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  • VirtualBox中不能正常使用OpneGL的问题



    系统类型:Ubuntu 14.04

    按照网上常见的教程 Ubuntu 安装OpenGL,安装OpenGL库与实用工具包等,如下:

    $ sudo apt-get install build-essential
    $ sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev
    $ sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa-dev
    $ sudo apt-get install libglut-dev
    $ sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev


    #include <GL/freeglut.h>
    void init(void)
        glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        glOrtho(-5, 5, -5, 5, 5, 15);
        gluLookAt(0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0);
    void display(void)
        glColor3f(1.0, 0, 0);
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        glutInit(&argc, argv);
        glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_RGB | GLUT_SINGLE);
        glutInitWindowPosition(0, 0);
        glutInitWindowSize(300, 300);
        glutCreateWindow("OpenGL 3D View");
        return 0;
    g++ opengl_test.cpp -o test -lGL -lGLU -lglut

    出现如下类似的错误VirtualBox Ticket #12941

    libGL error: pci id for fd 4: 80ee:beef, driver (null)
    OpenGL Warning: glFlushVertexArrayRangeNV not found in mesa table
    OpenGL Warning: glVertexArrayRangeNV not found in mesa table
    OpenGL Warning: glCombinerInputNV not found in mesa table
    OpenGL Warning: glCombinerOutputNV not found in mesa table
    OpenGL Warning: glCombinerParameterfNV not found in mesa table
    OpenGL Warning: glCombinerParameterfvNV not found in mesa table
    OpenGL Warning: glCombinerParameteriNV not found in mesa table
    OpenGL Warning: glCombinerParameterivNV not found in mesa table
    OpenGL Warning: glFinalCombinerInputNV not found in mesa table
    OpenGL Warning: glGetCombinerInputParameterfvNV not found in mesa table
    OpenGL Warning: glGetCombinerInputParameterivNV not found in mesa table
    OpenGL Warning: glGetCombinerOutputParameterfvNV not found in mesa table
    OpenGL Warning: glGetCombinerOutputParameterivNV not found in mesa table
    OpenGL Warning: glGetFinalCombinerInputParameterfvNV not found in mesa table
    OpenGL Warning: glGetFinalCombinerInputParameterivNV not found in mesa table
    OpenGL Warning: glDeleteFencesNV not found in mesa table
    OpenGL Warning: glFinishFenceNV not found in mesa table
    OpenGL Warning: glGenFencesNV not found in mesa table
    OpenGL Warning: glGetFenceivNV not found in mesa table
    OpenGL Warning: glIsFenceNV not found in mesa table
    OpenGL Warning: glSetFenceNV not found in mesa table
    OpenGL Warning: glTestFenceNV not found in mesa table
    libGL error: core dri or dri2 extension not found
    libGL error: failed to load driver: vboxvideo

    Ubuntu下使用OpenGL图像库这篇博客的启发,可能原因是没有安装其它相关的图像用户接口库,运行命令sudo apt-cache search opengl查找与opengl相关的所有库:

    compiz - OpenGL window and compositing manager
    compiz-core - OpenGL window and compositing manager
    compiz-dev - OpenGL window and compositing manager - development files
    compiz-gnome - OpenGL window and compositing manager - GNOME window decorator
    compiz-plugins-default - OpenGL window and compositing manager - default plugins
    freeglut3 - OpenGL Utility Toolkit
    freeglut3-dbg - OpenGL Utility Toolkit debugging information
    freeglut3-dev - OpenGL Utility Toolkit development files
    libcogl-common - Object oriented GL/GLES Abstraction/Utility Layer (common files)
    libcogl-dev - Object oriented GL/GLES Abstraction/Utility Layer (development files)
    libcogl-doc - Object oriented GL/GLES Abstraction/Utility Layer (documentation)
    libcogl-gles2-15 - Object oriented GL/GLES Abstraction/Utility Layer
    libcogl-gles2-dev - Object oriented GL/GLES Abstraction/Utility Layer (development files)
    libcogl-pango-dev - Object oriented GL/GLES Abstraction/Utility Layer (development files)
    libcogl-pango15 - Object oriented GL/GLES Abstraction/Utility Layer
    libcogl-pango15-dbg - Object oriented GL/GLES Abstraction/Utility Layer (debug files)
    libcogl15 - Object oriented GL/GLES Abstraction/Utility Layer
    libcogl15-dbg - Object oriented GL/GLES Abstraction/Utility Layer (debug files)
    libdrm-dev - Userspace interface to kernel DRM services -- development files
    libdrm2 - Userspace interface to kernel DRM services -- runtime
    libdrm2-dbg - Userspace interface to kernel DRM services -- debugging symbols
    libegl1-mesa - free implementation of the EGL API -- runtime
    libegl1-mesa-dbg - free implementation of the EGL API -- debugging symbols
    libegl1-mesa-dev - free implementation of the EGL API -- development files
    libegl1-mesa-drivers - free implementation of the EGL API -- hardware drivers
    libegl1-mesa-drivers-dbg - free implementation of the EGL API -- driver debugging symbols
    libgl1-mesa-dev - free implementation of the OpenGL API -- GLX development files
    libgl1-mesa-dri - free implementation of the OpenGL API -- DRI modules
    libgl1-mesa-dri-dbg - Debugging symbols for the Mesa DRI modules
    libgl1-mesa-glx - free implementation of the OpenGL API -- GLX runtime
    libglamor-dev - shared graphics acceleration library based on OpenGL -- development files
    libglamor0 - shared graphics acceleration library based on OpenGL
    libgles1-mesa - free implementation of the OpenGL|ES 1.x API -- runtime
    libgles1-mesa-dbg - free implementation of the OpenGL|ES 1.x API -- debugging symbols
    libgles1-mesa-dev - free implementation of the OpenGL|ES 1.x API -- development files
    libgles2-mesa - free implementation of the OpenGL|ES 2.x API -- runtime
    libgles2-mesa-dbg - free implementation of the OpenGL|ES 2.x API -- debugging symbols
    libgles2-mesa-dev - free implementation of the OpenGL|ES 2.x API -- development files
    libglew-dbg - OpenGL Extension Wrangler (debugging symbols)
    libglew-dev - OpenGL Extension Wrangler - development environment
    libglew1.10 - OpenGL Extension Wrangler - runtime environment
    libglewmx-dbg - OpenGL Extension Wrangler MX (debugging symbols)
    libglewmx-dev - OpenGL Extension Wrangler MX - development environment
    libglewmx1.10 - OpenGL Extension Wrangler (Multiple Rendering Contexts)
    libglm-dev - C++ library for OpenGL GLSL type-based mathematics
    libglm-doc - documentation for the OpenGL Mathematics (GLM) library
    libglu1-mesa - Mesa OpenGL utility library (GLU)
    libglu1-mesa-dev - Mesa OpenGL utility library -- development files
    libnux-4.0-0 - Visual rendering toolkit for real-time applications - shared lib
    libnux-4.0-common - Visual rendering toolkit for real-time applications - common files
    libnux-4.0-dev - Visual rendering toolkit for real-time applications - dev files
    libosmesa6 - Mesa Off-screen rendering extension
    libqt4-opengl - Qt 4 OpenGL module
    libqt4-opengl-dev - Qt 4 OpenGL library development files
    libqt5opengl5 - Qt 5 OpenGL module
    libqt5opengl5-dev - Qt 5 OpenGL library development files
    libqt5qml-graphicaleffects - Qt 5 Graphical Effects module
    libqtopengl4-perl - perl bindings for the Qt OpenGL library
    libreoffice-ogltrans - LibreOffice Impress extension for transitions using OpenGL
    libsmokeqtopengl4-3 - Qt OpenGL SMOKE library
    libtiff-tools - TIFF manipulation and conversion tools
    libtxc-dxtn-s2tc0 - Texture compression library for Mesa
    mesa-common-dev - Developer documentation for Mesa
    nux-tools - Visual rendering toolkit for real-time applications - tools
    nvidia-settings - Tool for configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver
    python-qt4 - Python bindings for Qt4
    python3-pyqt4 - Python3 bindings for Qt4
    python3-pyqt4.qtopengl - Python 3 bindings for Qt4's OpenGL module
    python3-pyqt4.qtopengl-dbg - Python 3 bindings for Qt4's OpenGL module (debug extension)
    python3-pyqt5.qtopengl - Python 3 bindings for Qt5's OpenGL module
    python3-pyqt5.qtopengl-dbg - Python 3 bindings for Qt5's OpenGL module (debug extension)
    x11proto-dri3-dev - X11 DRI3 extension wire protocol
    x11proto-gl-dev - X11 OpenGL extension wire protocol
    xserver-xorg-video-glamoregl - X.Org X server -- graphics acceleration module based on OpenGL
    amoeba - fast-paced, polished OpenGL demonstration by Excess
    amoeba-data - Fast-paced, polished OpenGL demonstration by Excess (data)
    celestia-common-nonfree - Non-free datafiles for Celestia, a real-time visual space simulation
    cytadela - old-school first person shooter game
    d1x-rebirth - port of the 1995 classic game Descent 1: First Strike
    d2x-rebirth - port of the 1996 classic game Descent 2: Counterstrike
    libcggl - Nvidia Cg Opengl runtime library
    mgltools-dejavu - visualization of 3D geometry using the OpenGL with Python
    mgltools-opengltk - Opengltk Python extension
    mgltools-pyglf - GLF library Python extension to write text in OpenGL
    mplayer-skins - Skins for the Mplayer package
    nvidia-cg-dev - Cg Toolkit - GPU Shader Authoring Language (headers)
    nvidia-cg-doc - Cg Toolkit - GPU Shader Authoring Language (documentation)
    nvidia-cg-toolkit - Cg Toolkit - GPU Shader Authoring Language
    residualvm - interpreter to play LucasArts' Lua-based 3D adventures
    residualvm-data - interpreter to play LucasArts' Lua-based 3D adventures (data files)
    nvidia-173 - NVIDIA legacy binary driver - version 173.14.39
    achilles - An artificial life and evolution simulator
    adanaxisgpl - Action game in four spatial dimensions
    adanaxisgpl-data - Action game in four spatial dimensions
    apitrace-gl-frontend - tools for debugging OpenGL applications and drivers - tracing frontends
    apitrace-gl-tracers - tools for debugging OpenGL applications and drivers - application tracer
    autoconf-gl-macros - Autoconf OpenGL Macro Archive -- transitional dummy package
    avogadro-data - Molecular Graphics and Modelling System (Data Files)
    blender - Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer
    blender-data - Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer - data package
    blender-ogrexml-1.8 - Blender Exporter for OGRE
    blender-ogrexml-1.9 - Blender Exporter for OGRE
    boswars - futuristic real-time strategy game
    briquolo - fast paced 3d Breakout game
    browser-plugin-lightspark - High-performance SWF player - Mozilla Plugin (experimental)
    bumblebee-nvidia - NVIDIA Optimus support using the proprietary NVIDIA driver
    castle-game-engine-doc - Castle Game Engine - Developer's Documentation
    castle-game-engine-src - Castle Game Engine - Source code for Lazarus integration
    celestia - real-time visual space simulation
    celestia-common - datafiles for Celestia, a real-time visual space simulation
    celestia-glut - real-time visual space simulation (GLUT frontend)
    celestia-gnome - real-time visual space simulation (GNOME frontend)
    clanlib-doc - Reference documentation and tutorials for ClanLib
    compiz-plugins - OpenGL window and compositing manager - plugins
    crack-attack - multiplayer OpenGL puzzle game like "Tetris Attack"
    criticalmass - Shoot-em-up a la galaxian
    csmash - CannonSmash, a table tennis simulation game
    darkplaces-dbg - debug symbols for the DarkPlaces game engine
    dmtcp - Checkpoint/Restart functionality for Linux processes
    dmtcp-dbg - Debug package for dmtcp
    drawxtl - crystal structure viewer
    dreamchess - 3D chess game
    driconf - DRI configuration applet
    extremetuxracer - 3D racing game featuring Tux, the Linux penguin
    extremetuxracer-data - data files for the game Extreme Tux Racer
    extremetuxracer-dbg - 3D racing game featuring Tux, the Linux penguin (debugging symbols)
    foobillardplus - 3D OpenGL Billiard Game
    foobillardplus-data - 3D OpenGL Billiard Game -- data files
    fp-units-castle-game-engine - Castle Game Engine - 3D game engine for FreePascal / Lazarus
    fp-units-gfx - Free Pascal - graphics-library units dependency package
    fp-units-gfx-2.6.2 - Free Pascal - graphics-library units
    fraqtive - draws Mandelbrot and Julia fractals
    fraqtive-dbg - draws Mandelbrot and Julia fractals (debugging symbols)
    fs-uae - Cross-platform Amiga emulator based on UAE/WinUAE
    fs-uae-launcher - Launcher and configuration program for FS-UAE
    fs-uae-netplay-server - Netplay server for FS-UAE online play
    g3dviewer - 3D model viewer for GTK+
    g3dviewer-dbg - g3dviewer debug symbols package
    gambas3-gb-opengl - OpenGL component for Gambas
    gambas3-gb-opengl-glsl - OpenGL component for Gambas: GL Shading Language subcomponent
    gambas3-gb-opengl-glu - Gambas opengl-glu component
    gambas3-gb-qt4-opengl - OpenGL with QT toolkit Gambas component
    gambas3-gb-sdl - Gambas SDL component
    gauche-gl - Gauche bindings for OpenGL
    gcrystal - lightweight crystal structures visualizer
    gem - Graphics Environment for Multimedia - Pure Data library
    gem-dev - Graphics Environment for Multimedia (development files)
    gem-doc - Graphics Environment for Multimedia (documentation)
    gem-extra - Graphics Environment for Multimedia - extra objects
    gem-plugin-dc1394 - Graphics Environment for Multimedia - DC1394 support
    gem-plugin-dv4l - Graphics Environment for Multimedia - DV support
    gem-plugin-gmerlin - Graphics Environment for Multimedia - GMERLIN support
    gem-plugin-jpeg - Graphics Environment for Multimedia - JPEG support
    gem-plugin-lqt - Graphics Environment for Multimedia - LQT support
    gem-plugin-magick - Graphics Environment for Multimedia - ImageMagick support
    gem-plugin-mpeg3 - Graphics Environment for Multimedia - MPEG support
    gem-plugin-sgi - Graphics Environment for Multimedia - SGI support
    gem-plugin-tiff - Graphics Environment for Multimedia - TIFF support
    gem-plugin-unicap - Graphics Environment for Multimedia - unicap support
    gem-plugin-v4l2 - Graphics Environment for Multimedia - V4L2 output support
    ghemical - GNOME molecular modelling environment
    glbsp - nodes builder for Doom-style games; has support for OpenGL
    gle-doc - OpenGL tubing and extrusion library documentation
    glee-dev - extension loading library for OpenGL - development
    glew-utils - OpenGL Extension Wrangler - utilities
    glhack - Fullscreen SDL/OpenGL version of NetHack
    gliv - image viewer using gdk-pixbuf and OpenGL
    glmark2 - OpenGL (ES) 2.0 benchmark
    glmark2-data - data files for the glmark2 OpenGL (ES) 2.0 benchmark
    glmark2-es2 - OpenGL (ES) 2.0 benchmark
    glmemperf - benchmark for measuring OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering performance
    globs - GL Open Benchmark Suite
    gnash-common-opengl - dummy package for gnash-common-opengl removal
    gnash-opengl - dummy package for gnash-opengl removal
    gngb - a Color Gameboy emulator
    gnubik - 3D Rubik's cube game
    gnujump - platform game where you have to jump up to survive
    gnujump-data - platform game where you have to jump up to survive - data files
    gource - graphical source control visualisation
    impressive - PDF presentation tool with eye candies
    jigzo - Photo puzzle game for children
    jigzo-data - data of Photo puzzle game for children
    junior-games-gl - Debian Jr. 3D Games (hardware acceleration required)
    kcometen4 - OpenGL KDE screensaver with lightning and comets
    kde-config-qt-graphicssystem - configuration module for the Qt graphics system backend
    kde-window-manager-active - K window manager (KWinActive)
    kde-window-manager-common - K window manager (KWin) Common Files
    kipi-plugins - image manipulation/handling plugins for KIPI aware programs
    klash-opengl - dummy package for klash-opengl removal
    kubrick - game based on Rubik's Cube
    liballeggl4-dev - development files for the allegrogl library
    liballeggl4.4 - library to mix OpenGL graphics with Allegro routines
    libalut-dev - OpenAL Utility Toolkit development files
    libalut0 - OpenAL Utility Toolkit
    libcegui-mk2-0.7.6 - Crazy Eddie's GUI (libraries)
    libcegui-mk2-0.7.6-dbg - Crazy Eddie's GUI (debugging libraries)
    libcegui-mk2-dev - Crazy Eddie's GUI (development files)
    libcitygml0 - Open source C++ library for parsing CityGML files
    libcitygml0-bin - Utils of libcitygml - citygml2vrml and citygmltest
    libcitygml0-dev - Static and header files of libcitygml
    libclanapp-1.0 - ClanLib game SDK runtime
    libclanlib-dev - ClanLib game SDK development files
    libclansdl-1.0 - SDL module for ClanLib game SDK
    libclutter-cil - Open GL based interactive canvas library -- CLI Bindings
    libcoin80 - high-level 3D graphics kit implementing the Open Inventor API
    libcoin80-dev - high-level 3D graphics devkit with Open Inventor and VRML97 support
    libcsfml-audio2 - Libraries for the C Binding of SFML - Audio Part
    libcsfml-dev - Libraries for the C Binding of SFML - Development Files
    libcsfml-doc - Libraries for the C Binding of SFML - Documentation
    libcsfml-graphics2 - Libraries for the C Binding of SFML - Graphics Part
    libcsfml-network2 - Libraries for the C Binding of SFML - Network Part
    libcsfml-system2 - Libraries for the C Binding of SFML - System Part
    libcsfml-window2 - Libraries for the C Binding of SFML - Window Part
    libcsfml2-dbg - Libraries for the C Binding of SFML - Debug Files
    libdeps-renderer-tulip-perl - DEPS renderer plugin using Tulip
    libdevil-dev - Cross-platform image loading and manipulation toolkit
    libdevil1c2 - Cross-platform image loading and manipulation toolkit
    libdmtcpaware-dev - DMTCP programming interface -- developer package
    libdmtcpaware1 - DMTCP programming interface
    libdrawtk-dev - Library to simple and efficient 2D drawings (development files)
    libdrawtk0 - Library to simple and efficient 2D drawings
    libdrawtk0-dbg - Library to simple and efficient 2D drawings (debugging symbols)
    libeigen2-dev - lightweight C++ template library for linear algebra
    libeigen3-dev - lightweight C++ template library for linear algebra
    libepoxy-dev - OpenGL function pointer management library- development
    libepoxy0 - OpenGL function pointer management library
    libevas-dbg - enlightenment advanced canvas library
    libevas-dev - Enlightenment DR17 advanced canvas library development files
    libevas-doc - Evas API Documentation
    libevas1 - Enlightenment DR17 advanced canvas library
    libevas1-engine-fb - Evas module providing the Framebuffer engine
    libevas1-engines-core - Evas module providing the framebuffer render engine
    libevas1-engines-x - Evas module providing the X11 engines
    libfltk-gl1.3 - Fast Light Toolkit - OpenGL rendering support
    libformsgl-dev - Header files and static libraries for the OpenGL XForms library
    libformsgl2 - The OpenGL XForms graphical interface widget library
    libfox-1.6-0 - FOX C++ GUI Toolkit - runtime library
    libftgl-dev - development files for libftgl
    libftgl2 - library to render text in OpenGL using FreeType
    libghc-glfw-dev - Haskell GLFW binding for GHC
    libghc-glfw-doc - Haskell GLFW binding for GHC; documentation
    libghc-glfw-prof - Haskell GLFW binding for GHC; profiling libraries
    libghc-gloss-dev - Painless 2D vector graphics, animations and simulations.
    libghc-gloss-doc - Painless 2D vector graphics, animations and simulations.; documentation
    libghc-gloss-prof - Painless 2D vector graphics, animations and simulations.; profiling libraries
    libghc-gluraw-dev - Raw binding for the OpenGL graphics system
    libghc-gluraw-doc - Raw binding for the OpenGL graphics system; documentation
    libghc-gluraw-prof - Raw binding for the OpenGL graphics system; profiling libraries
    libghc-glut-dev - Haskell GLUT binding for GHC
    libghc-glut-doc - Haskell GLUT binding for GHC; documentation
    libghc-glut-prof - Haskell GLUT binding for GHC; profiling libraries
    libghc-gtkglext-dev - Binding to the GTK+ OpenGL Extension
    libghc-gtkglext-doc - Binding to the GTK+ OpenGL Extension; documentation
    libghc-gtkglext-prof - Binding to the GTK+ OpenGL Extension; profiling libraries
    libghc-objectname-dev - Explicitly handled object names
    libghc-objectname-doc - Explicitly handled object names; documentation
    libghc-objectname-prof - Explicitly handled object names; profiling libraries
    libghc-opengl-dev - Haskell OpenGL binding for GHC
    libghc-opengl-doc - Haskell OpenGL binding for GHC; documentation
    libghc-opengl-prof - Haskell OpenGL binding for GHC; profiling libraries
    libghc-openglraw-dev - Raw binding for the OpenGL graphics system
    libghc-openglraw-doc - Raw binding for the OpenGL graphics system; documentation
    libghc-openglraw-prof - Raw binding for the OpenGL graphics system; profiling libraries
    libghc-statevar-dev - state variables in Haskell
    libghc-statevar-doc - state variables in Haskell; documentation
    libghc-statevar-prof - state variables in Haskell; profiling libraries
    libgl-gst - OpenGL bindings for GNU Smalltalk
    libgl2ps-dev - Lib providing high quality vector output for OpenGL application
    libgl2ps0 - Lib providing high quality vector output for OpenGL application
    libgl2ps0-dbg - Lib providing high quality vector output for OpenGL application
    libglbsp-dev - node builder library for OpenGL-based Doom-style games (headers)
    libglbsp3 - node builder library for OpenGL-based Doom-style games
    libglc-dev - An implementation of SGI's OpenGL Character Renderer (GLC)
    libglc0 - QuesoGLC GLC implementation
    libgle3 - OpenGL tubing and extrusion library
    libgle3-dev - OpenGL tubing and extrusion library development files
    libglee0d1 - extension loading library for OpenGL
    libglee0d1-dbg - extension loading library for OpenGL - debugging
    libglfw-dev - header files and static libraries portable framework for OpenGL application development
    libglfw2 - Shared libraries portable framework for OpenGL application development
    libglw1-mesa - GL widget library for Athena and Motif -- runtime
    libglw1-mesa-dev - GL widget library for Athena and Motif -- development files
    libgrits-dev - Development files for grits
    libgrits-doc - HTML documentation for grits
    libgrits5 - Grits is a Virtual Globe library
    libgtkgl2.0-1 - OpenGL context support for GTK+ (shared libraries)
    libgtkgl2.0-dev - OpenGL context support for GTK+ (development files)
    libgtkglada-dbg - Ada binding for GTK+ OpenGL extensions (debugging symbols)
    libgtkglada2.24.1 - Ada binding for GTK+ OpenGL extensions (dynamic library)
    libgtkglada2.24.1-dev - Ada binding for GTK+ OpenGL extensions (development files)
    libgtkglarea-cil-dev - CLI bindings for the GTK OpenGL area widget
    libgtkglarea-cil-examples - gtkglarea-sharp examples
    libgtkglarea0.0-cil - CLI bindings for the GTK OpenGL area widget
    libgtkglext1 - OpenGL Extension to GTK+ (shared libraries)
    libgtkglext1-dbg - OpenGL Extension to GTK+ (debugging symbols)
    libgtkglext1-dev - OpenGL Extension to GTK+ (development files)
    libgtkglext1-doc - OpenGL Extension to GTK+ (documentation)
    libgtkglextmm-x11-1.2-0 - C++ bindings for GtkGLExt (Shared libraries)
    libgtkglextmm-x11-1.2-dev - C++ bindings for GtkGLExt (Development files)
    libgtkglextmm-x11-1.2-doc - C++ bindings for GtkGLExt (Documentation)
    libguichan-0.8.1-1 - small, efficient C++ GUI library
    libguichan-0.8.1-1-dbg - small, efficient C++ GUI library (debugging symbols)
    libguichan-allegro-0.8.1-1 - small, efficient C++ GUI library (allegro integration)
    libguichan-dev - small, efficient C++ GUI library (development headers)
    libguichan-opengl-0.8.1-1 - small, efficient C++ GUI library (OpenGL integration)
    libguichan-sdl-0.8.1-1 - small, efficient C++ GUI library (SDL integration)
    libhugs-glut-bundled - A binding for the OpenGL Utility Toolkit
    libhugs-opengl-bundled - A binding for the OpenGL graphics system
    libirrlicht-dev - High performance realtime 3D engine development library
    libirrlicht-doc - High performance realtime 3D engine (API documentation)
    libirrlicht1.8 - High performance realtime 3D engine
    libjogl-java - Java bindings for OpenGL API (java library)
    libjogl-java-doc - Documentation for the Java bindings for OpenGL
    libjogl-jni - Java bindings for OpenGL API (java jni library)
    libjogl2-java - Java bindings for OpenGL API
    libjogl2-java-doc - Documentation for the Java bindings for OpenGL
    libjogl2-jni - Java bindings for OpenGL API (JNI lib)
    libjogl2-toolkits - Toolkits to play with JOGL2
    libkaya-gl-dev - OpenGL binding for kaya
    libkwinactiveglesutils1 - library used by accelleration for the KDE window manager Active
    libkwinactiveglutils1abi3 - library used by accellaration for the KDE window manager Active
    libkwinglesutils1 - library used by accellaration for the KDE window manager
    libkwinglutils1abi3 - library with OpenGL utilities for the KDE window manager
    liblablgl-ocaml - Runtime libraries for lablgl
    liblablgl-ocaml-dev - OpenGL interface for Objective Caml
    liblwjgl-java - Lightweight Java Game Library
    liblwjgl-java-doc - Lightweight Java Game Library (javadoc)
    liblwjgl-java-jni - Lightweight Java Game Library (jni)
    libmonogame-cil - Free implementation of XNA - Assemblies
    libmonogame-cil-dev - Free implementation of XNA - Development files
    libmrpt-opengl1.0 - Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit - opengl library
    libmtcp-dev - Developer package for libmtcp
    libmtcp1 - DMTCP library needed for checkpointing a standalone process
    libmygui.openglplatform0debian0 - Fast, simple and flexible GUI - OpenGL interface
    libmygui.openglplatform0debian0-dbg - Fast, simple and flexible GUI OpenGL - debugging symbols
    liboce-visualization8 - OpenCASCADE Community Edition CAE platform shared library
    liboglappth-dev - Oglappth Library (development files)
    liboglappth2 - Oglappth Library
    libogre-1.8-dev - 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (development files)
    libogre-1.8.0 - 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (libraries)
    libogre-1.8.0-dbg - 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (debugging libs)
    libogre-1.9-dev - 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (development files)
    libogre-1.9.0 - 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (libraries)
    libogre-1.9.0-dbg - 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (debugging libs)
    libopenal-data - Software implementation of the OpenAL API (data files)
    libopenal-dev - Software implementation of the OpenAL API (development files)
    libopenal1 - Software implementation of the OpenAL API (shared library)
    libopencsg-dev - image-based CSG library using OpenGL (development files)
    libopencsg-example - image-based CSG library using OpenGL (example program)
    libopencsg1 - image-based CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry) library using OpenGL
    libopencsg1-dbg - debugging symbols for libopencsg
    libopengl-perl - Perl interface providing graphics display using OpenGL
    libopengl-xscreensaver-perl - Perl module for writing OpenGL-based XScreenSaver hacks
    libopenlayer-dev - hardware accelerated 2D Graphics library : development files
    libopenlayer2 - hardware accelerated 2D Graphics library
    libopenscenegraph-dev - 3D scene graph, development files
    libopenscenegraph99 - 3D scene graph, shared libs
    libopentk-cil-dev - Open Toolkit wrapper for OpenGL, OpenAL and OpenCL - Dev files
    libopentk1.0-cil - Open Toolkit wrapper for OpenGL, OpenAL and OpenCL - Assemblies
    libplib-dev - Portability Libraries: Development package
    libplib-doc - Portability Libraries: documentation and examples
    libplib1 - Portability Libraries: Run-time package
    libprojectm-dev - Advanced Milkdrop-compatible music visualization library - dev
    libprojectm-qt-dev - projectM Qt4 (development files)
    libprojectm-qt1 - projectM Qt4 bindings
    libprojectm2 - Advanced Milkdrop-compatible music visualization library
    libpugl-0-0 - portable API for OpenGL graphical interfaces
    libpugl-dbg - portable API for OpenGL graphical interfaces (debugging symbols)
    libpugl-dev - portable API for OpenGL graphical interfaces (headers)
    libqglviewer-dev - OpenGL 3D viewer library based on Qt4 - development files
    libqglviewer-doc - OpenGL 3D viewer library - header files and documentation
    libqglviewer2 - OpenGL 3D viewer library based on Qt - runtime library
    libqtscript4-opengl - QtScript bindings for the Qt 4 OpenGL library
    libqwtplot3d-doc - 3D plotting library based on Qt/OpenGL (documentation)
    libqwtplot3d-qt4-0 - 3D plotting library based on Qt4/OpenGL (runtime)
    libqwtplot3d-qt4-dev - 3D plotting library based on Qt4/OpenGL (development)
    libreoffice - office productivity suite (metapackage)
    libsage-dev - Supports OpenGL in SDL applications
    libsage2 - Supports OpenGL in SDL applications
    libsfml-audio2 - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library - Audio part
    libsfml-dev - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library - Development Files
    libsfml-doc - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library - Documentation
    libsfml-graphics2 - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library - Graphics part
    libsfml-network2 - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library - Network part
    libsfml-system2 - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library - System part
    libsfml-window2 - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library - Window part
    libsfml2-dbg - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library - Debug Symbols
    libsoil-dev - Simple OpenGL Image Library - development files
    libsoil1 - Simple OpenGL Image Library
    libsoil1-dbg - Simple OpenGL Image Library - debug files
    libtaoframework-freeglut-cil-dev - Tao CLI binding for freeglut - development files
    libtaoframework-freeglut2.4-cil - Tao CLI binding for freeglut
    libtaoframework-ftgl-cil-dev - Tao CLI binding for FTGL - development files
    libtaoframework-ftgl2.1-cil - Tao CLI binding for FTGL
    libtaoframework-openal-cil-dev - Tao CLI binding for OpenAL - development files
    libtaoframework-openal1.1-cil - Tao CLI binding for OpenAL
    libtaoframework-opengl-cil-dev - Tao CLI binding for OpenGL and GLU - development files
    libtaoframework-opengl3.0-cil - Tao CLI binding for OpenGL and GLU
    libtaoframework-sdl-cil-dev - Tao CLI binding for SDL - development files
    libtaoframework-sdl1.2-cil - Tao CLI binding for SDL
    libtiff-opengl - TIFF manipulation and conversion tools
    libtogl-dev - a Tk OpenGL widget - development files
    libtogl1 - a Tk OpenGL widget
    libtulip-core-4.4 - Tulip graph library - core runtime
    libtulip-gui-4.4 - Tulip graph library - Qt/OpenGL GUI runtime
    libtulip-ogl-4.4 - Tulip graph library - OpenGL runtime
    libtulip-python-4.4 - Tulip graph library - Qt/OpenGL GUI runtime
    libvdpau-va-gl1 - VDPAU driver with OpenGL/VAAPI backend
    libvisual-projectm - libvisual module for projectM
    libvtk5.8 - Visualization Toolkit - A high level 3D visualization library - runtime
    libvtk6 - Visualization Toolkit - A high level 3D visualization library - runtime
    libwxgtk2.8-0 - wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (GTK+ runtime)
    libwxgtk2.8-dev - wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (GTK+ development)
    libwxgtk3.0-0 - wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (GTK+ runtime)
    libwxgtk3.0-dev - wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (GTK+ development)
    libygl4 - A library that emulates SGI's GL routines under X11
    libygl4-dev - A library that emulates SGI's GL routines under X11
    lightspark - High-performance SWF player (experimental)
    lightspark-common - High-performance SWF player - common data
    lightspark-dbg - High-performance SWF player (experimental) - Debug symbols
    lightspeed - Shows how objects moving at relativistic speeds look like
    love - 2D game development framework based on Lua and OpenGL
    mednafen - multi-platform emulator, including NES, GB/A, Lynx, PC Engine
    mesa-utils-extra - Miscellaneous Mesa utilies (opengles, egl)
    mm3d - OpenGL based 3D model editor
    mmpong-gl - massively multiplayer pong game client (OpenGL version)
    mmpong-gl-data - massively multiplayer pong game client data (OpenGL version)
    monodevelop-monogame - Free implementation of XNA - IDE integration
    monodoc-monogame-manual - Free implementation of XNA - Documentation
    monodoc-opentk-manual - Open Toolkit wrapper for OpenGL, OpenAL and OpenCL - Docs
    mplayer - movie player for Unix-like systems
    mplayer-gui - movie player for Unix-like systems
    mplayer2 - next generation movie player for Unix-like systems
    mpv - video player based on MPlayer/mplayer2
    mupen64plus-video-arachnoid - Arachnoid high-level graphics emulation for mupen64plus
    mupen64plus-video-arachnoid-dbg - Arachnoid graphics hle for mupen64plus debug symbols package
    mupen64plus-video-glide64 - Glide64 high-level graphics emulation for mupen64plus
    mupen64plus-video-glide64-dbg - Glide64 graphics hle for mupen64plus debug symbols package
    mupen64plus-video-glide64mk2 - Glide64Mk2 high-level graphics emulation for mupen64plus
    mupen64plus-video-glide64mk2-dbg - Glide64Mk2 graphics hle for mupen64plus debug symbols package
    mupen64plus-video-rice - Rice's high-level graphics emulation for mupen64plus
    mupen64plus-video-rice-dbg - Rice's graphics hle for mupen64plus debug symbols package
    octave-psychtoolbox-3 - toolbox for vision research -- Octave bindings
    ogre-1.8-doc - 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (documentation)
    ogre-1.8-tools - 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (tools)
    ogre-1.9-doc - 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (documentation)
    ogre-1.9-tools - 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (tools)
    oolite - space sim game, inspired by Elite
    oolite-data - space sim game, inspired by Elite (data files)
    oolite-data-sounds - space sim game, inspired by Elite (sounds)
    oolite-doc - space sim game, inspired by Elite (documentation)
    openbve - realistic 3D train/railway simulator (main program)
    opencl-1.2-html-doc - OpenCL 1.2 documentation - html pages
    opencl-1.2-man-doc - OpenCL 1.2 documentation - man pages (experimental)
    opengl-4-html-doc - OpenGL 4 documentation - html pages
    opengl-4-man-doc - OpenGL 4 documentation - man pages (experimental)
    openscenegraph - 3D scene graph, utilities and examples (binaries)
    openscenegraph-doc - 3D scene graph, documentation
    openscenegraph-examples - 3D scene graph, examples (sources)
    openscenegraph-plugin-citygml-shared - libcitygml OpenSceneGraph plugin (shared version)
    openscenegraph-plugin-citygml-static - libcitygml OpenSceneGraph plugin (static version)
    openuniverse - 3D Universe Simulator
    openuniverse-common - 3D Universe Simulator data files
    pd-3dp - openGL extensions for PDP
    pdfcube - PDF document viewer with 3D effects
    pfsglview - command line HDR manipulation programs (OpenGL/GLUT viewer)
    pink-pony - 3D racing game with ponies
    pong2 - Remake of old arcade classic in OpenGL
    prboom-plus - enhanced clone of the classic first-person shooter Doom
    prboom-plus-game-server - enhanced clone of the classic first-person shooter Doom (server)
    primus - client-side GPU offloading for NVIDIA Optimus
    projectm-data - Advanced Milkdrop-compatible music visualization library - data
    projectm-dbg - Debugging symbols for projectM
    projectm-jack - projectM JackAudio module
    projectm-pulseaudio - projectM PulseAudio module
    psychopy - environment for creating psychology stimuli in Python
    psychtoolbox-3-common - toolbox for vision research -- arch/interpreter independent part
    psychtoolbox-3-dbg - toolbox for vision research -- debug symbols for binaries
    psychtoolbox-3-lib - toolbox for vision research -- arch-specific parts
    python-glitch - Python library for OpenGL graphics programming
    python-gtkglext1 - GtkGLext python bindings
    python-kivy - Kivy - Multimedia / Multitouch framework in Python
    python-opengl - Python bindings to OpenGL (Python 2)
    python-pymt - Python multi-touch library
    python-pyside.qtopengl - Qt 4 OpenGL module - Python bindings
    python-qt4-gl - Python bindings for Qt4's OpenGL module
    python-qt4-gl-dbg - Python bindings for Qt4's OpenGL module (debug extension)
    python-sfml - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library - Python 2 Bindings
    python-sfml-dbg - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library - Python 2 Debug Bindings
    python-sfml-doc - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library - Documentation
    python-soya - high level 3D engine for Python
    python-soya-dbg - high level 3D engine for Python - debug extension
    python-soya-doc - high level 3D engine for Python
    python3-opengl - Python bindings to OpenGL (Python 3)
    python3-pyside.qtopengl - Qt 4 OpenGL module - Python3 bindings
    python3-sfml - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library - Python 3 Bindings
    python3-sfml-dbg - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library - Python 3 Debug Bindings
    qantenna - Qt based program for viewing antennas as described by NEC files
    qtiplot - data analysis and scientific plotting
    qutemol - interactive visualization of macromolecules
    r-cran-rgl - GNU R package for three-dimensional visualisation using OpenGL
    rss-glx - Really Slick Screensavers GLX Port
    ruby-opengl - OpenGL Interface for Ruby
    smc - Jump and Run game like Super Mario World
    stalin - An extremely aggressive Scheme compiler
    stella - Atari 2600 Emulator for SDL & the X Window System
    structure-synth - application for creating 3D structures
    structure-synth-dbg - application for creating 3D structures
    survex-aven - sophisticated cave survey viewer for Survex
    togl-demos - a Tk OpenGL widget - demos files
    torcs - 3D racing cars simulator game using OpenGL
    trackballs - An OpenGL-based game of marbles through a labyrinth
    trigger-rally - free 3D rally racing car game
    trigger-rally-data - free 3D rally racing car game - data files
    view3dscene - VRML / X3D browser, and a viewer for other 3D model formats
    xmakemol-gl - program for visualizing atomic and molecular systems (OpenGL)
    xracer - Futuristic racing game
    xracer-tools - Futuristic racing game - developer tools
    xscreensaver-gl - GL(Mesa) screen hacks for xscreensaver
    xscreensaver-gl-extra - GL(Mesa) screen hacks for xscreensaver
    yorick-gl - OpenGL 3D graphics support for the Yorick language
    libdrm-intel1 - Userspace interface to intel-specific kernel DRM services -- runtime
    libdrm-intel1-dbg - Userspace interface to intel-specific kernel DRM services -- debugging symbols
    libdrm-nouveau2 - Userspace interface to nouveau-specific kernel DRM services -- runtime
    libdrm-nouveau2-dbg - Userspace interface to nouveau-specific kernel DRM -- debugging symbols
    libdrm-radeon1 - Userspace interface to radeon-specific kernel DRM services -- runtime
    libdrm-radeon1-dbg - Userspace interface to radeon-specific kernel DRM services -- debugging symbols
    libegl1-mesa-dev-lts-utopic - free implementation of the EGL API -- development files
    libegl1-mesa-dev-lts-vivid - free implementation of the EGL API -- development files
    libegl1-mesa-drivers-lts-utopic - free implementation of the EGL API -- hardware drivers
    libegl1-mesa-drivers-lts-utopic-dbg - free implementation of the EGL API -- driver debugging symbols
    libegl1-mesa-lts-utopic - free implementation of the EGL API -- runtime
    libegl1-mesa-lts-utopic-dbg - free implementation of the EGL API -- debugging symbols
    libegl1-mesa-lts-vivid - free implementation of the EGL API -- runtime
    libegl1-mesa-lts-vivid-dbg - free implementation of the EGL API -- debugging symbols
    libgl1-mesa-dev-lts-utopic - free implementation of the OpenGL API -- GLX development files
    libgl1-mesa-dev-lts-vivid - free implementation of the OpenGL API -- GLX development files
    libgl1-mesa-dri-lts-utopic - free implementation of the OpenGL API -- DRI modules
    libgl1-mesa-dri-lts-utopic-dbg - Debugging symbols for the Mesa DRI modules
    libgl1-mesa-dri-lts-vivid - free implementation of the OpenGL API -- DRI modules
    libgl1-mesa-dri-lts-vivid-dbg - Debugging symbols for the Mesa DRI modules
    libgl1-mesa-glx-lts-utopic - free implementation of the OpenGL API -- GLX runtime
    libgl1-mesa-glx-lts-vivid - free implementation of the OpenGL API -- GLX runtime
    libgles1-mesa-dev-lts-utopic - free implementation of the OpenGL|ES 1.x API -- development files
    libgles1-mesa-dev-lts-vivid - free implementation of the OpenGL|ES 1.x API -- development files
    libgles1-mesa-lts-utopic - free implementation of the OpenGL|ES 1.x API -- runtime
    libgles1-mesa-lts-utopic-dbg - free implementation of the OpenGL|ES 1.x API -- debugging symbols
    libgles1-mesa-lts-vivid - free implementation of the OpenGL|ES 1.x API -- runtime
    libgles1-mesa-lts-vivid-dbg - free implementation of the OpenGL|ES 1.x API -- debugging symbols
    libgles2-mesa-dev-lts-utopic - free implementation of the OpenGL|ES 2.x API -- development files
    libgles2-mesa-dev-lts-vivid - free implementation of the OpenGL|ES 2.x API -- development files
    libgles2-mesa-lts-utopic - free implementation of the OpenGL|ES 2.x API -- runtime
    libgles2-mesa-lts-utopic-dbg - free implementation of the OpenGL|ES 2.x API -- debugging symbols
    libgles2-mesa-lts-vivid - free implementation of the OpenGL|ES 2.x API -- runtime
    libgles2-mesa-lts-vivid-dbg - free implementation of the OpenGL|ES 2.x API -- debugging symbols
    mesa-common-dev-lts-utopic - Developer documentation for Mesa
    mesa-common-dev-lts-vivid - Developer documentation for Mesa
    fglrx - Video driver for the AMD graphics accelerators
    fglrx-updates - Video driver for the AMD graphics accelerators
    nvidia-304 - NVIDIA legacy binary driver - version 304.131
    nvidia-304-updates - NVIDIA legacy binary driver - version 304.131
    nvidia-340 - NVIDIA binary driver - version 340.96
    nvidia-340-updates - NVIDIA binary driver - version 340.96
    nvidia-352 - NVIDIA binary driver - version 352.63
    nvidia-352-updates - NVIDIA binary driver - version 352.63


    $sudo apt-get install libglew-dbg libglew-dev libglew1.10 libglewmx-dbg libglewmx-dev libglewmx1.10 freeglut3 freeglut3-dbg freeglut3-dev libgl1-mesa-glx libxmu-dev

    注:由于不停的尝试,可能还安装了其它的库(我记不清了),但大概都是在search opengl得到的库名中。



    注意:VirtualBox设置->显示->扩展特性中的启用3D加速不要勾选,勾选之后发现还是不能正常运行,去掉之后又可以了,也不知道我前面的步骤是不是正真解决问题了,尴尬Σ( ° △ °|||)︴Σ( ° △ °|||)︴


    1. Ubuntu 安装OpenGL(CSDN zhangliang_571)
    2. Ubuntu下使用OpenGL图形库(匆匆那年)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/corfox/p/5414990.html
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