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  • healing psoriasis -151

    tar bath: 焦油浴

    regimen—diet: 养生餐

    mankind was not put on this earth to suffer but to live.

    eczema: 湿疹

    lesion: 病灶

    Psoriasis is the external manifestation of the body’s attempt to “throw off” internal toxins.

    lymphatic system:淋巴系统


    Yeast that collects in the folds of the intestinal villi(肠绒毛) (due to overly acidic pH levels that result from eating too many yeast-laden foods, especially sugar and white flour products, or from overuse of antibiotics) can change from normal, beneficial yeast into fun- gal yeast.

    This is best done by avoiding the foods that basically caused the problem—too many carbohydrates and sugars—and instead consume foods that help correct the problem—olive oil and garlic, as well as plain, organic yogurt with live cultures—and the chances of recovery are greatly enhanced.

    permeability :渗透性

    spinal problem:脊柱问题

    sweat glands:汗腺

    acne: 痤疮,

    warts: 疣

    eczema: 湿疹

    National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF)

    It is slightly more prevalent(流行) in women than in men.

    Vigorous scrubbing, scratching, or picking at the area only makes it worse。

    Low humidity, systemically admin- istered drugs, and severe emotional stress can also be triggering factors preceding the first outbreak of the disease.

    Dialysis of the blood:血液透析

    A high alkaline—low acidic diet 高碱性低酸性饮食

    culprit :罪魁祸首



    acid-alkaline balance:酸碱平衡

    urinary incontinence :尿失禁

    In a normal state of health, one is hardly cognizant of the lungs. Indeed, it has been said that when you are aware of your lungs, you are already in trouble!

    you cannot have continued feelings of hatred without developing stomach or liver problems. Negative emotions such as uncontrollable anger or jealousy can cause digestive or heart disor- ders. Animosity and worrying can lead only to further distressful sys- temic conditions. Thoughts most assuredly affect the internal envi- ronment of the body. This is now fully accepted and recognized by the scientific community

    You should learn to recognize and appreciate the cheerful aspects of life and avoid negative situations and personalities, referred to colloquially as “real downers.” A sunny, smiling countenance goes a long way, not only for yourself but for those around you.

    I encourage my patients to participate in noncontact sports such as tennis, badminton, golf, jogging (moderately), walking, and swim- ming. Contact sports should be avoided because psoriatics have a sensitive dermal layer of the skin.

    brisk walking: 快走


    chapter 6: Diet and Nutrition Basics

    two of the major restricted items of my regimens diet, red meat and tomatoes.

    the daily diet should consist of 80 per- cent alkaline-forming foods and 20 percent acid-forming foods, or, to state it more simply, many more alkaline- than acid-forming foods should be consumed.

    It is obviously mandatory to learn which foods are alkaline and which are acid, as well as which should be avoided altogether, such as the nightshades and most saturated fats and sweets.


    The alkaline formers are the lighter, watery-type foods that are more eas- ily digested, such as fruits and vegetables. The acid formers are the heavier, protein foods, such as meats and grains,

    Strawberries, citrus fruits, and citrus juices should be avoided in cases of psoriatic arthritis and eczema, or if there is a hypersen- sitive reaction.


    Therefore it is not unrea- sonable to suspect the purine bodies contained in shellfish of being the culprit in triggering an allergiclike reaction in psoriasis and/or eczema patients.

    Even though pork and pork products are not permitted, an occa- sional slice of very crisp bacon is allowed if a patient so desires.

    Red meat is generally meat derived from farm reared mammals, such as:

    • Pork, ham and other cuts from pigs
    • Lamb
    • Beef

    Examples of processed meat include:

    • Hotdogs
    • Sausages
    • Burgers
    • Corned beef
    • Salami
    • Jerky

    Recommended: Milk (skim, 1%, low-fat, or nonfat; buttermilk; pow- dered milk; goat’s milk, especially for those suffering from eczema; soy or almond milk [nondairy]), butter (sweet or unsalted; almond or sesame butter [nondairy]), cheese (low-fat, low-sodium, white cheese only), cottage cheese and cream cheese (plain, low-fat, low- sodium), sour cream and yogurt (plain, nonfat, or low-fat).

    impair: 损害

    Although there are certain restrictions, such as fatty foods and the nightshades, most of the diet can be followed and adhered to with a certain amount of leeway and flexibility without affecting the overall result. I see no harm in occasionally satisfying a desire for a specific food after being on the diet for a few weeks, as long as it is not overdone and there is no adverse reaction.

    Dr. John’s Healing Psoriasis Cookbook … Plus!

    Therefore, when there is a choice of eating more or less, always eat less.

    when dinning out:




    food items to consume:






    Psoriatics the world over should heed the wisdom of Hippocrates, the father of medicine: “Let your food be your medicine—let your medicine be your food.”


    chapter 9 external applications:

    Remember, once the internal cleansing process begins to take effect, the annoying itch is the first symptom to disappear, and that is the first sign that the process is working.

    In following this regimen, it is absolutely essential to give time a chance. Without it, the effort is worthless. Discipline is an absolute must if results are to be expected, and this regimen may not be as rigorous as one might imagine.

    wise words: “It is a discipline only until it becomes a habit—then it takes over!”


    Chapter 10: Right Thinking: The Role of the Mind

    What must we do to realize the healthy life, the good life, the life worth living? We must exercise “right thinking.” Right thinking means choosing a pattern of thoughts designed to benefit a person without bringing harm to others.

    he calls the “Train of Causation.” To paraphrase: Everything begins with an emo- tion or feeling, which gives rise to a thought; the judgment then decides whether to materialize that thought. If the thought is approved by the judgment, the imagi- nation is put into motion by visualizing that thought as already accomplished; the will, then, is exercised by holding that picture of the materialized thought until it manifests as a reality in your life.

    And the “train of causation” is available to all humanity. It is, in my opinion, the only explanation for the thought-provoking statement that “all men are created equal.” This becomes more understandable to me when I add, “All men are created equal once they realize they have the power of thought at their command to set things in motion that work for them.”

    This is why warlords, feudal kings, early church officials, and self-proclaimed dictators kept the people subdued, either by force or by “divine” decree: they wanted to prevent the people from thinking! The United States of America became the greatest nation on earth in a mere two hun- dred years (as compared to other nations) because its people had freedom of thought.

    Go and tell no man!” Get results first and tell them later. Success requires no explanation; failure permits no alibis.(借口)

    Every day in every way, I am getting better and better,” by Coué, I have added a few phrases that should help the psoriatic in par- ticular: “The diet is easy, nutritious, and cleansing.” “I have desire only for the foods that I know are healthful to me.”

    To put it succinctly, think only of what you want, not of what you don’t want, for you will draw into your life what you think about. To think is to create; therefore, think health and you create it. This is what is meant by “right thinking.”

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