Missing license
Requested URL:
License status: Missing license
If you're an administrator of this site, please go to Licenses and use the following domain name to add a valid license:
How to get the license key
- If you own a license and want to generate a license key, please log in to the Client Portal to generate the license key.
- If you want to use the trial version of Kentico for evaluation purposes and wish to use a domain name other than “localhost” please contact support@kentico.com.
- If you’d like to use the free edition of Kentico, please log in to the Client Portal to generate the license key for your domain.
SELECT LicenseKeyID ,
LicenseDomain ,
LicenseKey ,
LicenseEdition ,
LicenseExpiration ,
LicenseServers FROM dbo.CMS_LicenseKey
这个问题,还可以通过设置站点的domain aliases来解决
对应的前端界面是下图,需要先去官网生成一个license key,然后加入网站
Invalid website
If you're an administrator of this site, you need to go to Sites and make sure the following domain name is configured either in the site properties or a domain alias of a running web site:
找到对应的site,设置domain aliases