#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __author__ = 'cpy' import os import re import sys import logging ''' @desc : install vsftpd software and configure @time : 2018-07-02 ''' reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') class Config(object): """VSFTPD BASE CONFIG""" VFTP_CONF = '/etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf' VIR_CONF = '/etc/vsftpd/vconf' VUSER = '/etc/vsftpd/vusers' PAMFILE = '/etc/pam.d/vsftpd' LOGFILE = '/etc/vsftpd/logs' SYSUSER = '/etc/passwd' DENYUSER = '/etc/vsftpd/user_list' VCONF_CONTENT_TMP = '''anonymous_enable=NO #设成YES,允许匿名用户登陆 allow_writeable_chroot=YES #vsftpd 2.3.5之后增强了安全检查,不允许限定在主目录下的用户具有写权限,该命令声明可以具有写权限。 local_enable=YES #允许/禁止本地用户登陆 注意:主要是为虚拟宿主用户,如果该项目设定为NO那么所有虚拟用户将无法访问。 write_enable=YES #设定可以进行写操作。 local_umask=022 #设定上传后文件的权限掩码,文件644,文件夹755 dirmessage_enable=YES #设定开启目录标语功能 xferlog_enable=YES #设定开启日志记录功能。 connect_from_port_20=YES #设定端口20进行数据连接 xferlog_std_format=YES #设定日志使用标准的记录格式 listen=YES #开启独立进程vsftpd,不使用超级进程xinetd。设定该Vsftpd服务工作在StandAlone模式下。 pam_service_name=vsftpd #设定,启用pam认证,并指定认证文件名/etc/pam.d/vsftpd userlist_enable=YES #设定userlist_file中的用户将不得使用FTP tcp_wrappers=YES #设定支持TCP Wrappers chroot_local_user=YES #限制所有用户在主目录 #以下这些是关于Vsftpd虚拟用户支持的重要配置项目。默认Vsftpd.conf中不包含这些设定项目,需要自己手动添加配置 guest_enable=YES #设定启用虚拟用户功能 guest_username=www #指定虚拟用户的宿主用户 virtual_use_local_privs=YES #设定虚拟用户的权限符合他们的宿主用户 user_config_dir=/etc/vsftpd/vconf #设定虚拟用户个人Vsftp的配置文件存放路径''' PAM_CONTENT_TMP = '''auth sufficient /lib64/security/pam_userdb.so db=/etc/vsftpd/virtusers account sufficient /lib64/security/pam_userdb.so db=/etc/vsftpd/virtusers''' VUSER_CONF_CONTENT_TMP = '''local_root=/data/www/virtual/ #指定虚拟用户的具体主路径 anonymous_enable=NO #设定不允许匿名用户访问 write_enable=YES #设定允许写操作 local_umask=022 #设定上传文件权限掩码 anon_upload_enable=NO #设定不允许匿名用户上传 anon_mkdir_write_enable=NO #设定不允许匿名用户建立目录 idle_session_timeout=600 #设定空闲连接超时时间 data_connection_timeout=120 #设定单次连续传输最大时间 max_clients=10 #设定并发客户端访问个数 max_per_ip=5 #设定单个客户端的最大线程数,这个配置主要来照顾Flashget、迅雷等多线程下载软件 local_max_rate=50000 #设定该用户的最大传输速率,单位b/s''' class InitLogging(object): """ 初始化日志输出配置 """ def __init__(self): self.LOG = Config.LOGFILE def logconfig(self): if not os.path.exists(self.LOG): BASE_VSFTP_PATH = os.path.split(self.LOG)[0] os.makedirs(BASE_VSFTP_PATH) f = open(self.LOG, 'w') f.close() logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, filename=self.LOG, filemode='a', format='%(asctime)s - %(filename)s[line:%(lineno)d] - %(levelname)s: %(message)s') class ProgressBar(object): def __flush_screen(self, string=''): sys.stdout.write(string) sys.stdout.flush() def progress(self, tasklist=[], width=100): # 开始执行 for taskindex, task in enumerate(tasklist): # 获取每个任务占用的进度条个数 scale = int(width / len(tasklist)) # 获取每个任务占用任务总数的百分比 score = int(100 / len(tasklist)) if taskindex == 0: executestring = ' {0:>2}% [{1}]{2}'.format(0, ' ' * width, os.linesep) self.__flush_screen(string=executestring) else: executestring = ' {0:>2}% [{1}{2}]{3}'.format(taskindex * score, '=' * taskindex * scale, ' ' * (width - taskindex * scale), os.linesep) self.__flush_screen(string=executestring) eval(task) # 执行结束 endstring = ' {0:>2}% [{1}] 完成{2}'.format(100, '=' * width, os.linesep) self.__flush_screen(string=endstring) class Install(object): """INSTALL VSFTPD AND CONFIGURE""" def __init__(self): pass def __checkvsftp_version(self): """check vsftpd version add configuration""" faildmsg = u'vsftpd 版本获取失败' vsftp_version = os.popen('rpm -qa |grep vsftpd').read().split('-')[1].split('.') if vsftp_version: l = [int(i) for i in vsftp_version] if l[0] > 2 or (l[0] == 2 and l[1] > 3) or (l[0] == 2 and l[1] == 3 and l[2] >= 5): return True else: return False else: raise RuntimeError(faildmsg) def __checkuser(self, username): """ Check whether the input mapping user exists in the system """ with open(Config.SYSUSER, 'r') as f: list = [username for line in f.readlines() if username == line.split(':')[0]] if list: return True else: return False def __deny_users(self): """return /etc/vsftpd/user_list deny users""" with open(Config.DENYUSER, 'r') as f: denyusers = [line for line in f.readlines() if not re.match('^s*#.+.*$', line)] return denyusers def rollback(self, *args): """UNINSTALL VSFTPD AND CONFIGURE""" if len(args) > 0: if self.__checkuser(username=args[0]): uninstall_command = 'yum -y remove vsftpd && userdel -r %s && rm -rf %s* && rm -rf /etc/vsftpd' % ( args[0], Config.PAMFILE) else: uninstall_command = 'yum -y remove vsftpd && rm -rf %s* && rm -rf /etc/vsftpd' % Config.PAMFILE else: uninstall_command = 'yum -y remove vsftpd && rm -rf %s* && rm -rf /etc/vsftpd' % Config.PAMFILE if os.system(uninstall_command) != 0: msg = u'卸载vsftpd 发生错误,请手动清除,以免产生垃圾文件' print msg logging.info(msg) raise Exception(msg) def input_vuserinfo(self, numbers): """Trapping the virtual user information input""" vuser_dict = {} v_user = raw_input(u'请输入第%d个虚拟用户名:' % numbers) v_pass = raw_input(u'请输入第%d个虚拟用户密码:' % numbers) vuser_dict['username'] = v_user vuser_dict['password'] = v_pass return vuser_dict def install_vsftpd(self, username): install_vsftpd_command = 'yum -y install pam pam-devel db4 db4-tcl vsftpd >>%s' % Config.LOGFILE actionmsg = u'开始安装vsftp服务...' errormsg = u'vsftpd 或其他依赖项安装失败。' logging.info(actionmsg) if os.system(install_vsftpd_command) != 0: logging.error(errormsg) self.rollback(username) raise Exception(errormsg) def deploy(self, username, parentpath): """configure the vsftpd""" sucessfulmsg = u'配置成功。' msg = u'配置错误,请检查是否已经存在或不允许的参数' denyusers = self.__deny_users() if username in denyusers: logging.error(msg) self.rollback(username) raise Exception(msg) if not self.__checkuser(username=username): os.makedirs(parentpath) os.rmdir(parentpath) create_user_command = 'useradd %s -d %s -s /sbin/nologin >> %s' % (username, parentpath, Config.LOGFILE) if os.system(create_user_command) != 0: logging.error(msg) self.rollback(username) raise Exception(msg) else: logging.warning(msg) self.rollback(username) raise Exception(msg) back_conf_command = 'cp %s %s.bak >> %s' % (Config.VFTP_CONF, Config.VFTP_CONF, Config.LOGFILE) if os.system(back_conf_command) != 0: logging.error(msg) self.rollback(username) raise Exception(msg) else: logging.info(sucessfulmsg) f = open(Config.VFTP_CONF, 'w') f.close() list_vconf_content = Config.VCONF_CONTENT_TMP.split(os.linesep) for line in list_vconf_content: if re.match('^guest_username=.+$', line.strip()): line = 'guest_username=%s' % username if re.match('^user_config_dir=.+$', line.strip()): line = 'user_config_dir=%s' % Config.VIR_CONF if not self.__checkvsftp_version(): if re.match('^allow_writeable_chroot=YES$', line.strip()): line = '#%s' % line.strip() with open(Config.VFTP_CONF, 'a') as f: f.write(line.strip() + os.linesep) logging.info(sucessfulmsg) def deploy_vritual_user(self, username, vuser): """config vritual users""" sucessfulmsg = u'创建虚拟用户配置目录成功' faildmsg = u'创建虚拟用户配置目录失败' dbsucessfulmsg = u'生成虚拟用户数据文件成功' dbfaildmsg = u'生成虚拟用户数据文件失败' if not os.path.exists(Config.VIR_CONF): try: os.makedirs(Config.VIR_CONF) logging.info(sucessfulmsg) except Exception: self.rollback(username) raise Exception(faildmsg) f = open(Config.VUSER, 'w') f.close() for v_user in vuser: with open(Config.VUSER, 'a') as f: f.write(v_user.get('username') + os.linesep) f.write(v_user.get('password') + os.linesep) create_db_command = 'db_load -T -t hash -f %s %s.db' % (Config.VUSER, Config.VUSER) if os.path.exists("%s.db" % Config.VUSER): os.remove('%s.db' % Config.VUSER) if os.system(create_db_command) != 0: logging.error(dbfaildmsg) self.rollback(username) raise Exception(dbfaildmsg) else: logging.info(dbsucessfulmsg) def deploy_pam(self): """config virtual user by pam""" baksucessfulmsg = u'备份成功' bakfaildmssg = u'备份失败' msg = u'开始配置pam认证...' endmsg = u'配置pam认证完成' logging.info(msg) back_pam_command = 'cp %s %s.back' % (Config.PAMFILE, Config.PAMFILE) if os.path.exists('%s.back' % Config.PAMFILE): os.remove('%s.back' % Config.PAMFILE) if os.system(back_pam_command) != 0: logging.warning(bakfaildmssg) else: logging.info(baksucessfulmsg) f = open(Config.PAMFILE, 'w') f.close() list_pam_content = Config.PAM_CONTENT_TMP.split(os.linesep) for line in list_pam_content: p = re.compile(r'(?P<auth>.+s+.+s+.+s+db=)(?P<vuserfile>.+)') for dt in p.finditer(line): line = dt.groupdict().get('auth') + Config.VUSER with open(Config.PAMFILE, 'a') as f: f.write(line.strip() + os.linesep) logging.info(endmsg) def deploy_virtual_config(self, username, parentpath, vuser): """config virtual user Configure""" sucessfulmsg = u'创建虚拟用户目录或配置成功' faildmsg = u'创建虚拟用户目录或配置错误' existsmsg = u'已存在,正在尝试删除...' list_vuser_config_content = Config.VUSER_CONF_CONTENT_TMP.split(os.linesep) for v_user in vuser: vuser_path = os.path.join(parentpath, v_user.get('username')) if os.path.exists(vuser_path): logging.warning(existsmsg) os.rmdir(vuser_path) try: os.makedirs(vuser_path) uid = int(os.popen('id %s -u' % username).read().strip()) gid = int(os.popen('id %s -g' % username).read().strip()) os.chown(vuser_path, uid, gid) if not os.path.exists(vuser_path): logging.error(faildmsg) raise Exception(faildmsg) logging.info(sucessfulmsg) except Exception: logging.error(faildmsg) self.rollback(username) raise Exception(faildmsg) vuser_config = os.path.join(Config.VIR_CONF, v_user.get('username')) if os.path.exists(vuser_path): f = open(vuser_config, 'w') f.close() else: os.makedirs(Config.VIR_CONF) f = open(vuser_config, 'w') f.close() for line in list_vuser_config_content: if re.match('^local_root=.+$', line.strip()): line = 'local_root=%s' % vuser_path with open(vuser_config, 'a') as f: f.write(line.strip() + os.linesep) logging.info(sucessfulmsg) def start_server(self, parentpath): start_vsftpd_command = 'service vsftpd start' if os.system(start_vsftpd_command) != 0: logging.error(u'启动vsftpd服务失败') raise Exception(u'启动vsftpd服务失败') else: logging.info(u'启动vsftpd服务成功') print '' print u"安装vsftpd 完成!" print '' print '' print u'-----' * 15 print u'1. 请在%s文件中查看登录的用户名和密码,一行用户名,一行密码' % Config.VUSER print u'2. ftp数据存放在%s中' % parentpath print u'3. 若FTP无法登陆,请检查主机防火墙是否关闭' print u'-----' * 15 if __name__ == '__main__': '''初始化日志输出''' LOG = InitLogging() LOG.logconfig() '''安装vsftpd服务''' IS = Install() username = raw_input(u'请输入vsftp的映射宿主用户名(本机账号):') parentpath = raw_input(u'请输入用于存放ftp数据的目录:') usercount = raw_input(u'您需要添加几个虚拟用户:') vuserlist = [] if usercount.isdigit(): num = 0 for i in range(int(usercount)): num += 1 vd = IS.input_vuserinfo(numbers=num) vuserlist.append(vd) else: raise RuntimeError(u'您输入的参数不是整型') # IS.install_vsftpd(username=username) # IS.deploy(username=username, parentpath=parentpath) # IS.deploy_vritual_user(username=username, vuser=vuserlist) # IS.deploy_pam() # IS.deploy_virtual_config(username=username, parentpath=parentpath, vuser=vuserlist) # IS.start_server(parentpath=parentpath) PB = ProgressBar() tasks = ['IS.install_vsftpd(username=username)', 'IS.deploy(username=username, parentpath=parentpath)', 'IS.deploy_vritual_user(username=username, vuser=vuserlist)', 'IS.deploy_pam()', 'IS.deploy_virtual_config(username=username, parentpath=parentpath, vuser=vuserlist)', 'IS.start_server(parentpath=parentpath)'] PB.progress(tasklist=tasks, width=50)