filePath = "D:Python_workLpythonday2shoppinglist.txt" with open (filePath, "r") as f: filetext = f.readlines() k = len(filetext) # print(filetext) # 提取商品列表(将字符串以逗号分割写入列表) fileList = [] for i in range(k): c = filetext[i].split(",") fileList.append([c[0],int(c[1])]) print(fileList) # ================ # 用户入口 # ================ fileLen = len(fileList) salary = int(input("请输入您的工资: ")) for j in range(fileLen): # 打印商品(编号,商品名称,价格) print(j, '.', fileList[j][0], ' ', fileList[j][1]) shoppingList = [] while True: selectNum = input("请选择商品编号:") if selectNum.isdigit(): selectNum = int(selectNum) if 0 <= selectNum < fileLen: p_item = fileList[selectNum] if p_item[1] <= salary: shoppingList.append(p_item) salary -= p_item[1] print("已添加 %s 商品到购物车,您的余额为: 33[31;0m %s 33[0m" % (p_item, salary)) else: print(" 33[41;1m你的余额只剩[%s]啦,还买个毛线啊 33[0m" % salary) for going in shoppingList: print("您已购商品为: ", going) print("您当前的余额为: ", salary) break else: print("您选择的 [%s] 不存在,请重新选择 " % selectNum) elif selectNum == "q": print("---------shopping list---------") for going in shoppingList: print("您已购商品为: ", going) print("您当前的余额为: ", salary) exit() else: print("无效选项") # ================ # 商家入口 # ================ goodskey = dict(fileList) print(goodskey) # 修改商品名称 & 修改价格 & 添加商品 goodskey["Iphone11"] = "5999" goodskey.update({'Iphone12':goodskey.pop("Iphone11")}) print(goodskey) with open(filePath, 'w+') as f: for key in goodskey: # for key,value in goodskey.items(): 不建议这样写 f.write('{0},{1} '.format(key,goodskey[key])) # 添加商品 with open (filePath, "a+") as f: f.write("Python8,8800 ")