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        Dim XML
        Dim DOM
        Dim JS
        Dim Scene
        Dim JsPatch        '补充到JS脚本的部分
        Scene = Request.QueryString("Scene")
        If Scene="" Then Scene="1001"
        XML = "/XML/Scene/" & Scene & ".xml"
        Set DOM = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
        DOM.async = false
        DOM.load(Server.MapPath ( XML))
        Function MapInfo(DOM)
            Dim MapXML
            Dim MapDom
            Dim MapHtml,MapX,MapY
            Dim MapImg
            Dim i,j
            Dim MapWay
            Dim JS
            MapXML = DOM.selectSingleNode("/Scene").GetAttribute("Map")
            Set MapDOM = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
            MapDom.async = false
            MapHTML = MapDom.selectSingleNode("/Map/HTML").text
            MapX = MapDom.selectSingleNode("/Map/X").text
            MapY = MapDom.selectSingleNode("/Map/Y").text
            MapHTML = Replace(MapHTML,Chr(13),"")
            MapHTML = Replace(MapHTML,Chr(10),"")
            JS = JS & "MAP.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd','" & MapHTML & "')" & Vbcrlf
            JS = JS & "MapX = " & MapX & Vbcrlf
            JS = JS & "MapY = " & MapY & Vbcrlf

            If MapDom.selectSingleNode("/Map").getElementsBytagname("Images").Length>0 Then
                Set MapImg = MapDom.selectSingleNode("/Map/Images")
                For Each i In MapImg.childNodes
                JS = JS & "AddImg('" & i.text & "')" & Vbcrlf   
            End If
            JS = JS & "MAP.style.width = CeilSize*" & MapX & Vbcrlf   
            JS = JS & "MAP.style.height = CeilSize*" & MapY & Vbcrlf   
            JS = JS & "MAPBG.style.width = CeilSize*" & MapX & Vbcrlf   
            JS = JS & "MAPBG.style.height = CeilSize*" & MapY & Vbcrlf   

            MapWay = MapDOM.selectSingleNode("/Map/Way").text
            MapWay = Split(MapWay,",")

            Dim EachWay,X,Y
            For X = 0 To MapX-1
                EachWay = ""
                For Y = 0 To MapY-1
                    EachWay = EachWay + MapWay(Y*MapX+X) + ","
                EachWay = Left(EachWay,Len(EachWay)-1)
                JS = JS & "MapInfo[" & X & "] = new Array(" & EachWay & ")" & Vbcrlf

            MapInfo = Js
        End Function

        Function SoundInfo(DOM)
            Dim Nodes
            Dim Node
            Dim NodeID
            Dim NodeText
            Dim Js
            If DOM.selectSingleNode("/Scene").getElementsBytagname("Sounds").Length>0 Then
                Set Nodes = DOM.selectSingleNode("/Scene/Sounds")
                For Each Node In Nodes.childNodes
                    NodeID = Node.GetAttribute("ID")
                    NodeText = Node.Text
                    Js = Js & "new Sound(" & NodeID & "," & Chr(34) & NodeText & Chr(34) & ")" & Vbcrlf
            End If
            SoundInfo = Js
        End Function
        Function TextInfo(DOM)
            Dim Nodes
            Dim Node
            Dim NodeID
            Dim NodeName
            Dim NodeIMG
            Dim NodeText
            Dim Js
            If DOM.selectSingleNode("/Scene").getElementsBytagname("Texts").Length>0 Then
                Set Nodes = DOM.selectSingleNode("/Scene/Texts")
                For Each Node In Nodes.childNodes
                    NodeID = Node.GetAttribute("ID")
                    NodeName = Node.GetAttribute("Name")
                    NodeIMG = Node.GetAttribute("IMG")
                    NodeText = Node.Text
                    NodeText = Replace(NodeText,"[BR]","<br>")
                    Js = Js & "new Text(" & NodeID & "," & Chr(34) & NodeName & Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34) & NodeIMG & Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34) & NodeText & Chr(34) & ")" & Vbcrlf
            End If
            TextInfo = Js
        End Function
        Function RoleInfo(DOM)
            Dim Nodes
            Dim Node
            Dim NodeName
            Dim NodeW
            Dim NodeH
            Dim NodeF
            Dim NodeIMG
            Dim Js

            If DOM.selectSingleNode("/Scene").getElementsBytagname("RoleInfos").Length>0 Then
                Set Nodes = DOM.selectSingleNode("/Scene/RoleInfos")
                For Each Node In Nodes.childNodes
                    NodeName = Node.GetAttribute("Name")
                    NodeW = Node.GetAttribute("Width")
                    NodeH = Node.GetAttribute("Height")
                    NodeF = Node.GetAttribute("AllFrame")
                    NodeIMG = Node.GetAttribute("IMG")
                    Js = Js & "new RoleInfo("
                    Js = Js & Chr(34) & NodeName & Chr(34)
                    Js = Js & ","
                    Js = Js & Chr(34) & NodeIMG & Chr(34)
                    If NodeW<>"" Then
                        Js = Js & ","
                        Js = Js & NodeW
                        Js = Js & ","
                        Js = Js & NodeH
                        Js = Js & ","
                        Js = Js & NodeF
                    End If
                    Js = Js & ")"
                    Js = Js & Vbcrlf
            End If
            RoleInfo = Js
        End Function
        Function NPCInfo(DOM)
            Dim Nodes
            Dim Node
            Dim NodeID
            Dim NodeRoleInfo
            Dim NodeX
            Dim NodeY
            Dim NodeF
            Dim NodeMT
            Dim NodeMS
            Dim NodeMF
            Dim NodeIsOverpass
            Dim NodeFilter
            Dim Js
            If DOM.selectSingleNode("/Scene").getElementsBytagname("NPCs").Length>0 Then
                Set Nodes = DOM.selectSingleNode("/Scene/NPCs")
                For Each Node In Nodes.childNodes
                    NodeID = Node.GetAttribute("ID")
                    NodeRoleInfo = Node.GetAttribute("RoleInfo")
                    If IsNull(NodeRoleInfo) Then NodeRoleInfo = "NULL"
                    NodeX = Node.GetAttribute("X")
                    NodeY = Node.GetAttribute("Y")
                    NodeF = Node.GetAttribute("F")
                    NodeMT = Node.GetAttribute("MoveType")
                    NodeMS = Node.GetAttribute("MoveSpeed")
                    NodeMF = Node.GetAttribute("MoveFrequency")
                    NodeMP = Node.GetAttribute("MovePath")
                    NodeMP = Node.GetAttribute("MovePath")
                    NodeMRD = Node.GetAttribute("MoveRedo")
                    NodeMOL = Node.GetAttribute("MoveOverLook")
                    NodeIsOverpass = Node.GetAttribute("IsOverpass")
                    NodeFilter = Node.GetAttribute("Filter")
                    If IsNull(NodeF) Then NodeF = "0"
                    Js = Js & "LoadNPC("
                    Js = Js & NodeID
                    Js = Js & ","
                    Js = Js & Chr(34) & NodeRoleInfo & Chr(34)
                    Js = Js & ","
                    Js = Js & NodeX
                    Js = Js & ","
                    Js = Js & NodeY
                    Js = Js & ","
                    Js = Js & NodeF
                    Js = Js & ")"
                    Js = Js & Vbcrlf
                    If Not IsNull(NodeIsOverpass) Then
                        If NodeIsOverpass = "1" Then Js = Js & "Roles[" & NodeID & "].IsOverpass=true" & Vbcrlf
                    End If
                    If Not IsNull(NodeFilter) Then
                        Js = Js & "Role" & NodeID & ".style.filter=" & Chr(34) & NodeFilter & Chr(34) & Vbcrlf
                    End If
                    If Not IsNull(NodeMT) Then    '设定移动方式了
                        If NodeMT = "Random" Then
                            NodeMT = 2
                        ElseIf NodeMT = "Follow" Then
                            NodeMT = 3
                        ElseIf NodeMT = "Plan" Then
                            NodeMT = 4
                            NodeMT = 0
                        End If
                        Js = Js & "Roles[" & NodeID & "].SetMoveType("
                        Js = Js & NodeMT
                        Js = Js & ","
                        Js = Js & NodeMS
                        Js = Js & ","
                        Js = Js & NodeMF
                        Js = Js & ","
                        Js = Js & Chr(34) & NodeMP & Chr(34)
                        Js = Js & ","
                        If NodeMRD = "0" Then
                            Js = Js & "false"
                            Js = Js & "true"
                        End If
                        Js = Js & ","
                        If NodeMOL = "0" Then
                            Js = Js & "false"
                            Js = Js & "true"
                        End If
                        Js = Js & ")"
                        Js = Js & Vbcrlf
                        JsPatch = JsPatch & "Roles[" & NodeID & "].Move()" & Chr(10)
                    End If
                    If NodeF<>"0" Then    '转向了
                        JsPatch = JsPatch & "Roles[" & NodeID & "].TurnTo(" & NodeF & ")" & Chr(10)
                    End If
                    If Node.hasChildNodes Then
                        Dim EvType
                        EvType = Node.childNodes(0).GetAttribute("Type")
                        EvCloneID = Node.childNodes(0).GetAttribute("CloneID")
                        If IsNull(EvCloneID) Then
                            Js = JS & "with(Roles[" & NodeID & "]){" & Vbcrlf
                            Js = JS & "EventType=" & EvType & Vbcrlf
                            Js = JS & EventInfo(Node.childNodes(0).text)
                            Js = JS & "}" & Vbcrlf
                            Js = JS & "with(Roles[" & NodeID & "]){" & Vbcrlf
                            Js = JS & "EventType=" & EvType & Vbcrlf
                            Js = JS & "CloneEvent(" & EvCloneID & ")" & Vbcrlf
                            Js = JS & "}" & Vbcrlf
                        End If
                    End If
            End If
            NPCInfo = Js
            'Response.Write  JS
        End Function

        Function MainInfo(DOM)
            Dim NodeText
            Dim EventHead
            NodeText = DOM.selectSingleNode("/Scene/MainScript").text

            EventHead = ""    '自动添加以下事件到主脚本

            EventHead = EventHead & "IsKeyLocked=true" & Chr(10)        '锁定键盘
            'EventHead = EventHead & "MapHide()" & Chr(10)                '隐藏屏幕
            EventHead = EventHead & "DrawIMGObj()" & Chr(10)                '隐藏屏幕
            'EventHead = EventHead & "Sleep(100)" & Chr(10)                '隐藏屏幕
            EventHead = EventHead & "LoadAllImage()" & Chr(10)            '载入图片
            EventHead = EventHead & JsPatch '补丁部分

            NodeText = EventHead & NodeText                       
            NodeText = NodeText & "AllEnd()" & Chr(10)            '全部结束
            Js = JS & "with(Roles[" & 0 & "]){" & Vbcrlf
            Js = JS & "EventType=2" & Vbcrlf
            Js = JS & EventInfo(NodeText)
            Js = JS & "}" & Vbcrlf
            MainInfo = Js
        End Function
        Function EventInfo(Events)
            Dim Info1
            Dim Info2
            Dim i
            Dim JS
            Dim AllDim(100)
            Dim AllIf(100)
            Dim DimCount
            Dim IfCount
            Dim NowIfID
            Dim IsAdd
            Dim sNO
            DimCount = 0
            IfCount = 0
            sNO = 0
            Info1 = Split(Events,Chr(10))
            For i = LBound(Info1) To UBound(Info1)
                iInfo = Info1(i)
                IsAdd = True
                iInfo = Trim(iInfo)
                iInfo = Replace(iInfo,Chr(9),"")
                iSp = Split(iInfo,"//")
                If Ubound(iSp)>0 Then iInfo = iSP(0)
                If iInfo="" Then IsAdd = False
                If UCase(Left(iInfo,5)) = "DIM $" Then
                    AllDim(DimCount) = Right(iInfo,Len(iInfo)-5)
                    DimCount = DimCount+1
                    IsAdd = False
                End If

                '处理If Then语句
                If UCase(Left(iInfo,3)) = "IF " And UCase(Right(iInfo,5)) = " THEN" Then
                    '1 状态:0尚未处理,1已经处理完Else,2已经处理完End If
                    '2 表达式为False出口
                    '3 结束点出口
                    AllIf(IfCount) = "0,0,0"
                    NowIfID = IfCount
                    IfCount = IfCount+1
                    BolStr = Mid(iInfo,4,Len(iInfo)-8)
                    BolStr = Replace(BolStr,">=",">>")
                    BolStr = Replace(BolStr,"<=","<<")
                    BolStr = Replace(BolStr,"=","==")
                    BolStr = Replace(BolStr,">>",">=")
                    BolStr = Replace(BolStr,"<<","<=")
                    BolStr = Replace(BolStr,"<>","!=")
                    BolStr = Replace(BolStr,"And","&&")
                    BolStr = Replace(BolStr,"and","&&")
                    BolStr = Replace(BolStr,"AND","&&")
                    BolStr = Replace(BolStr,"Or","||")
                    BolStr = Replace(BolStr,"OR","||")
                    BolStr = Replace(BolStr,"or","||")
                    iInfo = "if(!(" & BolStr & "))this.EventGoto(#IFA" & NowIfID & ")"
                End If

                If UCase(iInfo) = "ELSE" Then
                    AllIf(NowIfID) = "1," & sNo+1 & ",0"
                    iInfo = "this.EventGoto(#IFB" & NowIfID & ")"
                End If

                '处理End If语句
                If UCase(iInfo) = "END IF" Then
                    S = Split(AllIf(NowIfID),",")
                    S(0) = 2
                    S(2) = sNO
                    If S(1)="0" Then S(1) = S(2)
                    AllIf(NowIfID) = S(0) & "," & S(1) & "," & S(2)
                    IsAdd = False
                    NowIfID = NowIfID-1
                End If
                If UCase(Left(iInfo,5)) = "SLEEP" Then
                    Info2 = Info2 & "AddEvent(" & sNO & "," & Chr(34) & "SleepOn()" & Chr(34) & ")" & Vbcrlf
                    sNO = sNO+1
                    Info2 = Info2 & "AddEvent(" & sNO & "," & Chr(34) & iInfo & Chr(34) & ")" & Vbcrlf
                    sNO = sNO+1
                    IsAdd = False
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