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  • # How cpgf decuce function works

    How cpgf decuce function works

    #ifndef CPGF_GCALLBACK_P_H
    #define CPGF_GCALLBACK_P_H
    #include "cpgf/gcompiler.h"
    #include "cpgf/gpp.h"
    #include "cpgf/gconfig.h"
    #include "cpgf/greference.h"
    #include "cpgf/gtypetraits.h"
    #include "cpgf/genableif.h"
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <utility>
    #include <stdexcept>
    #include <assert.h>
    #if defined(_MSC_VER)
    #pragma warning(push)
    #pragma warning(disable:4267)
    #if !defined(CB_MAX_ARITY)
    #define CB_PARAM_TYPEVALUE(N, P)		GPP_COMMA_IF(N) typename GArgumentTraits<P ## N>::Result  p ## N
    #define CB_PARAM_PASSVALUE(N, P)		GPP_COMMA_IF(N) callback_internal::ForwardValue<typename GArgumentTraits<P ## N>::Result, typename GArgumentTraits<P ## N>::Result>::forward(p ## N)
    #define CB_DEF_MEMBER(N) 
    	template <typename InnerOT, typename InnerFT> 
    	struct GCallbackMember { 
        	typedef GCallbackMember_ ## N <InnerOT, InnerFT, RT GPP_REPEAT_TAIL_PARAMS(N, PT)> Type; 
    #define CB_DEF_GLOBAL(N) 
    	template <typename InnerFT> 
    	struct GCallbackGlobal { 
        	typedef GCallbackGlobal_ ## N <InnerFT, RT GPP_REPEAT_TAIL_PARAMS(N, PT)> Type; 
    #define CB_DEF_MEMBER_N(N) 
    	template <typename InnerOT, typename InnerFT, typename RT GPP_COMMA_IF(N) GPP_REPEAT(N, GPP_COMMA_PARAM, typename PT) > 
    	class GCallbackMember_ ## N : public GCallbackMemberBase<GCallbackMember_ ## N <InnerOT, InnerFT, RT GPP_REPEAT_TAIL_PARAMS(N, PT)>, InnerOT, InnerFT, RT (*)(void * self GPP_COMMA_IF(N) GPP_REPEAT(N, CB_PARAM_TYPEVALUE, PT))> { 
    		typedef GCallbackMember_ ## N <InnerOT, InnerFT, RT GPP_REPEAT_TAIL_PARAMS(N, PT)> ThisType; 
    		typedef GCallbackMemberBase<ThisType, InnerOT, InnerFT, RT (*)(void * self GPP_COMMA_IF(N) GPP_REPEAT(N, CB_PARAM_TYPEVALUE, PT))> super; 
    		GCallbackMember_ ## N(InnerOT * instance, const InnerFT & func) : super(instance, func) {} 
    		static RT virtualInvoke(void * self GPP_COMMA_IF(N) GPP_REPEAT(N, CB_PARAM_TYPEVALUE, PT)) { return (static_cast<ThisType *>(self)->instance->*(*&(static_cast<ThisType *>(self)->func)))(GPP_REPEAT(N, CB_PARAM_PASSVALUE, PT)); } 
    #define CB_DEF_GLOBAL_N(N) 
    	template <typename InnerFT, typename RT GPP_COMMA_IF(N) GPP_REPEAT(N, GPP_COMMA_PARAM, typename PT) > 
    	class GCallbackGlobal_ ## N : public GCallbackGlobalBase<GCallbackGlobal_ ## N <InnerFT, RT GPP_REPEAT_TAIL_PARAMS(N, PT)>, InnerFT, RT (*)(void * self GPP_COMMA_IF(N) GPP_REPEAT(N, CB_PARAM_TYPEVALUE, PT))> { 
    		typedef GCallbackGlobal_ ## N <InnerFT, RT GPP_REPEAT_TAIL_PARAMS(N, PT)> ThisType; 
    		typedef GCallbackGlobalBase<ThisType, InnerFT, RT (*)(void * self GPP_COMMA_IF(N) GPP_REPEAT(N, CB_PARAM_TYPEVALUE, PT))> super; 
    		GCallbackGlobal_ ## N(const InnerFT & func) : super(func) {} 
    		static RT virtualInvoke(void * self GPP_COMMA_IF(N) GPP_REPEAT(N, CB_PARAM_TYPEVALUE, PT)) { return (*&(static_cast<ThisType *>(self)->func))(GPP_REPEAT(N, CB_PARAM_PASSVALUE, PT)); } 
    #define CB_FUNC_TRAITS_ARGS(N, P) GPP_COMMA_IF(N) typename FunctionTraits::ArgList::Arg ## N
    #define CB_DEF_FUNC_TRAITS(N, P) 
    	template <typename FT> 
    	struct GCallbackFunctionTraits <N, FT> { 
    		typedef GFunctionTraits<FT> FunctionTraits; 
    		typedef GCallbackAgent_ ## N <typename FunctionTraits::ResultType GPP_COMMA_IF(N) GPP_REPEAT(N, CB_FUNC_TRAITS_ARGS, GPP_EMPTY)> CallbackAgentType; 
    #define CB_DEF_AGENT_N(N, P) 
    	template<typename RT GPP_COMMA_IF(N) GPP_REPEAT(N, GPP_COMMA_PARAM, typename PT) > 
    	class GCallbackAgent_ ## N : public GCallbackBase<RT (*)(void * self GPP_COMMA_IF(N) GPP_REPEAT(N, CB_PARAM_TYPEVALUE, PT))> { 
    		typedef GCallbackAgent_ ## N < RT GPP_REPEAT_TAIL_PARAMS(N, PT) > ThisType; 
    		typedef GCallbackBase<RT (*)(void * self GPP_COMMA_IF(N) GPP_REPEAT(N, CB_PARAM_TYPEVALUE, PT))> super; 
    		typedef typename super::BaseType BaseType; 
    		typedef RT FunctionType(void * self GPP_COMMA_IF(N) GPP_REPEAT(N, CB_PARAM_TYPEVALUE, PT)); 
    		typedef FunctionType * FunctionPointer; 
    		template <typename RR> int doInvoke(GPP_REPEAT(N, CB_PARAM_TYPEVALUE, PT) GPP_COMMA_IF(N) typename GEnableIfResult<IsSameType<RR, void> >::Result * = 0) const { if(this->getBase()) { ((FunctionPointer)(this->getBase()->getInvoke()))(this->getBase() GPP_COMMA_IF(N) GPP_REPEAT(N, CB_PARAM_PASSVALUE, PT)); } else { invokeEmptyCallback<int>(); } return 0; } 
    		template <typename RR> RT doInvoke(GPP_REPEAT(N, CB_PARAM_TYPEVALUE, PT) GPP_COMMA_IF(N) typename GDisableIfResult<IsSameType<RR, void> >::Result * = 0) const { if(this->getBase()) { return ((FunctionPointer)(this->getBase()->getInvoke()))(this->getBase() GPP_COMMA_IF(N) GPP_REPEAT(N, CB_PARAM_PASSVALUE, PT)); } else { return invokeEmptyCallback<RT>(); } } 
    		template<typename OT, typename FT>	void init(OT * instance, const FT & func) { 
    			this->setBase(this->allocator.template newObject<typename GCallbackMember<OT, FT>::Type >(instance, func)); 
    		template<typename Derived, typename FT> void init(const FT & func) { 
    			this->setBase(callback_internal::ThisTypeTrait<BaseType, GCallbackGlobal, Derived, FT>::createBase(func, &this->allocator)); 
    		typename cpgf::callback_internal::ReturnType<RT>::Result invoke(GPP_REPEAT(N, CB_PARAM_TYPEVALUE, PT)) const { return doInvoke<RT>(GPP_REPEAT(N, CB_PARAM_PASSVALUE, PT)); } 
    		typename cpgf::callback_internal::ReturnType<RT>::Result operator () (GPP_REPEAT(N, CB_PARAM_TYPEVALUE, PT)) const { return this->doInvoke<RT>(GPP_REPEAT(N, CB_PARAM_PASSVALUE, PT)); } 
    namespace cpgf {
    namespace callback_internal {
    template <typename To, typename From>
    struct ForwardValue
    	static typename AddReference<To>::Result forward(typename AddReference<From>::Result value) {
    		return value;
    template <typename To, typename From>
    struct ForwardValue <To &&, From>
    	static To && forward(From & value) {
    		return static_cast<To &&>(value);
    template <typename RT>
    struct ReturnType
    	typedef RT Result;
    template <>
    struct ReturnType <void>
    	typedef int Result;
    template <typename T>
    inline T invokeEmptyCallback() {
    	throw std:: runtime_error("Invoking uninitialized callback.");
    template <bool tooBig>
    struct CBInplaceMeasure;
    template <>
    struct CBInplaceMeasure<true> {
    	template <typename T, typename PT1, typename PT2>
    	static T * newObject(void * /*buffer*/, const PT1 & p1, const PT2 & p2) {
    		return new T(p1, p2);
    	template <typename T, typename PT1>
    	static T * newObject(void * /*buffer*/, const PT1 & p1) {
    		return new T(p1);
    	template <typename T>
    	static void deleteObject(T * p) {
    		if(p) {
    			delete p;
    template <>
    struct CBInplaceMeasure<false> {
    	template <typename T, typename PT1, typename PT2>
    	static T * newObject(void * buffer, const PT1 & p1, const PT2 & p2) {
    		return new(buffer) T(p1, p2);
    	template <typename T, typename PT1>
    	static T * newObject(void * buffer, const PT1 & p1) {
    		return new(buffer) T(p1);
    	template <typename T>
    	static void deleteObject(T * p) {
    		p->deleteFunctor(); // p can never be NULL
    struct SizeOfCallbackBase {
    	void * p;
    struct SizeOfCallbackSon : public SizeOfCallbackBase {
    	virtual void a(int) { (void)a(0); }
    class CBAllocator
    	typedef CBAllocator ThisType;
    	enum { BufferSize = sizeof(&SizeOfCallbackSon::a) + sizeof(SizeOfCallbackBase) };
    	template <typename T, typename PT1, typename PT2>
    	T * newObject(const PT1 & p1, const PT2 & p2) {
    		return CBInplaceMeasure<(sizeof(T) > BufferSize)>::template newObject<T>(this->buffer, p1, p2);
    	template <typename T, typename PT1>
    	T * newObject(const PT1 & p1) {
    		return CBInplaceMeasure<(sizeof(T) > BufferSize)>::template newObject<T>(this->buffer, p1);
    	template <typename T>
    	void deleteObject(T * p) const {
    		// We can't call CBInplaceMeasure::deleteObject since T here maybe a base class
    		// and p points to a derived object.
    		if(p) {
    			if(const_cast<const char *>(reinterpret_cast<char *>(p)) != this->buffer) {
    				delete p;
    	template <typename T>
    	T * take(T * p, CBAllocator * allocator) const {
    		if(const_cast<const char *>(reinterpret_cast<char *>(p)) == this->buffer) {
    			T * instance = p->clone(allocator);
    			return instance;
    		else {
    			return p;
    	void * base;
    	char buffer[BufferSize];
    	template <typename InvokeType>
    	friend class GCallbackBase;
    template <typename BT, template<typename>class GT, typename MyCT, typename FT>
    struct ThisTypeTrait {
    	static BT * createBase(const FT & func, CBAllocator * allocator) {
    		return allocator->newObject<typename GT<FT>::Type >(func);
    template <typename BT, template<typename>class GT, typename MyCT, typename FT>
    struct ThisTypeTrait<BT, GT, MyCT, const FT> {
    	static BT * createBase(const FT & func, CBAllocator * allocator) {
    		return allocator->newObject<typename GT<const FT>::Type >(func);
    template <typename BT, template<typename>class GT, typename FT>
    struct ThisTypeTrait<BT, GT, FT, FT> {
    	static BT * createBase(const FT & func, CBAllocator * allocator) {
    		return func.getBase() ? func.getBase()->clone(allocator) : NULL;
    template <typename BT, template<typename>class GT, typename MyCT>
    struct ThisTypeTrait<BT, GT, MyCT, GReference<MyCT> > {
    	static BT * createBase(const GReference<MyCT> & func, CBAllocator * allocator) {
    		return ThisTypeTrait<BT, GT, MyCT, MyCT>::createBase(func, allocator);
    template <typename BT, template<typename>class GT, typename MyCT>
    struct ThisTypeTrait<BT, GT, MyCT, GReference<const MyCT> > {
    	static BT * createBase(const GReference<const MyCT> & func, CBAllocator * allocator) {
    		return ThisTypeTrait<BT, GT, MyCT, const MyCT>::createBase(func, allocator);
    template <typename BT, template<typename>class GT, typename MyCT>
    struct ThisTypeTrait<BT, GT, MyCT, const GReference<MyCT> > {
    	static BT * createBase(const GReference<MyCT> & func, CBAllocator * allocator) {
    		return ThisTypeTrait<BT, GT, MyCT, MyCT>::createBase(func, allocator);
    template <typename BT, template<typename>class GT, typename MyCT>
    struct ThisTypeTrait<BT, GT, MyCT, const GReference<const MyCT> > {
    	static BT * createBase(const GReference<const MyCT> & func, CBAllocator * allocator) {
    		return ThisTypeTrait<BT, GT, MyCT, const MyCT>::createBase(func, allocator);
    template <typename InvokeType>
    struct GCallbackVirtual
    	void (*destructObject)(void * self);
    	void * (*setOrGetObject)(const void * self, void * o, bool set);
    	void * (*clone)(const void * self, CBAllocator * allocator);
    	bool (*isSameCallback)(const void * self, const void * other);
    	InvokeType invoke;
    template <typename InvokeType>
    class GCallbackFunctorBase
    	void deleteFunctor() {
    	void * getObject() {
    		return this->virtualFunctions->setOrGetObject(this, NULL, false);
    	const void * getObject() const {
    		return this->virtualFunctions->setOrGetObject(this, NULL, false);
    	void setObject(void * instance) const {
    		this->virtualFunctions->setOrGetObject(this, instance, true);
    	GCallbackFunctorBase * clone(CBAllocator * allocator) const {
    		return static_cast<GCallbackFunctorBase *>(this->virtualFunctions->clone(this, allocator));
    	bool isSameCallback(const GCallbackFunctorBase * other) const {
    		return this->virtualFunctions->isSameCallback(this, other);
    	InvokeType getInvoke() const {
    		return this->virtualFunctions->invoke;
    	GCallbackVirtual<InvokeType> * virtualFunctions;
    template <typename DerivedT, typename InnerOT, typename InnerFT, typename InvokeType>
    class GCallbackMemberBase : public GCallbackFunctorBase <InvokeType> {
    	typedef GCallbackMemberBase<DerivedT, InnerOT, InnerFT, InvokeType> ThisType;
    	typedef GCallbackFunctorBase<InvokeType> BaseType;
    	typedef DerivedT DerivedType;
    	static void virtualDestructObject(void * self) {
    		(void)self; // VC will issue unused parameter without this line?
    		static_cast<ThisType *>(self)->~GCallbackMemberBase();
    	static void * virtualSetOrGetObject(const void * self, void * o, bool set) {
    		if(set) {
    			static_cast<const ThisType *>(self)->instance = reinterpret_cast<InnerOT *>(o);
    			return NULL;
    		else {
    			return reinterpret_cast<void *>(
    				const_cast<char *>(
    				reinterpret_cast<const volatile char *>(static_cast<const ThisType *>(self)->instance)));
    	static void * virtualClone(const void * self, callback_internal::CBAllocator * allocator) {
    		return allocator->newObject<DerivedType>(static_cast<const DerivedType *>(self)->instance, static_cast<const DerivedType *>(self)->func);
    	static bool virtualIsSameCallback(const void * self, const void * other) {
    		return static_cast<const ThisType *>(self)->instance == static_cast<const ThisType *>(other)->instance && static_cast<const ThisType *>(self)->func == static_cast<const ThisType *>(other)->func;
    	GCallbackMemberBase(InnerOT * instance, const InnerFT & func) : instance(instance), func(func) {
    		static GCallbackVirtual<InvokeType> thisFunctions = {
    			&virtualDestructObject, &virtualSetOrGetObject,
    			&virtualClone, &virtualIsSameCallback, &DerivedType::virtualInvoke };
    		this->virtualFunctions = &thisFunctions;
    	mutable InnerOT * instance;
    	InnerFT func;
    namespace _test_equal {
    // Go here if T has no operator ==
    // But if T has a private == or declared but undefined ==, compiler or linker will raise error.
    template <typename T>
    inline bool operator == (const T & a, const T & b) {
    	return &a == &b;
    template <typename T>
    inline bool testEqual(const T & a, const T & b) {
    	return *&a == *&b;
    } // namespace _test_equal
    template <typename DerivedT, typename InnerFT, typename InvokeType>
    class GCallbackGlobalBase : public GCallbackFunctorBase <InvokeType> {
    	typedef GCallbackGlobalBase<DerivedT, InnerFT, InvokeType> ThisType;
    	typedef DerivedT DerivedType;
    	typedef GCallbackFunctorBase<InvokeType> BaseType;
    	static void virtualDestructObject(void * self) {
    		(void)self; // 'self" is unused, weird
    		static_cast<ThisType *>(self)->~GCallbackGlobalBase();
    	static void * virtualSetOrGetObject(const void * /*self*/, void * /*o*/, bool /*set*/) {
    		return NULL;
    	static void * virtualClone(const void * self, callback_internal::CBAllocator * allocator) {
    		return allocator->newObject<DerivedType>(static_cast<const DerivedType *>(self)->func);
    	static bool virtualIsSameCallback(const void * self, const void * other) {
    		return _test_equal::testEqual<InnerFT>(static_cast<const ThisType *>(self)->func, static_cast<const ThisType *>(other)->func);
    	GCallbackGlobalBase(const InnerFT & func) : func(func) {
    		static GCallbackVirtual<InvokeType> thisFunctions = {
    			&virtualDestructObject, &virtualSetOrGetObject,
    			&virtualClone, &virtualIsSameCallback, &DerivedType::virtualInvoke };
    		this->virtualFunctions = &thisFunctions;
    	InnerFT func;
    template <typename InvokeType>
    class GCallbackBase
    	typedef GCallbackFunctorBase<InvokeType> BaseType;
    	GCallbackBase() {
    		this->allocator.base = NULL;
        GCallbackBase(const GCallbackBase & other) {
    		this->allocator.base = other.getBase() ? other.getBase()->clone(&this->allocator) : NULL;
    	~GCallbackBase() {
        GCallbackBase & operator = (const GCallbackBase & other) {
    		if(this != &other) {
    			void * newBase = other.getBase() ? other.getBase()->clone(&this->allocator) : NULL;
    			this->allocator.base = newBase;
    		return *this;
    	bool operator == (const GCallbackBase & other) const {
    		return this->getBase() ? this->getBase()->isSameCallback(other.getBase()) : (! other.getBase());
    	bool operator != (const GCallbackBase & other) const {
    		return ! this->operator == (other);
    	void takeOver(GCallbackBase & other) {
    		this->setBase(other.allocator.take(other.getBase(), &this->allocator));
    	BaseType * getBase() const {
    		return reinterpret_cast<BaseType * >(this->allocator.base);
    	void setBase(BaseType * base) {
    		this->allocator.base = base;
    	CBAllocator allocator;
    	template <typename CallbackType, template<typename> class ConnectionT, template<typename T, typename = std::allocator<T> > class ListType>
    	friend class GCallbackListBase;
    	template <typename CallbackType>
    	friend class GCallbackConnection;
    	template <typename BT, template<typename>class GT, typename MyCT, typename CT>
    	friend struct ThisTypeTrait;
    template <int arity, typename FT>
    struct GCallbackFunctionTraits;
    template <typename FT>
    struct TypeMaybeFunctor
    	typedef typename RemoveConstVolatile<typename RemovePointer<typename RemoveConstVolatile<typename RemoveReference<FT>::Result>::Result>::Result>::Result BaseType;
    		Result = (
    			! IsFundamental<BaseType>::Result
    			&& ! IsSameType<BaseType, void>::Result
    			&& (IsFunction<BaseType>::Result
    				|| IsClass<typename RemoveConstVolatile<typename RemoveReference<FT>::Result>::Result>::Result
    } // namespace callback_internal
    } // namespace cpgf
    #undef CB_DEF_AGENT_N
    #undef CB_DEF_GLOBAL
    #undef CB_DEF_MEMBER
    #if defined(_MSC_VER)
    #pragma warning(pop)
     	tutorials.exe!cpgf::callback_internal::CBAllocator::newObject<cpgf::callback_internal::GCallbackMember_1<`anonymous namespace'::Point,void (__cdecl A0xe50ffc0c::Point::*)(int) __ptr64,void,int>,`anonymous namespace'::Point * __ptr64,void (__cdecl A0xe50ffc0c::Point::*)(int) __ptr64>(`anonymous-namespace'::Point * const & p1, void (int)* const & p2)  Line 202	C++
    >	tutorials.exe!cpgf::callback_internal::GCallbackAgent_1<void,int>::init<`anonymous namespace'::Point,void (__cdecl A0xe50ffc0c::Point::*)(int) __ptr64>(`anonymous-namespace'::Point * instance, void (int)* const & func)  Line 516 + 0x3c bytes	C++
     	tutorials.exe!cpgf::GCallback<void __cdecl(int)>::GCallback<void __cdecl(int)><`anonymous namespace'::Point,void (__cdecl A0xe50ffc0c::Point::*)(int) __ptr64>(`anonymous-namespace'::Point * instance, void (int)* const & func)  Line 42 + 0x14 bytes	C++
     	tutorials.exe!cpgf::makeCallback<`anonymous namespace'::Point,void (__cdecl A0xe50ffc0c::Point::*)(int) __ptr64>(`anonymous-namespace'::Point * instance, void (int)* const & func)  Line 162 + 0x14 bytes	C++
     	tutorials.exe!cpgf::meta_internal::GMetaMethodCallbackMaker<`anonymous namespace'::Point,void (__cdecl A0xe50ffc0c::Point::*)(int) __ptr64,void>::make<void (__cdecl `anonymous namespace'::Point::*)(int) __ptr64>(void (int)* const & func)  Line 299 + 0x11 bytes	C++
     	tutorials.exe!cpgf::GMetaMethod::newMethod<`anonymous namespace'::Point,void (__cdecl A0xe50ffc0c::Point::*)(int) __ptr64,cpgf::MakePolicy<cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType> >(const char * name, void (int)* const & func, const cpgf::MakePolicy<cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType,cpgf::GNullType> & policy)  Line 26 + 0x2d bytes	C++
     	tutorials.exe!cpgf::GDefineMetaCommon<`anonymous namespace'::Point,cpgf::GDefineMetaClass<`anonymous namespace'::Point,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void> >::_method<void (__cdecl `anonymous namespace'::Point::*)(int) __ptr64>(const char * name, void (int)* func)  Line 254 + 0x35 bytes	C++
     	tutorials.exe!`anonymous namespace'::reflectPoint<cpgf::GDefineMetaClass<`anonymous namespace'::Point,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void> >(cpgf::GDefineMetaClass<`anonymous namespace'::Point,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void> * define)  Line 67 + 0x20 bytes	C++
     	tutorials.exe!run_a01()  Line 108	C++
     	tutorials.exe!main()  Line 11	C++

    How luabind deduce works

    // Copyright Daniel Wallin 2008. Use, modification and distribution is
    // subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
    // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
    #  include <luabind/detail/most_derived.hpp>
    #  if LUABIND_MAX_ARITY <= 8
    #   include <boost/mpl/vector/vector10.hpp>
    #  else
    #   include <boost/mpl/vector/vector50.hpp>
    #  endif
    #  include <boost/preprocessor/cat.hpp>
    #  include <boost/preprocessor/iteration/iterate.hpp>
    #  include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_params.hpp>
    namespace luabind { namespace detail {
    namespace mpl = boost::mpl;
    template <class R>
    mpl::vector1<R> deduce_signature(R(*)(), ...)
        return mpl::vector1<R>();
    template <class R, class T>
    mpl::vector2<R,T&> deduce_signature(R(T::*)())
        return mpl::vector2<R,T&>();
    template <class R, class T, class Wrapped>
    mpl::vector2<R,typename most_derived<T,Wrapped>::type&>
    deduce_signature(R(T::*)(), Wrapped*)
        return mpl::vector2<R,typename most_derived<T,Wrapped>::type&>();
    template <class R, class T>
    mpl::vector2<R,T const&> deduce_signature(R(T::*)() const)
        return mpl::vector2<R,T const&>();
    template <class R, class T, class Wrapped>
    mpl::vector2<R,typename most_derived<T,Wrapped>::type const&>
    deduce_signature(R(T::*)() const, Wrapped*)
        return mpl::vector2<R,typename most_derived<T,Wrapped>::type const&>();
        (3, (1, LUABIND_MAX_ARITY, <luabind/detail/deduce_signature.hpp>))
    #  include BOOST_PP_ITERATE()
    }} // namespace luabind::detail
    # endif // LUABIND_DEDUCE_SIGNATURE_080911_HPP
    # define N BOOST_PP_ITERATION()
    # define NPLUS1 BOOST_PP_INC(N)
    template <class R, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N,class A)>
    deduce_signature(R(*)(BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N,A)), ...)
        return BOOST_PP_CAT(mpl::vector,NPLUS1)<R,BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N,A)>();
    # define NPLUS2 BOOST_PP_INC(NPLUS1)
    template <class R, class T, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N,class A)>
        return BOOST_PP_CAT(mpl::vector,NPLUS2)<R,T&,BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N,A)>();
    template <class R, class T, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N,class A), class Wrapped>
        R, typename most_derived<T,Wrapped>::type&, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N,A)
    deduce_signature(R(T::*)(BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N,A)), Wrapped*)
        return BOOST_PP_CAT(mpl::vector,NPLUS2)<
            R,typename most_derived<T,Wrapped>::type&,BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N,A)>();
    template <class R, class T, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N,class A)>
    BOOST_PP_CAT(mpl::vector,NPLUS2)<R, T const&, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N,A)>
    deduce_signature(R(T::*)(BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N,A)) const)
        return BOOST_PP_CAT(mpl::vector,NPLUS2)<R,T const&,BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N,A)>();
    template <class R, class T, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N,class A), class Wrapped>
        R, typename most_derived<T,Wrapped>::type const&, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N,A)
    deduce_signature(R(T::*)(BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N,A)) const, Wrapped*)
        return BOOST_PP_CAT(mpl::vector,NPLUS2)<
            R,typename most_derived<T,Wrapped>::type const&,BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N,A)>();
    # undef NPLUS2
    # undef NPLUS1
    # undef N
    #endif  // BOOST_PP_IS_ITERATING
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cutepig/p/12233662.html
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