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  • Codeforces 835F Roads in the Kingdom (环套树 + DP)

    题目链接 Roads in the Kingdom

    题意  给出一个环套树的结构,现在要删去这个结构中的一条边,满足所有点依然连通。















    #include <bits/stdc++.h>
    using namespace std;
    #define rep(i, a, b)	for (int i(a); i <= (b); ++i)
    #define dec(i, a, b)	for (int i(a); i >= (b); --i)
    #define MP		make_pair
    #define fi		first
    #define se		second
    typedef long long LL;
    typedef pair <int, LL> PII;
    const int N = 2e5 + 10;
    vector <PII> v[N];
    vector <int> c;
    int isroot[N], a[N], father[N], vis[N], cnt = 0, n;
    int cnt_node;
    LL  now_dis, ans, ret;
    LL  val[N], deep[N], pre[N], suc[N], fl[N], fr[N], cl[N], cr[N], gl[N], gr[N];
    map <pair <int, int>, LL > mp;
    int get_circle(int x){
    	vis[x] = 1;
    	for (auto now : v[x]){
    		int u = now.fi;
    		if (u == father[x]) continue;
    		father[u] = x;
    		if (vis[u]){
    			cnt = 0;
    			int w = x;
    			while (w ^ u){
    				a[++cnt] = w;
    				isroot[w] = cnt;
    				w = father[w];
    			a[++cnt] = u;
    			isroot[u] = cnt;
    			return 1;
    		if (get_circle(u)) return 1;
    	return 0;
    void dfs(int node, int x, int fa, LL dep){
    	if (dep > deep[node]){
    		cnt_node = x;
    		deep[node] = dep;
    	for (auto now : v[x]){
    		int u = now.fi;
    		if (u == fa) continue;
    		if (isroot[u]) continue;
    		dfs(node, u, x, dep + now.se);
    void dfs2(int x, int fa, int extra, LL dep){
    	now_dis = max(now_dis, dep);
    	for (auto now : v[x]){
    		int u = now.fi;
    		if ((u == fa) || (isroot[u] && u != extra)) continue;
    	       	dfs2(u, x, extra, dep + now.se);
    int main(){
    	scanf("%d", &n);
    	rep(i, 1, n){
    		int x, y;
    		LL z;
    		scanf("%d%d%lld", &x, &y, &z);
    		v[x].push_back(MP(y, z));
    		v[y].push_back(MP(x, z));
    		mp[MP(x, y)] = mp[MP(y, x)] = z;
    	father[1] = 0;
    	rep(i, 1, cnt){
    		cnt_node = 0;
    		dfs(i, a[i], 0, 0);
    		if (deep[i] > 0){
    			now_dis = 0;
    			dfs2(cnt_node, 0, a[i], 0);
    			ret = max(ret, now_dis);
    	val[0] = mp[MP(a[1], a[cnt])];
    	rep(i, 1, cnt - 1) val[i] = mp[MP(a[i], a[i + 1])];
    	pre[1] = 0;   rep(i, 2, cnt) pre[i] = pre[i - 1] + val[i - 1];
    	suc[cnt] = 0; dec(i, cnt - 1, 1) suc[i] = suc[i + 1] + val[i];
    	fl[1] = deep[1];     rep(i, 2, n) fl[i] = max(fl[i - 1], pre[i] + deep[i]);
    	fr[cnt] = deep[cnt]; dec(i, n - 1, 1) fr[i] = max(fr[i + 1], suc[i] + deep[i]);
    	cl[1] = 0; cl[2] = deep[1] + val[1];
    	rep(i, 3, cnt) cl[i] = max(cl[i - 1], deep[i - 1]) + val[i - 1];
    	cr[cnt] = 0, cr[cnt - 1] = deep[cnt] + val[cnt - 1];
    	dec(i, cnt - 2, 1) cr[i] = max(cr[i + 1], deep[i + 1]) + val[i];
    	rep(i, 2, cnt) gl[i] = max(gl[i - 1], cl[i] + deep[i]);
    	dec(i, cnt - 1, 1) gr[i] = max(gr[i + 1], cr[i] + deep[i]);
    	ans = gl[cnt];
    	rep(i, 1, cnt - 1) ans = min(ans, max(fl[i] + fr[i + 1] + val[0], max(gl[i], gr[i + 1])));
    	ans = max(ans, ret);
    ", ans);
    	return 0;
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    Ⅴ 运算符重载
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    Ⅳ 继承与派生①
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cxhscst2/p/7632981.html
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