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  • 大数据学习路线之hive存储格式

    hive的存储格式通常是三种:textfile、sequencefile、rcfile、orc、自定义set hive.default.fileformat=TextFile; 默认存储格式为:textfile textFile:普通文本存储,不进行压缩。查询效率较低。



      sequeceFile 和 rcfile都不允许使用load方式加载数据。需要使用insert 方式插入


      create table if not exists seq1(

      id int,

      name string


      row format delimited fields terminated by ' '

      lines terminated by ' '

      stored as sequencefile



      load data local inpath '/home/user' into table seq1;


      insert into table seq1

      select * from user1



      rcfile可以进行行列混合压缩,将附近的列和行的数据尽量保存到相同的块里面,该存储格式会提高查询效率,但是写数据较慢。该方式和gzcodeC压缩属性结合不是很好() set mapred.output.compression=true; set mapred.output.compression.codec=org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.GzipCodec;


      create table if not exists rc1(

      id int,

      name string


      row format delimited fields terminated by ' '

      stored as rcfile


      create table if not exists rc2(

      id int,

      name string


      row format delimited fields terminated by ' '

      stored as rcfile



      load data local inpath '/home/user' into table rc1;


      insert into table rc2

      select * from user1



      数据: seqyd元数据文件: aGVsbG8saGl2ZQ== aGVsbG8sd29ybGQ= aGVsbG8saGFkb29w seqyd文件为base64编码后的内容,decode后数据为:




      create table cus(str STRING)

      stored as

      inputformat 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.fileformat.base64.Base64TextInputFormat'

      outputformat 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.fileformat.base64.Base64TextOutputFormat';

      LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '/home/cus' INTO TABLE cus;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/coffees/p/12331243.html
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