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  • 简易调色盘控件 for .NET(EN)

    By Conmajia
    Originally posted in 2012


    Simple & fast implementation of a rectangular RGB palette control for .NET Fx 2.0. Old-school shit.

    Name it as SRP.

    Project download… Nah...

    (ancient project, where on earth can I retrieve those antiques?)

    The palette looks like:

    ▲ The look of SRP


    • Pick a color

      You can access the color you pick via e.Color of the ColorChanged event.

    • Set palette block size

      Note that size of the whole palette will be changed.


    Here I have several examples. SRP is formed in a 6×36 color grid.

    ▲ Block 5
    ▲ Block 10
    ▲ Block 15


    Disassemble SRP into layers for graphic painting. (bottom to top)

    1. Canvas
    2. Color blocks
    3. Grids
    4. Border
    5. Cursor

    Paint It

    Paint these layer sequentially.

    protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) {
      Graphics g = e.Graphics;

    A hello to the modern Flat UI 7 yrs. ago.

    void drawGrid(Graphics g) {
      for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
        g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 0, blockWidth * (i + 1), blockWidth * cols, blockWidth * (i + 1));
      for(int i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
        g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, blockWidth * (i + 1), 0, blockWidth * (i + 1), blockWidth * rows);

    Calculate coordinates of a color, fill blocks, proceed on. Here’s my algorithm of generating RGB colors, you can generate your own shits.

    Color getColor(int row, int col) {
      byte r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
      int step = 0xff / (rows - 1);
      r = (byte)(row * step);
      g = (byte)(step * (col / rows));
      b = (byte)(step * (col % rows));
      return Color.FromArgb(r, g, b);

    Instead of storing preset colors, all colors shown were automatically generated during run-time.

    current = getColor(pt.Y / blockWidth, pt.X / blockWidth);

    Draw mouse cursor. Refresh only dirty parts on canvas.

    void updateCursor(Point pt) {
      lastCursor.X = cursor.X;
      lastCursor.Y = cursor.Y;
      cursor.X = pt.X - pt.X % blockWidth;
      cursor.Y = pt.Y - pt.Y % blockWidth;
      current = getColor(pt.Y / blockWidth, pt.X / blockWidth);

    Redraw dirty.

    protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e) {
      // redraw larger spaces
      Invalidate(new Rectangle(lastCursor.X - 1, lastCursor.Y - 1, lastCursor.Width + 2, lastCursor.Height + 2));
      Invalidate(new Rectangle(cursor.X - 1, cursor.Y - 1, cursor.Width + 2, cursor.Height + 2));
      // fire event

    Trigger OnColorChanged() event which happens after color is changed.

    // -- custom events
    public delegate void ColorChangedEventHandler(object sender, ColorChangedEventArgs e);
    [Description("Fires every time when color changed.")]
    public event ColorChangedEventHandler ColorChanged;
    protected virtual void OnColorChanged() {
      if(ColorChanged != null) ColorChanged(this, new ColorChangedEventArgs(current));
    // custom event args
    public class ColorChangedEventArgs: EventArgs {
      Color color = Color.Black;
      public Color Color {
        get {
          return color;
        set {
          color = value;
      public ColorChangedEventArgs(Color color): base() {
        this.color = color;


    With some extra optimizations, you'll have one simple yet elegant palette.

    ▲ SRP in use

    The End. (Box)

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/conmajia/p/simple-palette-control.html
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