1 当不知道帮助可提供什么时,可通过MySQL内置帮助文档,一层层往下看。
mysql> ? contents
? 等效help,该文档涵盖了数据库操作的大部分主题,每个大类又包括更小粒度的类,类最后有具体的topic组成。
2 查询结果:
mysql> ? contents; You asked for help about help category: "Contents" For more information, type 'help <item>', where <item> is one of the following categories: Account Management Administration Compound Statements Data Definition Data Manipulation Data Types Functions Functions and Modifiers for Use with GROUP BY Geographic Features Help Metadata Language Structure Plugins Procedures Storage Engines Table Maintenance Transactions User-Defined Functions Utility
3 查询下一层
mysql> ? Functions You asked for help about help category: "Functions" For more information, type 'help <item>', where <item> is one of the following categories: Bit Functions Comparison operators Control flow functions Date and Time Functions Encryption Functions Information Functions Logical operators Miscellaneous Functions Numeric Functions String Functions
mysql> ? show Name: 'SHOW' Description: SHOW has many forms that provide information about databases, tables, columns, or status information about the server. This section describes those following: SHOW {BINARY | MASTER} LOGS SHOW BINLOG EVENTS [IN 'log_name'] [FROM pos] [LIMIT [offset,] row_count] SHOW CHARACTER SET [like_or_where] SHOW COLLATION [like_or_where] SHOW [FULL] COLUMNS FROM tbl_name [FROM db_name] [like_or_where] SHOW CREATE DATABASE db_name SHOW CREATE EVENT event_name SHOW CREATE FUNCTION func_name SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE proc_name
mysql> ? create table