Today, the bookstore owner has a store open for customers.length
minutes. Every minute, some number of customers (customers[i]
) enter the store, and all those customers leave after the end of that minute.
On some minutes, the bookstore owner is grumpy. If the bookstore owner is grumpy on the i-th minute, grumpy[i] = 1
, otherwise grumpy[i] = 0
. When the bookstore owner is grumpy, the customers of that minute are not satisfied, otherwise they are satisfied.
The bookstore owner knows a secret technique to keep themselves not grumpy for X
minutes straight, but can only use it once.
Return the maximum number of customers that can be satisfied throughout the day.
Example 1:
Input: customers = [1,0,1,2,1,1,7,5], grumpy = [0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1], X = 3 Output: 16 Explanation: The bookstore owner keeps themselves not grumpy for the last 3 minutes. The maximum number of customers that can be satisfied = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 7 + 5 = 16.
1 <= X <= customers.length == grumpy.length <= 20000
0 <= customers[i] <= 1000
0 <= grumpy[i] <= 1
今天,书店老板有一家店打算试营业 customers.length 分钟。每分钟都有一些顾客(customers[i])会进入书店,所有这些顾客都会在那一分钟结束后离开。
在某些时候,书店老板会生气。 如果书店老板在第 i 分钟生气,那么 grumpy[i] = 1,否则 grumpy[i] = 0。 当书店老板生气时,那一分钟的顾客就会不满意,不生气则他们是满意的。
书店老板知道一个秘密技巧,能抑制自己的情绪,可以让自己连续 X 分钟不生气,但却只能使用一次。
思路是滑动窗口。这个题我们可以这样想,假设老板一直都不生气,那么我们可以使得所有的customer都满意,那么结果自然是customer数组的累加和。但是现在当老板在某些时候会生气的情况下,我们需要找一个长度为X的子数组,能涵盖尽量多的 grumpy[i] = 1 (老板生气的情况)。所以一开始滑动窗口的end指针往前走,如果end指针指向的index那一刻老板是生气的,则记录一个curSum表示目前能挽回的customer数量;当end - start + 1 == X的时候,说明需要缩短窗口了,此时如果start指针指向的下标老板是生气的,我们则需要把这些customer还回去,因为他们不在窗口里了,也就无法挽回了。
1 class Solution { 2 public int maxSatisfied(int[] customers, int[] grumpy, int X) { 3 int satisfied = 0; 4 int len = grumpy.length; 5 // 不生气的时候的顾客总数 6 for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { 7 if (grumpy[i] == 0) { 8 satisfied += customers[i]; 9 } 10 } 11 12 int start = 0; 13 int end = 0; 14 int curSum = 0; 15 int max = 0; 16 while (end < len) { 17 if (grumpy[end] == 1) { 18 curSum += customers[end]; 19 } 20 // if (end - start + 1 >= X) 21 if (end - start + 1 == X) { 22 max = Math.max(max, curSum); 23 if (grumpy[start] == 1) { 24 curSum -= customers[start]; 25 } 26 start++; 27 } 28 end++; 29 } 30 return satisfied + max; 31 } 32 }