOBJECT hObj, int nWinNo, const wchar_t *pText, const char *pFontFaceName, const byte *pFormatData, const byte *pScreenData, int nMode, int nEffect, int nSpeed, int nStay, int nCompress );
    CP5200API int CALLING_CONV CP5200_Program_AddPicture(HOBJECT hObj, int nWinNo, const char* pPictFile, int nMode, int nEffect, int nSpeed, int nStay, int nCompress);
    CP5200API int CALLING_CONV CP5200_Program_AddImage(HOBJECT hObj, int nWinNo, const BYTE* pImgDat, WORD wImgWidth, WORD wImgHeight, BYTE color, int nMode, int nEffect, int nSpeed, int nStay, int nCompress, int nPageCount);
    CP5200API int CALLING_CONV CP5200_Program_AddLafPict(HOBJECT hObj, int nWinNo, const char* pLafFile, int nMode, int nEffect, int nSpeed, int nStay, int nCompress);
    CP5200API int CALLING_CONV CP5200_Program_AddLafVideo(HOBJECT hObj, int nWinNo, const char* pLafFile, int nMode, int nRepeat);
    CP5200API int CALLING_CONV CP5200_Program_AddAnimator(HOBJECT hObj, int nWinNo, const char* pAniFile, int nMode, int nRepeat);
    CP5200API int CALLING_CONV CP5200_Program_AddClock(HOBJECT hObj, int nWinNo, const char* pText, int nFontSize, COLORREF crColor, int nStay, WORD wAttr);
    CP5200API int CALLING_CONV CP5200_Program_AddTemperature(HOBJECT hObj, int nWinNo, const char* pText, int nFontSize, COLORREF crColor, int nStay, WORD wAttr);
    CP5200API int CALLING_CONV CP5200_Program_AddVariable(HOBJECT hObj, int nWinNo, int nFontSize, COLORREF crColor, int nStay, WORD wAttr);
    CP5200API int CALLING_CONV CP5200_Program_AddTimeCounter(HOBJECT hObj, int nWinNo, int nFontSize, COLORREF crColor, int nStay, int nOption, const int *pBaseTime, const char *pContent);
    CP5200API int CALLING_CONV CP5200_Program_AddExternalFile(HOBJECT hObj, int nWinNo, const char* pFile, const BYTE *pParamBuf, int nParamLen);
    CP5200API int CALLING_CONV CP5200_Program_SaveToFile(HOBJECT hObj, const char* pFilename);

    // API for Playbill
    Step 1: Create a playbill object
    Step 2: Add program file to the playbill
    Step 3: Save the playbill to file
    Step 4: Destroy the playbill object
    CP5200API HOBJECT CALLING_CONV CP5200_Playbill_Create (WORD width, WORD height, BYTE color);
    CP5200API int CALLING_CONV CP5200_Playbill_Destroy (HOBJECT hObj);
    CP5200API int CALLING_CONV CP5200_Playbill_AddFile (HOBJECT hObj, const char* pFilename);
    CP5200API int CALLING_CONV CP5200_Playbill_DelFile (HOBJECT hObj, const char* pFilename);
    CP5200API int CALLING_CONV CP5200_Playbill_SaveToFile (HOBJECT hObj, const char* pFilename);

    CP5200API int CALLING_CONV  CP5200_Net_Connect(); 



    CP5200API int CALLING_CONV CP5200_Net_Init(DWORD dwIP, int nIPPort, DWORD dwIDCode, int nTimeOut );
    CP5200API int CALLING_CONV CP5200_Net_UploadFile(int nCardID, const char* pSourceFilename, const char *pTargetFilename);
    CP5200API int CALLING_CONV CP5200_Net_RestartApp(BYTE nCardID);


    HOBJECT hProgram= CP5200_Program_Create (progData.GetLPictAreaW()+progData.GetRPictAreaW()+progData.GetTextAreaW()
    1.1 如果节目句柄hProgram不为空,就添加播放窗口到节目,一帧就是一个节目,帧有几个播放窗口就添加多少窗口到节目,一个节目生成一个节目文件;
    int nWindowFirst= CP5200_Program_AddPlayWindow(hProgram, 0, 0,progData.GetLPictAreaW() , progData.GetLPictAreaH());
    nWindowSecond=CP5200_Program_AddPlayWindow(hProgram, progData.GetLPictAreaW(), 0,progData.GetTextAreaW(),progData.GetLPictAreaH());
    int nWindowThird= CP5200_Program_AddPlayWindow(hProgram, progData.GetLPictAreaW() + progData.GetTextAreaW() , 0,progData.GetRPictAreaW() , progData.GetLPictAreaH());
    1.2 添加图片或者文字到节目对应的播放窗口;

    for (i=0 ; i< MAX_PICT_NUM ; i++)
    { //把左边区域的图片添加进去,有很多张图片;
    CString strLname = progData.GetLeftPictItemPath( k ,i );
    if (!strLname.IsEmpty())
    nRet = CP5200_Program_AddPicture(hProgram, nWindowFirst, strLname, 1, 0, 0, progData.GetLeftPictItemStaytime(k,i) , 0) ;
    if (nRet < 0)
    return ;

    CString strRname = progData.GetRightPictItemPath(k,i);
    if (!strRname.IsEmpty())
    nRet= CP5200_Program_AddPicture(hProgram, nWindowThird, strRname, 1, 0, 0, progData.GetRightPictItemStaytime(k,i) , 0) ;
    if ( nRet < 0 )
    CString str=_T("");
    for(j =0 ; j< progData.GetRowCnt() ;j++)
    CString StrLine;
    for (int n = 0 ; n <progData.GetColCnt() ; n++ )
    StrLine.Format(_T("%c"), progData.GetWordItem(k,j,n));


    nRet = CP5200_Program_AddText(hProgram, nWindowSecond, str,progData.GetFontHigh(), progData.GetColorFont(), 0, 0, progData.GetTextStayTime(k));
    if ( nRet <0 )
    return ;

    1.3 保存节目导节目内容,一个节目生成一个文件;
    CString strProgramPath;
    strProgramPath = GetModulePath();
    strProgramPath.Format( _T("%s%08d.lpb"), GetModulePath(), k );
    nRet = CP5200_Program_SaveToFile(hProgram, strProgramPath );
    if( 0 <= nRet )
    strFilePathToUpload.AddTail( strProgramPath );

    2.1 创建节目单
    HOBJECT hPlaybill = CP5200_Playbill_Create (WidthShow, HeigtShow,progData.GetFontType());
    2.2 添加所有节目文件到节目单
    if(hPlaybill )
    POSITION pos = strFilePathToUpload.GetHeadPosition();
    while( pos )
    CString strProgramPath = strFilePathToUpload.GetNext( pos );
    nRet = CP5200_Playbill_AddFile(hPlaybill, strProgramPath );
    if ( nRet <0)
    CP5200_Program_Destroy( hPlaybill );

    CString strPlaybill;
    strPlaybill = GetModulePath() + PLAYBILL_FILENAME;

    nRet = CP5200_Playbill_SaveToFile( hPlaybill, strPlaybill );//保存节目单;
    if( 0 == nRet )

    strFilePathToUpload.AddTail( strPlaybill );;//把节目单也添加到数组中,因为后面要把节目和节目单上传 到CP5200_Net_UploadFile(),信号卡上;
    else //节目单生成失败,不上传文件


    bRet = !strFilePathToUpload.IsEmpty();
    return bRet;


    if( bRet )


      int nRet;

      bRet = FALSE;

      nRet = CP5200_Net_Init( IPStringToValue( sign.GetIP() ), 5200,  IPStringToValue( _T("")), 600);

      nRet = CP5200_Net_Connect();   if( CP5200_Net_IsConnected() )

      {    POSITION pos = strFilePathToUpload.GetHeadPosition();   

     while( pos )   


      CString strSrcName, strDestName;

        strSrcName = strFilePathToUpload.GetNext( pos );

        strDestName = GetPathFileName( strSrcName );    

     nRet =CP5200_Net_UploadFile(0xff , strSrcName, strDestName );  

       if(0 !=nRet)





      bRet = !pos;   


      nRet = CP5200_Net_RestartApp(0xff);  




     return bRet;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/chenzuoyou/p/3085017.html
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