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  • T-SQL 的简单查询语句


    “_”: 代表匹配一个字符

    “%”: 代表匹配多个字符;


    [^] 表示取反

    “-“  表示范围

    逻辑与 and 逻辑或 or  逻辑非 not

    聚会函数 :


    where /group by /having







    --------------添加 修改--------------------

    添加 insert into table1 values('','',''');

    修改 : update  table set  列名 =‘’,列名=‘’


    模糊查询  select * from table where name like ‘张%’;

    select * from table  查询所有信息

    select  name 姓名 ,sex 性别 from table

    select * from table where name is null; 查询信息为的

    select  top 3 from table  查询前三条信息

    ----in ---between --的使用---

    select * from table where age in(21,23);

    select * from table where age between 10 and 20;包括10与20 在内


    order by  用于排序

    select* from table order by Age asc  :升序 查询

    select * from table order by Age desc 降序排序

    group by 分组查询    可以和聚合函数一起使用

    having   需要跟Group by 结合一起使用   作用:筛选数据    having用于筛选分组后的数据

      select studentName,  avg(score)  from  student  group by  studentName

    查询值为空: select * from table where sex is null;

    ---------多表连接 -----

    内链接: select * from tablea a inner join tableb b on a.id=b.id ;


      SELECT DATEDIFF(day,'2008-12-30',GETDATE())/365


    (cast(ReplyDate as datetime) >= '2015-07-03 00:00:00') and (cast(ReplyDate as datetime) < '2015-07-03 23:59:59')


    and NiGaoSJ between '2015-07-02 0:0:00' and '2015-07-02 23:59:59'

    数据库的表结构改变时,顺便更新相关的视图 :

    select a.* from sysobjects a, syscomments b where a.id = b.id and b.text like '%表名%'

    去除里面一些重复的flowID 数据

    select *from T_WorkFlow_MainInfo m inner join (SELECT   * FROM          dbo.T_BGSW_QingJia

           WHERE      (ID IN(SELECT     MAX(ID) FROM T_BGSW_QingJia  GROUP BY FlowID))) jq on jq.FlowID = m.FlowID

          where WorkFlowType='12'


    select * from (select COUNT(*) as a ,id from T_River_GaugingData group by id) as B where B.a >1



    select DateAdd(DAY ,-3,getdate())


    select * ,fID =(select count (*)from table where table。Fid = t。id )from table t


    update  T_Vote_Main set EndTime = dateadd(Y ,+365,EndTime) where FlowID = 'acad59a1d55b433aaabb9c7ae1c7e251'

    declare @A table([ID] int,[Name] nvarchar(2),[num] int)
    Insert @A
    select 1,N'小明',23 union all
    select 2,N'小刚',33 union all
    select 3,N'小红',44
    Select a.[Name],
    cast(a.[num]*1.0/sum(a.[num])over() as numeric(8,2)) as per
    from @A as a


    row_number() over(order by kh_wo1 desc) as kh_wo1PM,

    CREATE  TABLE [StudentScores]

       [UserName]         NVARCHAR(20),        --学生姓名
        [Subject]          NVARCHAR(30),        --科目
        [Score]            FLOAT,               --成绩
    INSERT INTO [StudentScores] SELECT 'Nick', '语文', 80
    INSERT INTO [StudentScores] SELECT 'Nick', '数学', 90
    INSERT INTO [StudentScores] SELECT 'Nick', '英语', 70
    INSERT INTO [StudentScores] SELECT 'Nick', '生物', 85
    INSERT INTO [StudentScores] SELECT 'Kent', '语文', 80
    INSERT INTO [StudentScores] SELECT 'Kent', '数学', 90
    INSERT INTO [StudentScores] SELECT 'Kent', '英语', 70
    INSERT INTO [StudentScores] SELECT 'Kent', '生物', 85

          MAX(CASE Subject WHEN '语文' THEN Score ELSE 0 END) AS '语文',
          MAX(CASE Subject WHEN '数学' THEN Score ELSE 0 END) AS '数学',
          MAX(CASE Subject WHEN '英语' THEN Score ELSE 0 END) AS '英语',
          MAX(CASE Subject WHEN '生物' THEN Score ELSE 0 END) AS '生物'
    FROM dbo.[StudentScores]

    GROUP BY UserName

     --简单Case函数 CASE sex WHEN '1' THEN '男' WHEN '2' THEN '女' ELSE '其他' END --Case搜索函数 CASE WHEN sex = '1' THEN '男' WHEN sex = '2' THEN '女' ELSE '其他' END


            select account ,shopid  from users t where account = (select top 1 account from users
    where shopid = t.shopid and
    (roleName = '店长' or roleName='助理店长')
     order by rolename )


    replace () 函数 

     select  replace(‘门店asd’,'门店','')--将门店替换为 ‘’


    ----插入数据 是检查唯一标识是否存在。存在不 添加。不存在添加。
    insert into Department(cdepcode,cdepname) select t.cdepcode,t.cdepname from (select 001 as cdepcode,信息部 as cdepname ) t
    left join Department b on t.cdepcode=t.cdepcode where b.cdepcode is null

     -----插入数据时判断该数据是否存在存在不插入 不存在插入--------

    insert into B2B_DS_ORDERHZ
     select N'1521125985680614',N'',N'erpaddid',N'fp',N'DWI00009649',N'bz',N'已受理',N'2018-3-15 22:59:45',N'pc','747'.'8','740'.'32',N'支付宝',N'2018-4-28 00:32:10' where not exists (select 1 from B2B_DS_ORDERHZ  where orderNum='1521125985680614' )

     --- ------ 在检索数据时 同常会用到 in 来检索数据 in 在检查数据的量比没有被检索的量。用in 比较好。 反之用 EXISTS 比较好

    select GoodsId,LevelId,0 as price from MultiPrice(nolock) where
            EntId='E14VWE917T6' and SaleTaxP>0
            and GoodsId+LevelId not in(select GoodsId+LevelId from eh_GoodsLevel(nolock))

    select GoodsId,LevelId,0 as price from MultiPrice a (nolock) where
            EntId='E14VWE917T6' and SaleTaxP>0
    and not  EXISTS (select GoodsId+LevelId from eh_GoodsLevel b  where  a. GoodsId+a.LevelId  = b.GoodsId+b.LevelId  )

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cl1006/p/4344648.html
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