[2b<a lor 2a<b
2(A+a)<B+bRightarrow &2A-B<b-2a\
2(B+b)<A+aRightarrow &2B-A<a-2b
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <cstring>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
typedef pair<int, int> node;
#define val first
#define prod second
const int mod = 1e9 + 7, phi = mod - 1;
const int MAXN = 4e5 + 5, INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;
template<typename _T>
void read( _T &x )
x = 0;char s = getchar();int f = 1;
while( s > '9' || s < '0' ){if( s == '-' ) f = -1; s = getchar();}
while( s >= '0' && s <= '9' ){x = ( x << 3 ) + ( x << 1 ) + ( s - '0' ), s = getchar();}
x *= f;
template<typename _T>
void write( _T x )
if( x < 0 ){ putchar( '-' ); x = ( ~ x ) + 1; }
if( 9 < x ){ write( x / 10 ); }
putchar( x % 10 + '0' );
template<typename _T>
_T MAX( const _T a, const _T b )
return a > b ? a : b;
struct edge
int to, nxt, w, c;
}Graph[MAXN << 1];
struct Edge
int to, w, c;
Edge() {} Edge( const int T, const int W, const int C ) { to = T, w = W, c = C; }
node p1[MAXN], p2[MAXN];
vector<Edge> G[MAXN];
int mx[MAXN];
int head[MAXN], siz[MAXN];
int N, tot, l1, l2, ans = 1, exc = 1, cnt = 1;
bool vis[MAXN];
void addEdge( const int from, const int to, const int W, const int C )
Graph[++ cnt].to = to, Graph[cnt].nxt = head[from], Graph[cnt].w = W, Graph[cnt].c = C;
head[from] = cnt;
void addE( const int from, const int to, const int W, const int C )
{ addEdge( from, to, W, C ), addEdge( to, from, W, C ); }
int qkpow( int base, int indx )
int ret = 1;
while( indx )
if( indx & 1 ) ret = 1ll * ret * base % mod;
base = 1ll * base * base % mod, indx >>= 1;
return ret;
int inv( const int a ) { return qkpow( a, mod - 2 ); }
void init( const int u, const int fa )
siz[u] = 1;
for( int i = 0, v ; i < G[u].size() ; i ++ )
if( ( v = G[u][i].to ) ^ fa )
init( v, u ), siz[u] += siz[v];
ans = 1ll * ans * qkpow( G[u][i].w, 1ll * siz[v] * ( N - siz[v] ) % phi ) % mod;
void rebuild( const int u, const int fa )
int lst = 0, cur;
for( int i = 0, v ; i < G[u].size() ; i ++ )
if( ( v = G[u][i].to ) ^ fa )
if( ! lst ) addE( lst = u, v, G[u][i].w, G[u][i].c );
else addE( lst, cur = ++ tot, 1, -1 ), addE( cur, v, G[u][i].w, G[u][i].c ), lst = cur;
rebuild( v, u );
int getCen( const int u, const int fa, const int all )
int ret = 0, tmp; siz[u] = 1;
for( int i = head[u], v, id ; i ; i = Graph[i].nxt )
if( ( v = Graph[i].to ) ^ fa && ! vis[id = ( i >> 1 )] )
tmp = getCen( v, u, all );
siz[u] += siz[v];
mx[id] = MAX( siz[v], all - siz[v] );
if( mx[id] < mx[ret] ) ret = id;
if( mx[tmp] < mx[ret] ) ret = tmp;
return ret;
void DFS( const int u, const int fa, const int a, const int b, const int prd )
if( u <= N ) p1[++ l1] = node( 2 * a - b, prd ), p2[++ l2] = node( 2 * b - a, prd );
for( int i = head[u], v ; i ; i = Graph[i].nxt )
if( ( v = Graph[i].to ) ^ fa && ! vis[i >> 1] )
DFS( v, u, a + ( Graph[i].c == 0 ), b + ( Graph[i].c == 1 ), 1ll * prd * Graph[i].w % mod );
int find( node *p, const int len, const node need )
if( p[len] < need ) return len + 1;
int l = 1, r = len, mid;
while( r - l > 1 )
if( p[mid = l + r >> 1] < need ) l = mid + 1;
else r = mid;
if( p[l] < need ) return r;
return l;
void DFS1( const int u, const int fa, const int a, const int b, const int prd )
if( u <= N )
int cur = lower_bound( p1 + 1, p1 + 1 + l1, node( b - 2 * a, 0 ) ) - p1;
exc = 1ll * exc * qkpow( prd, cur - 1 ) % mod * p1[cur - 1].prod % mod;
cur = lower_bound( p2 + 1, p2 + 1 + l2, node( a - b * 2, 0 ) ) - p2;
exc = 1ll * exc * qkpow( prd, cur - 1 ) % mod * p2[cur - 1].prod % mod;
for( int i = head[u], v ; i ; i = Graph[i].nxt )
if( ( v = Graph[i].to ) ^ fa && ! vis[i >> 1] )
DFS1( v, u, a + ( Graph[i].c == 0 ), b + ( Graph[i].c == 1 ), 1ll * prd * Graph[i].w % mod );
void divide( const int x, const int all )
if( all == 1 ) return ;
int cur = getCen( x, 0, all );
int fr = Graph[cur << 1].to, to = Graph[cur << 1 | 1].to, w = Graph[cur << 1].w, c = Graph[cur << 1].c;
vis[cur] = true;
l1 = l2 = 0;
DFS( fr, 0, 0, 0, 1 );
sort( p1 + 1, p1 + 1 + l1 ), sort( p2 + 1, p2 + 1 + l1 );
p1[0].prod = p2[0].prod = 1;
for( int i = 2 ; i <= l1 ; i ++ ) p1[i].prod = 1ll * p1[i - 1].prod * p1[i].prod % mod;
for( int i = 2 ; i <= l2 ; i ++ ) p2[i].prod = 1ll * p2[i - 1].prod * p2[i].prod % mod;
DFS1( to, 0, c == 0, c == 1, w );
if( siz[fr] > siz[to] ) siz[fr] = all - siz[to];
else siz[to] = all - siz[fr];
divide( fr, siz[fr] );
divide( to, siz[to] );
int main()
read( N ); tot = N;
for( int i = 1, a, b, c, d ; i < N ; i ++ )
read( a ), read( b ), read( c ), read( d ),
G[a].push_back( Edge( b, c, d ) ), G[b].push_back( Edge( a, c, d ) );
init( 1, 0 );
rebuild( 1, 0 );
mx[0] = INF, divide( 1, tot );
write( 1ll * ans * inv( exc ) % mod ), putchar( '
' );
return 0;