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  • Luogu4234:最小差值生成树






    # include <bits/stdc++.h>
    # define RG register
    # define IL inline
    # define Fill(a, b) memset(a, b, sizeof(a))
    using namespace std;
    typedef long long ll;
    const int _(4e5 + 5);
    IL int Input(){
    	RG int x = 0, z = 1; RG char c = getchar();
    	for(; c < '0' || c > '9'; c = getchar()) z = c == '-' ? -1 : 1;
    	for(; c >= '0' && c <= '9'; c = getchar()) x = (x << 1) + (x << 3) + (c ^ 48);
    	return x * z;
    int n, m, fa[_], ch[2][_], mn[_], val[_], rev[_], ans, S[_], bt[_], vis[_];
    struct Edge{
    	int u, v, w;
    	IL bool operator <(RG Edge B) const{
    		return w < B.w;
    } edge[_];
    IL int Son(RG int x){
    	return ch[1][fa[x]] == x;
    IL int Isroot(RG int x){
    	return ch[0][fa[x]] != x && ch[1][fa[x]] != x;
    IL int Chk(RG int x, RG int y){
    	return val[x] < val[y] ? x : y;
    IL void Update(RG int x){
    	mn[x] = Chk(x, Chk(mn[ch[0][x]], mn[ch[1][x]]));
    IL void Reverse(RG int x){
    	if(!x) return;
    	rev[x] ^= 1, swap(ch[0][x], ch[1][x]);
    IL void Pushdown(RG int x){
    	if(!rev[x]) return;
    	rev[x] = 0, Reverse(ch[0][x]), Reverse(ch[1][x]);
    IL void Rotate(RG int x){
    	RG int y = fa[x], z = fa[y], c = Son(x);
    	if(!Isroot(y)) ch[Son(y)][z] = x; fa[x] = z;
    	ch[c][y] = ch[!c][x], fa[ch[c][y]] = y;
    	ch[!c][x] = y, fa[y] = x, Update(y);
    IL void Splay(RG int x){
    	S[S[0] = 1] = x;
    	for(RG int y = x; !Isroot(y); y = fa[y]) S[++S[0]] = fa[y];
    	while(S[0]) Pushdown(S[S[0]--]);
    	for(RG int y = fa[x]; !Isroot(x); Rotate(x), y = fa[x])
    		if(!Isroot(y)) Son(x) ^ Son(y) ? Rotate(x) : Rotate(y);
    IL void Access(RG int x){
    	for(RG int y = 0; x; y = x, x = fa[x]) Splay(x), ch[1][x] = y, Update(x);
    IL void Makeroot(RG int x){
    	Access(x), Splay(x), Reverse(x);
    IL void Link(RG int x, RG int y){
    	Makeroot(x), fa[x] = y;
    IL void Split(RG int x, RG int y){
    	Makeroot(x), Access(y), Splay(y);
    IL void Cut(RG int x, RG int y){
    	Split(x, y), ch[0][y] = fa[x] = 0, Update(y);
    IL int Find(RG int x){
    	return bt[x] == x ? x : bt[x] = Find(bt[x]);
    int main(RG int argc, RG char *argv[]){
    	n = Input(), m = Input(), ans = val[0] = 233233;
    	for(RG int i = 1; i <= n + m; ++i) bt[i] = i, val[i] = 23333;
    	for(RG int i = 1; i <= m; ++i){
    		RG int u = Input(), v = Input(), w = Input();
    		edge[i] = (Edge){u, v, w};
    	sort(edge + 1, edge + m + 1);
    	for(RG int i = 1, tot = 0, t = 1; i <= m; ++i){
    		RG int x = Find(edge[i].u), y = Find(edge[i].v);
    		val[i + n] = edge[i].w;
    		if(x == y){
    			if(edge[i].u == edge[i].v) continue;
    			Split(edge[i].u, edge[i].v);
    			RG int pos = mn[edge[i].v];
    			Cut(edge[pos - n].u, pos), Cut(edge[pos - n].v, pos);
    			Link(edge[i].u, i + n), Link(edge[i].v, i + n);
    			vis[i] = 1, vis[pos - n] = 0;
    			vis[i] = 1, bt[x] = y, ++tot;
    			Link(edge[i].u, i + n), Link(edge[i].v, i + n);
    		while(!vis[t]) ++t;
    		if(tot == n - 1) ans = min(ans, edge[i].w - edge[t].w);
    ", ans);
    	return 0;
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