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  • [LeetCode] 229. Majority Element II

    Given an integer array of size n, find all elements that appear more than ⌊ n/3 ⌋ times.

    Note: The algorithm should run in linear time and in O(1) space.

    Example 1:

    Input: [3,2,3]
    Output: [3]

    Example 2:

    Input: [1,1,1,3,3,2,2,2]
    Output: [1,2]


    题目要求时间O(n),空间O(1),所以思路还是投票法。对于一个数组,最多只有两个元素的出现次数超过数组长度的三分之一,所以我们这里创建两个candidate。首先我们将这两个candidate初始化为0(因为有一些test case是数组长度小于2的所以不能设置为nums[0], nums[1]),然后遍历数组,按照版本一的做法,统计或者更新两个candidate的出现次数。这一题需要遍历两次input数组,第二次遍历的时候是在验证找到的两个candidate是否出现次数真的大于数组长度的三分之一,若是则加入结果集。




     1 class Solution {
     2     public List<Integer> majorityElement(int[] nums) {
     3         List<Integer> res = new ArrayList<>();
     4         // corner case
     5         if (nums == null || nums.length == 0) {
     6             return res;
     7         }
     9         // normal case
    10         int candidate1 = 0;
    11         int candidate2 = 0;
    12         int count1 = 0;
    13         int count2 = 0;
    14         for (int num : nums) {
    15             if (num == candidate1) {
    16                 count1++;
    17             } else if (num == candidate2) {
    18                 count2++;
    19             } else if (count1 == 0) {
    20                 candidate1 = num;
    21                 count1++;
    22             } else if (count2 == 0) {
    23                 candidate2 = num;
    24                 count2++;
    25             } else {
    26                 count1--;
    27                 count2--;
    28             }
    29         }
    31         count1 = 0;
    32         count2 = 0;
    33         for (int num : nums) {
    34             if (num == candidate1) {
    35                 count1++;
    36             } else if (num == candidate2) {
    37                 count2++;
    38             }
    39         }
    40         if (count1 > nums.length / 3) {
    41             res.add(candidate1);
    42         }
    43         if (count2 > nums.length / 3) {
    44             res.add(candidate2);
    45         }
    46         return res;
    47     }
    48 }


     1 /**
     2  * @param {number[]} nums
     3  * @return {number[]}
     4  */
     5 var majorityElement = function (nums) {
     6     let res = [];
     7     // corner case
     8     if (nums === null || nums.length === 0) {
     9         return res;
    10     }
    11     // normal case
    12     let candidate1 = 0;
    13     let candidate2 = 0;
    14     let count1 = 0;
    15     let count2 = 0;
    16     for (let num of nums) {
    17         if (num === candidate1) {
    18             count1++;
    19         } else if (num === candidate2) {
    20             count2++;
    21         } else if (count1 === 0) {
    22             candidate1 = num;
    23             count1++;
    24         } else if (count2 === 0) {
    25             candidate2 = num;
    26             count2++;
    27         } else {
    28             count1--;
    29             count2--;
    30         }
    31     }
    33     count1 = 0;
    34     count2 = 0;
    35     for (let num of nums) {
    36         if (num === candidate1) {
    37             count1++;
    38         } else if (num === candidate2) {
    39             count2++;
    40         }
    41     }
    42     if (count1 > Math.floor(nums.length / 3)) {
    43         res.push(candidate1);
    44     }
    45     if (count2 > Math.floor(nums.length / 3)) {
    46         res.push(candidate2);
    47     }
    48     return res;
    49 };


    169. Majority Element

    229. Majority Element II

    LeetCode 题目总结

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cnoodle/p/13718485.html
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