data mysas.ifthen; infile 'E:\ifthen.txt' dlm='09'x firstobs=2; input date gtone shen dong all; run;
1.当数据来源于excel dlm的参数为'09'x in ASCII 09 is the hexadecimal equivalen of a tab character,and the notation '09'x means a hexadecimal 09
【if then do end】
/*if then 练习 实现年度求和*/ data mysas.ifthen1; infile 'e:\ifthen.txt' dlm='09'x firstobs=2; input date gtone shen dong all; sum=0; if date>=201001 and date<=201012 then do sum=sum+all; end; run; proc print data=mysas.ifthen1; run;
print result
Obs date gtone shen dong all sum
1 200901 498937 6742289 2494050 9735276 0
2 200902 478784 6765642 2406706 9651132 0
3 200903 479560 6827687 2391841 9699088 0
4 200904 477907 6743027 2297549 9518483 0
5 200905 486403 6907205 2261126 9654734 0
6 200906 486593 6803153 2182113 9471859 0
7 200907 492590 6901677 2117964 9512231 0
8 200908 495797 6965608 2084515 9545920 0
9 200909 495485 6873504 2033317 9402306 0
10 200910 500339 7055739 1994235 9550313 0
11 200911 492797 6857360 1942764 9292921 0
12 200912 498678 6898360 1922876 9319914 0
13 201001 500179 6918185 1868214 9286578 9286578
14 201002 513237 7128654 1809876 9451767 9451767
15 201003 504156 7521635 1892241 9918032 9918032
16 201004 507437 7544403 1869134 9920974 9920974
17 201005 511050 7765219 1854844 10131113 10131113
18 201006 503222 7852088 1877326 10232636 10232636
19 201007 507169 7999714 1924397 10431280 10431280
20 201008 509278 8045505 1969896 10524679 10524679
21 201009 515511 7928625 1986502 10430638 10430638
22 201010 508082 7785980 2005948 10300010 10300010
23 201011 506488 7529334 2003324 10039146 10039146
24 201012 509890 7484314 2011298 10005502 10005502
25 201101 513356 7434192 2001453 9949001 0
26 201102 526176 7635112 2070135 10231423 0
27 201103 524697 7690899 2202720 10418316 0
【if then else if then】
1、if then do end; "end" is fllow by "do". if there did not use "do" then "end" should be dissappered.
/*if then else 简单筛选*/ data mysas.ifthen2; infile 'e:\ifthen.txt' dlm='09'x firstobs=2; input date gtone shen dong all; if date>201001 then sum=1; else if date>200905 and date<=201001 then sum=2; else if date<200905 then sum=3; run; proc print data=mysas.ifthen2; run;
【if delete】
在data 中导入数据时if delete是一个很有意思的操作。
/*if delete*/ data mysas.ifthen3; infile 'e:\ifthen.txt' dlm='09'x firstobs=2; input date gtone shen dong all; if date>201005; run; proc print data=mysas.ifthen3; run;
yymmn6. union anydtdte9.
/*对date的处理*/ data mysas.ifthen4; infile 'e:\ifthen.txt' dlm='09'x firstobs=2; input date yymmn6. gtone shen dong all; run; proc print data=mysas.ifthen4; format date anydtdte9.. run;