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  • oracle 03-03 数据库实例管理

    Managing the Database Instance

    After completing this lesson, you should be able to:
    • Start and stop the Oracle database instance and
    • Modify database initialization parameters初始化参数
    • Describe the stages of database startup数据库启动过程
    • Describe database shutdown options数据库关闭选项
    • View the alert log查看预警日制
    • Access dynamic performance views如何访问动态视图

    Initialization Parameters: Examples
    Parameter Specifies
    CONTROL_FILES控制文件 One or more control file names
    DB_FILES Maximum number of database files数据库允许的最大文件个数
    PROCESSES Maximum number of OS user processes that can
    simultaneously connect最大后台进程及后台进程的个数
    DB_BLOCK_SIZE Standard database block size used by all
    DB_CACHE_SIZE 数据库告诉缓冲池Size of the standard block buffer cache



    SGA_TARGET (Total size of all SGA components)
    MEMORY_TARGET (Total size of system-wide usable memory)


    Parameter Specifies
    PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET Amount of PGA memory available to all server

    SHARED_POOL_SIZE 设定共享池大小Size of shared pool (in bytes)
    UNDO_MANAGEMENT Undo space management mode to be used默认AUTO方式


    SQL>show parameter

    SQL> show parameter process查看进程参数

    Changing Initialization Parameter Values
    • Static parameters:  静态参数
    – Can be changed only in the parameter file
    – Require restarting the instance before taking effect
    • Dynamic parameters:  动态参数 修改后不需要重新启动实例即可生效
    – Can be changed while database is online
    – Can be altered at:
    — Session level
    — System level
    – Are valid for duration of session or based on SCOPE setting
    – Are changed by using the ALTER SESSION and ALTER
    SYSTEM commands



    SQL> alter system set processes=400

    SQL> alter system set processes=400 scope=both;

    SQL> alter system set processes=400 scope=memory+sqfiel;


    SQL> alter system set processes=400 scope=sqfiel; 换成只对sqfiel文件修改才能成功

    SQL>shut immediate;  关闭后重启数据库后才能生效


    SQL> ALTER SESSION 只对本会话期生效

    SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET 对整个系统生效 重启后永久生效

    状态0:shutdown 关闭状态

    状态1:nomount      instance started 实例启动命令  SQL>statup nomount;

    状态2:mount       control file opened for this instance 对控制文件进行装载,装载命令 SQL>alter database mount; 可用于数据库恢复,从备份卷中恢复控制文件

    状态3:open    all files opened as described by the control file for this instance 打开在线日志文件redo和数据文件。 打开命令 SQL>alter database open;


    Shutdown modes:
    • A = ABORT 强制终止,备份不可用,需要修复数据库
    • I = IMMEDIATE 对为完成事物回退
    • T = TRANSACTIONAL 等待事物完成
    • N = NORMAL

    Allows new connections 建立新的链接
    No No No No
    Waits until current sessions end 等待当前会话期结束
    No No No Yes
    Waits until current transactions end 等待事物完成
    No No Yes Yes
    Forces a checkpoint and closes files 强制检查点并关闭文件,确保数据可用
    No Yes Yes Yes


    Dynamic Performance Views: Considerations
    • These views are owned by the SYS user.
    • Different views are available at different times:
    – The instance has been started.
    – The database is mounted.
    – The database is open.
    • You can query V$FIXED_TABLE to see all the view names.
    • These views are often referred to as “v-dollar views.”
    • Read consistency is not guaranteed on these views
    because the data is dynamic.


    SQL>desc v$instance;

    SQL>select status from v$instance;   查看status视图是否打开

    SQL>desc v$database

    SQL>select open_Moed from v$database;  查看open_Moed视图状态


    SQL>desc 查看表结构命令

    SQL> connect hr/hr

    SQL> conn hr/hr 登陆用户hr

    SQL>show user 查看当前用户

    SQL>desc user_tables; 查看当前用户的所有表格

    SQL>select table_name from user_tables; 查看所有属于hr用户表的名称

    SQL>select * from all_tables; 查看改用户所有表格,含被授权的表格

    SQL>conn / as sysdba  切换到超级用户sysdba

    SQL>desc dba_tables;

    SQL>seletc count(*) from dba_tables;  查看表的数量seletc count(*)


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cloud7777/p/13060000.html
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