import os jpgs_dir = "./JPEGImages" for jpg_name in os.listdir(jpgs_dir): portion = os.path.splitext(jpg_name) if portion[1] == ".JPG": new_name = portion[0] + ".jpg" jpg_name = os.path.join(jpgs_dir, jpg_name)#os.rename的参数需要的是路径和文件名,所以这里要加上路径,要不然脚本执行失败。 new_name = os.path.join(jpgs_dir, new_name) print(jpg_name) print(new_name) os.rename(jpg_name, new_name)
import os image_dir = "./delete_images" txt_dir = "./delete_labels" def delete_space(buff_dir): for files_name in os.listdir(buff_dir): if len(files_name.split(" ")) >1: os.rename(os.path.join(buff_dir,files_name), os.path.join(buff_dir,files_name.replace(" ","_"))) print(os.path.join(buff_dir,files_name.replace(" ","_"))) delete_space(image_dir) delete_space(txt_dir)
1 1023 93 1079 137
1 1033 21 1077 59
1 1036 499 1234 645
0 1047 112 1071 164
1 1069 67 1117 105
(3).坐标表示方式不同,一个是x1 y1 x2 y2,另一个是x,y,w,h用脚本把第一种格式转换为第二种格式,脚本如下,
import os rename_flg = 0 change_num = 0 dirpath = "labels/label4" #dirpath = "test_delete" for txt_name in os.listdir(dirpath):#列出当前目录下的所有文件名 #print(os.listdir(dirpath)) with open(os.path.join(dirpath, txt_name), 'r') as f, open(os.path.join(dirpath, "bak%s"%txt_name), 'w') as f_new: print(os.path.join(dirpath, "bak%s"%txt_name)) for line in f.readlines(): if 1 == len(line.split(" ")):#说明这个文件的格式不用修改,直接break rename_flg = 0 break elif len(line.split(" ")) > 1:#说明是第一种空格分割的形式,只有这种形式的才进行转换。 rename_flg = 1 if '0' == line.split(" ")[0]: line1 = 'pedestrian' + ',' + line.split(" ")[1] + ',' + line.split(" ")[2] + ',' line = line1 + str(int(line.split(" ")[3]) - int(line.split(" ")[1])) + ',' + str(int(line.split(" ")[4]) - int(line.split(" ")[2])) #line = line.replace(line.split(" ")[0], 'pedestrian')#不能用replace,replace会把后面的数字0 1 2 也替换成英语单词。 elif '1' == line.split(" ")[0]: line1 = 'vehicle' + ',' + line.split(" ")[1] + ',' + line.split(" ")[2] + ',' line = line1 + str(int(line.split(" ")[3]) - int(line.split(" ")[1])) + ',' + str(int(line.split(" ")[4]) - int(line.split(" ")[2])) elif '2' == line.split(" ")[0]: line1 = 'biker' + ',' + line.split(" ")[1] + ',' + line.split(" ")[2] + ',' line = line1 + str(int(line.split(" ")[3]) - int(line.split(" ")[1])) + ',' + str(int(line.split(" ")[4]) - int(line.split(" ")[2])) #print(line) f_new.write(line) f_new.write(" ") if rename_flg == 1:#如果不加这个判断,那么不需要修改格式的txt文件也会被改变。 change_num = change_num + 1#记录下一共修改了多少个文件, os.remove(os.path.join(dirpath, txt_name)) os.rename(os.path.join(dirpath, "bak%s"%txt_name), os.path.join(dirpath, txt_name)) elif rename_flg == 0: os.remove(os.path.join(dirpath, "bak%s"%txt_name)) print('change_num:', change_num)
""" 有些标注的txt文件里面是错误的,例如目标后面的坐标值本来应该是pedestrian,1138,306,18,56 但是它后面的坐标只有两个,pedestrian,1138,306这样在后面进行txt to xml转换的时候会发生错误, 因此编写脚本把这种错误的txt找出来,删掉。 """ import os delete_labels = [] labels_dir = "./labels" #labels_dir = "./delete_labels" for label in os.listdir(labels_dir): with open(os.path.join(labels_dir, label), 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): if 5 != len(line.split(",")):#说明坐标是少的,这种要删除, print(label) delete_labels.append(label) for label in delete_labels: os.remove(os.path.join(labels_dir, label))
6.检测的分类明明只有biker,pedestrian,pedestrian,但是在制作LMDB的时候却提示未知的name face,这是因为标注的txt文件里面竟然有face分类。。。。。。。。。。。。。,于是要编写脚本看一下txt文件里面是不是只有biker,pedestrian,pedestrian,三个分类,如果有多余的分类,那么把相应的txt文件删除掉,
import os import numpy as np txt_dir = "./labels" buff_list = [] buff_dir = txt_dir for files_name in os.listdir(buff_dir): with open(os.path.join(buff_dir,files_name),'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): buff_list.append(line.split(",")[0]) print(np.unique(buff_list))
import os labels_dir = "./labels" for label_name in os.listdir(labels_dir): with open(os.path.join(labels_dir, label_name), 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): if "face" == line.split(",")[0]: print(label_name) os.remove(os.path.join(labels_dir, label_name))
""" 由于标注时有些错误,导致图片有几张多余的或者txt文件有几张多余的, 因此要删除多余的文件,保证每一张jpg对应一个txt文件。 """ import os images_dir = "./JPEGImages" labels_dir = "./labels" #删除多余的image, labels = [] for label in os.listdir(labels_dir): #labels.append(label.split('.')[0])#不能用这一行,因为有些文件名字前面就有 . 这样得到的文件名字是不对的。 labels.append(os.path.splitext(label)[0]) #print(labels) for image_name in os.listdir(images_dir): #image_name = image_name.split('.')[0] #不能用这一行,因为有些文件名字前面就有 . image_name = os.path.splitext(image_name)[0] #print(image_name) if image_name not in labels: image_name = image_name + ".jpg" print(image_name) #os.remove(os.path.join(images_dir, image_name))#删除图片,最开始先把这一行注释掉,运行下看看打印,以免误删导致数据还是重新做, #删除多余的label images = [] for image in os.listdir(images_dir): #images.append(image.split('.')[0])#不能用这一行,因为有些文件名字前面就有 . images.append(os.path.splitext(image)[0] ) for label_name in os.listdir(labels_dir): #label_name = label_name.split('.')[0]#不能用这一行,因为有些文件名字前面就有 . label_name = os.path.splitext(label_name)[0] if label_name not in images: label_name = label_name + ".txt" print(label_name) #os.remove(os.path.join(labels_dir, label_name))#删除label,最开始先把这一行注释掉,运行下看看打印,以免误删导致数据还是重新做,
import os image_dir = "./JPEGImages" with open("all_image_name.txt",'w') as f: for image_name in os.listdir(image_dir): f.write(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(image_dir,image_name))+" ")
import os import random f_train = open("./ImageSets/Main/train.txt",'w')#训练 f_val = open("./ImageSets/Main/val.txt",'w')#验证 f_trainval = open("./ImageSets/Main/trainval.txt",'w')#训练加验证 f_test =open("./ImageSets/Main/test.txt",'w')#测试, for image_name in os.listdir("./JPEGImages"): image_name = image_name.split(".jpg")[0] feed = random.randint(0,10) if feed <= 8: f_train.write(image_name+" ") f_trainval.write(image_name+" ") if feed == 9: f_val.write(image_name+" ") if feed ==10: f_test.write(image_name+" ") f_train.close() f_val.close() f_trainval.close() f_test.close()
import time import os from PIL import Image import cv2 out0 ='''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <annotation> <folder>None</folder> <filename>%(name)s</filename> <source> <database>None</database> <annotation>None</annotation> <image>None</image> <flickrid>None</flickrid> </source> <owner> <flickrid>None</flickrid> <name>None</name> </owner> <segmented>0</segmented> <size> <width>%(width)d</width> <height>%(height)d</height> <depth>3</depth> </size> ''' out1 = ''' <object> <name>%(class)s</name> <pose>Unspecified</pose> <truncated>0</truncated> <difficult>0</difficult> <bndbox> <xmin>%(xmin)d</xmin> <ymin>%(ymin)d</ymin> <xmax>%(xmax)d</xmax> <ymax>%(ymax)d</ymax> </bndbox> </object> ''' out2 = '''</annotation> ''' #names = ["CD"] def translate(lists): source = {} label = {} for jpg in lists: if os.path.splitext(jpg)[1] == '.jpg': #img=cv2.imread(jpg) print(jpg) #h,w,_=img.shape[:] image= cv2.imread(jpg) h,w,_ = image.shape # h=320 # w=320 fxml = jpg.replace('JPEGImages','Annotations') fxml = fxml.replace('.jpg','.xml') fxml = open(fxml, 'w'); imgfile = jpg.split('/')[-1] source['name'] = imgfile source['width'] = w source['height'] = h fxml.write(out0 % source) txt = jpg.replace('.jpg','.txt') txt = txt.replace('JPEGImages','labels') print(txt) with open(txt,'r') as f: lines = [i.replace(' ','') for i in f.readlines()] for box in lines: box = box.split(',') label['class'] = box[0] # _x = int(float(box[1])*w) # _y = int(float(box[2])*h) # _w = int(float(box[3])*w) # _h = int(float(box[4])*h) _x = int(float(box[1])) _y = int(float(box[2])) _w = int(float(box[3])) _h = int(float(box[4])) label['xmin'] = max(_x,0) label['ymin'] = max(_y,0) label['xmax'] = min(int(_x+_w),w-1) label['ymax'] = min(int(_y+_h),h-1) # if label['xmin']>=w or label['ymin']>=h or label['xmax']>=w or label['ymax']>=h: # continue # if label['xmin']<0 or label['ymin']<0 or label['xmax']<0 or label['ymax']<0: # continue fxml.write(out1 % label) fxml.write(out2) if __name__ == '__main__': with open('all_image_name.txt','r') as f: lines = [i.replace(' ','') for i in f.readlines()] translate(lines)
import os f = open("./trainval.txt",'w') new_lines = "" with open("./ImageSets/Main/trainval.txt",'r') as ff: lines = ff.readlines() for line in lines: image_name = line.split(" ")[0] new_lines += "JPEGImages/"+image_name+".jpg"+" "+"Annotations/"+image_name+".xml"+" " f.write(new_lines) f.close() f = open("./val.txt",'w') new_lines = "" with open("./ImageSets/Main/val.txt",'r') as ff: lines = ff.readlines() for line in lines: image_name = line.split(" ")[0] new_lines += "JPEGImages/"+image_name+".jpg"+" "+"Annotations/"+image_name+".xml"+" " f.write(new_lines) f.close()
12.利用creat_lmdb.sh脚本生成lmdb数据,这个脚本要运行两次,一次生成训练的lmdb,一次生成test的lmdb数据,要想生成test的lmdb只需要把for subset in train这里的train改为val,然后最下面倒数第二行那里的trainval.txt改为val.txt.脚本如下,(如果要resize的话,里面的weight = 608,height = 608,这里的长宽要和后面训练时用的protext里面的输入数据的长宽对应起来,这两个设置成0表示不resize)
caffe_root=/data/chw/caffe_master root_dir=/data/chw/refineDet_20200409/data LINK_DIR=$root_dir/lmdb/ redo=1 db_dir="$root_dir/lmdb1/" data_root_dir="$root_dir" dataset_name="trian" mapfile="/data/chw/refineDet_20200409/data/labelmap_MyDataSet.prototxt" anno_type="detection" db="lmdb" min_dim=0 max_dim=0 #width=608 #height=608
extra_cmd="--encode-type=jpg --encoded" if [ $redo ] then extra_cmd="$extra_cmd --redo" fi for subset in train do python2 $caffe_root/scripts/create_annoset.py --anno-type=$anno_type --label-map-file=$mapfile --min-dim=$min_dim --max-dim=$max_dim --resize-width=$width --resize-height=$height --check-label $extra_cmd $data_root_dir /data/chw/refineDet_20200409/data/trainval.txt $db_dir/$db/$dataset_name"_"$subset"_"$db $LINK_DIR/$dataset_name done
item { name: "none_of_the_above" label: 0 display_name: "background" } item { name: "pedestrian" label: 1 display_name: "pedestrian" } item { name: "vehicle" label: 2 display_name: "vehicle" } item { name: "biker" label: 3 display_name: "biker" }
import argparse import os import shutil import subprocess import sys sys.path.insert(0,'/data/chw/caffe_master/python') from caffe.proto import caffe_pb2 from google.protobuf import text_format if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Create AnnotatedDatum database") parser.add_argument("root", help="The root directory which contains the images and annotations.") parser.add_argument("listfile", help="The file which contains image paths and annotation info.") parser.add_argument("outdir", help="The output directory which stores the database file.") parser.add_argument("exampledir", help="The directory to store the link of the database files.") parser.add_argument("--redo", default = False, action = "store_true", help="Recreate the database.") parser.add_argument("--anno-type", default = "classification", help="The type of annotation {classification, detection}.") parser.add_argument("--label-type", default = "xml", help="The type of label file format for detection {xml, json, txt}.") parser.add_argument("--backend", default = "lmdb", help="The backend {lmdb, leveldb} for storing the result") parser.add_argument("--check-size", default = False, action = "store_true", help="Check that all the datum have the same size.") parser.add_argument("--encode-type", default = "", help="What type should we encode the image as ('png','jpg',...).") parser.add_argument("--encoded", default = False, action = "store_true", help="The encoded image will be save in datum.") parser.add_argument("--gray", default = False, action = "store_true", help="Treat images as grayscale ones.") parser.add_argument("--label-map-file", default = "", help="A file with LabelMap protobuf message.") parser.add_argument("--min-dim", default = 0, type = int, help="Minimum dimension images are resized to.") parser.add_argument("--max-dim", default = 0, type = int, help="Maximum dimension images are resized to.") parser.add_argument("--resize-height", default = 0, type = int, help="Height images are resized to.") parser.add_argument("--resize-width", default = 0, type = int, help="Width images are resized to.") parser.add_argument("--shuffle", default = False, action = "store_true", help="Randomly shuffle the order of images and their labels.") parser.add_argument("--check-label", default = False, action = "store_true", help="Check that there is no duplicated name/label.") args = parser.parse_args() root_dir = args.root list_file = args.listfile out_dir = args.outdir example_dir = args.exampledir redo = args.redo anno_type = args.anno_type label_type = args.label_type backend = args.backend check_size = args.check_size encode_type = args.encode_type encoded = args.encoded gray = args.gray label_map_file = args.label_map_file min_dim = args.min_dim max_dim = args.max_dim resize_height = args.resize_height resize_width = args.resize_width shuffle = args.shuffle check_label = args.check_label # check if root directory exists if not os.path.exists(root_dir): print("root directory: {} does not exist".format(root_dir)) sys.exit() # add "/" to root directory if needed if root_dir[-1] != "/": root_dir += "/" # check if list file exists if not os.path.exists(list_file): print("list file: {} does not exist".format(list_file)) sys.exit() # check list file format is correct with open(list_file, "r") as lf: for line in lf.readlines(): img_file, anno = line.strip(" ").split(" ") if not os.path.exists(root_dir + img_file): print("image file: {} does not exist".format(root_dir + img_file)) if anno_type == "classification": if not anno.isdigit(): print("annotation: {} is not an integer".format(anno)) elif anno_type == "detection": if not os.path.exists(root_dir + anno): print("annofation file: {} does not exist".format(root_dir + anno)) sys.exit() break # check if label map file exist if anno_type == "detection": if not os.path.exists(label_map_file): print("label map file: {} does not exist".format(label_map_file)) sys.exit() label_map = caffe_pb2.LabelMap() lmf = open(label_map_file, "r") try: text_format.Merge(str(lmf.read()), label_map) except: print("Cannot parse label map file: {}".format(label_map_file)) sys.exit() out_parent_dir = os.path.dirname(out_dir) if not os.path.exists(out_parent_dir): os.makedirs(out_parent_dir) if os.path.exists(out_dir) and not redo: print("{} already exists and I do not hear redo".format(out_dir)) sys.exit() if os.path.exists(out_dir): shutil.rmtree(out_dir) # get caffe root directory caffe_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) if anno_type == "detection": cmd = "{}/build/tools/convert_annoset" " --anno_type={}" " --label_type={}" " --label_map_file={}" " --check_label={}" " --min_dim={}" " --max_dim={}" " --resize_height={}" " --resize_width={}" " --backend={}" " --shuffle={}" " --check_size={}" " --encode_type={}" " --encoded={}" " --gray={}" " {} {} {}" .format(caffe_root, anno_type, label_type, label_map_file, check_label, min_dim, max_dim, resize_height, resize_width, backend, shuffle, check_size, encode_type, encoded, gray, root_dir, list_file, out_dir) elif anno_type == "classification": cmd = "{}/build/tools/convert_annoset" " --anno_type={}" " --min_dim={}" " --max_dim={}" " --resize_height={}" " --resize_width={}" " --backend={}" " --shuffle={}" " --check_size={}" " --encode_type={}" " --encoded={}" " --gray={}" " {} {} {}" .format(caffe_root, anno_type, min_dim, max_dim, resize_height, resize_width, backend, shuffle, check_size, encode_type, encoded, gray, root_dir, list_file, out_dir) print(cmd) process = subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output = process.communicate()[0] if not os.path.exists(example_dir): os.makedirs(example_dir) link_dir = os.path.join(example_dir, os.path.basename(out_dir)) if os.path.exists(link_dir): os.unlink(link_dir) os.symlink(out_dir, link_dir)
二 训练
然后就用命令行进行训练: caffe/build/tools/caffe train --solver solver.prototxt --weights xxx.caffemodel &> log.txt进行训练。
/data/caffe_s3fd-ssd/build/tools/caffe train --solver="./solver.prototxt" --weights="./_iter_300000.caffemodel" --gpu 1,2,3 >&log.txt
如果想后台运行,那么可以用nohup命令, 例如,
nohup /data/caffe_s3fd-ssd/build/tools/caffe train --solver="./solver.prototxt" --weights="./_iter_300000.caffemodel" --gpu 1,2,3 >&log.txt &
# ./build/tools/caffe train -solver examples/mnist/lenet_solver.prototxt -snapshot examples/mnist/lenet_iter_5000.solverstate
三 测试