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  • asterisk


    asterisk is the world's most widely adopted open source commnuctions platform。

    asterisk 是世界上最广泛采用的开源通信平台。

    Asterisk is the product of more than a decade of work by a community of thousands worldwide. The Asterisk Community is made up of more than 86,000 registered users, developers and advocates who have contributed their time and effort to make Asterisk the world’s most widely adopted open source communications project.
    asterisk是一个由全球数以千计的社区坚持十多年工作的产品。asterisk 社区由超过86000个注册用户,开发者,拥护者构成,他们贡献了他们的时间与努力才使得asterisk成为世界上最广泛采用的开源通信项目。
    Having so many people working on the project means that Asterisk has become very strong in many application areas. These applications range from standard PBX implementations to advanced database-integrated contact center solutions – and includes just about everything else within the communications space.
    See for yourself the wide range of applications for Asterisk. When you are ready, be sure to join the Asterisk Community to gain access to and help contribute to the ongoing strength and knowledgebase that is behind the Asterisk project.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/createyuan/p/4446917.html
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