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  • Registry uninstall values

    Original link: http://windowssucks.wordpress.com/win-registry-uninstall-values/

    ---------------------Following content is only used for knowledge sharing. ---------------------

    (It seems this wordpress theme can’t handle a table this big, go here for a clean page)

    Only a couple of the valid uninstall values are documented on MSDN [1], some of them also have a Windows Installer property and have MSI specific documentation [2], and other values like DisplayIcon have no official documentation at all!

    Name=DefaultReg. TypeMin. OSFormatNotes
    AuthorizedCDFPrefix SZ IE 4.01 http://updates.example.com Whitelist of one or more URLs for Software Update Channel [5]. “http:” means any host over http.
    Comments SZ 2000    
    Contact SZ 2000    
    DisplayIcon=Auto SZ 2000 ["]%path%["][,<-%ResId% | %ResIndex%>]
    • Quotes are optional [3]
    • -1 is NOT a valid resource id [3]
    DisplayName SZ *   Required by ARP.GUI [7]
    DisplayVersion SZ 2000 %major%.%minor%.%build%[.%revision%] Usually string version of Version
    EstimatedSize DWORD 2000 %SizeInKiB% Win7+ does not display the size information without this value [4]
    HelpLink SZ 2000 http://example.com/SupportInformation  
    HelpTelephone SZ 2000 %PhoneNumber%  
    Installed DWORD      
    InstallDate SZ 2000 %YYYYMMDD% Last time a patch was applied or removed from the product or the product was installed/repaired [2][8]
    InstallLocation SZ, EXPAND_SZ 2000 %fullpath ofolder% ARPINSTALLLOCATION: Full path to the application’s primary folder
    InstallSource SZ 2000 %fullpath ofolder%  
    Language DWORD MSI? %WIN32:LANGID%  
    ModifyPath SZ, EXPAND_SZ *? "%path%" [parameters]  
    NoModify=0 DWORD 2000   Prevents display of a Change button for the product in ARP [6]
    NoRemove=0 DWORD 2000   This only affects the display in ARP
    NoRepair=0 DWORD 2000   If NoModify=1 and NoRepair=0, ARP will display a repair button
    ParentDisplayName SZ XP:SP2, 2003   [8] Name of parent tree item
    ParentKeyName SZ XP:SP2, 2003   [8] Parents sibling subkey or key under SOFTWAREMicrosoftUpdates? “OperatingSystem” seems to be a special value. Reserved key names: IEUpdate, OEUpdate, KB######, Q######, and ######
    ProductID SZ 2000   String displayed in ARP
    Publisher SZ 2000   Publisher/Developer of application, links to UrlInfoAbout
    QuietUninstallString SZ, EXPAND_SZ? * "%path%" [parameters]  
    Readme SZ 2000 <%fullpath o eadme.txt% | http://example.com/Readme&gt;  
    RegOwner SZ 2000    
    RegCompany SZ 2000    
    ReleaseType SZ? XP? ["Hotfix" | "Security Update" | "Software Update"]  
    RequiresIESysFile SZ IE 4.0? %IEMajor%.%IEMinor%[.%IEBuild%%[.%IERevision%]] If IE is downgraded to a version lower than RequiresIESysFile, perform QuietUninstallString?
    HelpTelephone SZ 2000    
    Size SZ? MSI?    
    SystemComponent DWORD XP?    
    TSAware DWORD XP?    
    UninstallString SZ, EXPAND_SZ * "%path%" [parameters] Required by ARP.GUI [7]
    UrlInfoAbout SZ 2000 http://example.com/PublisherOrAppHomepage  
    UrlUpdateInfo SZ 2000 http://example.com/ProductUpdates  
    Version DWORD MSI? 0xMMmmBBBB major.minor.build in packed form
    VersionMajor DWORD MSI?    
    VersionMinor DWORD MSI?    
    WindowsInstaller DWORD MSI? %BOOL:IsMSI%  


    • NT4+ supports entries under HKCU, Win9x only supports HKLM
    • UninstallPath is documented on the Win 2000 Application Specifications page, it is probably a typo and they really mean UninstallString.
    • The %AppName% subkey under …Uninstall is also known as the “Microsoft Application Logo 5 name”
    • AppName subkeys matching “KB??????” seem to get special handling
    • “No*” values under HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer\%AppName% override the normal settings under HKCU…Uninstall\%AppName%
    • All “text” values also support *_Localized versions
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cindy-hu-23/p/3962524.html
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