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  • 单片机工程加入printf函数




     1 #ifndef     __PRINT_H_
     2 #define    __PRINT_H_
     4 void    print(char* fmt, ...);
     5 void    printch(char ch);
     6 void    printdec(int dec);
     7 void    printflt(double flt);
     8 void    printbin(int bin);
     9 void    printhex(int hex);
    10 void    printstr(char* str);
    12 #define console_print(ch)    putchar(ch)
    14 #endif    /*#ifndef __PRINT_H_*/



      1 #include <stdio.h>
      2 #include <stdarg.h>
      3 #include "print.h"
      5 int main(void)
      6 {
      7     print("print: %c
    ", 'c');
      8     print("print %d
    ", 1234567);
      9     print("print: %f
    ", 1234567.1234567);
     10     print("print: %s
    ", "string test");
     11     print("print: %b
    ", 0x12345ff);
     12     print("print: %x
    ", 0xabcdef);
     13     print("print: %%
     14     return 0;
     15 }
     17 void    print(char* fmt, ...)
     18 {
     19     double vargflt = 0;
     20     int  vargint = 0;
     21     char* vargpch = NULL;
     22     char vargch = 0;
     23     char* pfmt = NULL;
     24     va_list vp;
     26     va_start(vp, fmt);
     27     pfmt = fmt;
     29     while(*pfmt)
     30     {
     31         if(*pfmt == '%')
     32         {
     33             switch(*(++pfmt))
     34             {
     36                 case 'c':
     37                     vargch = va_arg(vp, int); 
     38                     /*    va_arg(ap, type), if type is narrow type (char, short, float) an error is given in strict ANSI
     39                         mode, or a warning otherwise.In non-strict ANSI mode, 'type' is allowed to be any expression. */
     40                     printch(vargch);
     41                     break;
     42                 case 'd':
     43                 case 'i':
     44                     vargint = va_arg(vp, int);
     45                     printdec(vargint);
     46                     break;
     47                 case 'f':
     48                     vargflt = va_arg(vp, double);
     49                     /*    va_arg(ap, type), if type is narrow type (char, short, float) an error is given in strict ANSI
     50                         mode, or a warning otherwise.In non-strict ANSI mode, 'type' is allowed to be any expression. */
     51                     printflt(vargflt);
     52                     break;
     53                 case 's':
     54                     vargpch = va_arg(vp, char*);
     55                     printstr(vargpch);
     56                     break;
     57                 case 'b':
     58                 case 'B':
     59                     vargint = va_arg(vp, int);
     60                     printbin(vargint);
     61                     break;
     62                 case 'x':
     63                 case 'X':
     64                     vargint = va_arg(vp, int);
     65                     printhex(vargint);
     66                     break;
     67                 case '%':
     68                     printch('%');
     69                     break;
     70                 default:
     71                     break;
     72             }
     73             pfmt++;
     74         }
     75         else
     76         {
     77             printch(*pfmt++);
     78         }
     79     }
     80     va_end(vp);
     81 }
     83 void    printch(char ch)
     84 {
     85     console_print(ch);
     86 }
     88 void    printdec(int dec)
     89 {
     90     if(dec==0)
     91     {
     92         return;
     93     }
     94     printdec(dec/10);
     95     printch( (char)(dec%10 + '0'));
     96 }
     98 void    printflt(double flt)
     99 {
    100     int icnt = 0;
    101     int tmpint = 0;
    103     tmpint = (int)flt;
    104     printdec(tmpint);
    105     printch('.');
    106     flt = flt - tmpint;
    107     tmpint = (int)(flt * 1000000);
    108     printdec(tmpint);
    109 }
    111 void    printstr(char* str)
    112 {
    113     while(*str)
    114     {
    115         printch(*str++);
    116     }
    117 }
    119 void    printbin(int bin)
    120 {
    121     if(bin == 0)
    122     {
    123         printstr("0b");
    124         return;
    125     }
    126     printbin(bin/2);
    127     printch( (char)(bin%2 + '0'));
    128 }
    130 void    printhex(int hex)
    131 {
    132     if(hex==0)
    133     {
    134         printstr("0x");
    135         return;
    136     }
    137     printhex(hex/16);
    138     if(hex < 10)
    139     {
    140         printch((char)(hex%16 + '0'));
    141     }
    142     else
    143     {
    144         printch((char)(hex%16 - 10 + 'a' ));
    145     }
    146 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/codecamel/p/4686437.html
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