publicvoid Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Create the connection and DataAdapter for the Authors table. SqlConnection cnn =new SqlConnection("server=.;database=pubs; user id=sa;pwd=;"); SqlDataAdapter cmd1 =new SqlDataAdapter("select * from authors", cnn); //Create and fill the DataSet. DataSet ds =new DataSet(); cmd1.Fill(ds, "authors"); //Create a second DataAdapter for the Titles table. SqlDataAdapter cmd2 =new SqlDataAdapter("select * from titleauthor", cnn); cmd2.Fill(ds, "titles"); //Create the relation bewtween the Authors and Titles tables. ds.Relations.Add("myrelation", ds.Tables["authors"].Columns["au_id"], ds.Tables["titles"].Columns["au_id"]); //Bind the Authors table to the parent Repeater control, and call DataBind. parentRepeater.DataSource = ds.Tables["authors"]; Page.DataBind(); //Close the connection. cnn.Close(); }