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  • 实时处理与流处理

    前言:作为一个程序猿,总是能不时地听到各种新技术名词,大数据、云计算、实时处理、流式处理、内存计算… 但当我们听到这些时髦的名词时他们究竟是在说什么?偶然搜到一个不错的帖子,就总结一下实时处理和流式处理的差别吧。



    实时处理(Real-time Processingor Computing)又是什么?与实时系统相似,但软件工业中似乎对实时二字没有什么明白的定义。比如很多人说实时交易,实际上是由于市场数据瞬息万变,决策常常在毫秒间。一个软实时(Soft Real-time)的样例是Amazon要求全部软件子系统在处理99%的请求时。都能在100-200毫秒内要么给出结果要么立马失败。

    说完实时处理再看流式处理(Stream Processing)。望文生义。流式处理就是指源源不断的数据流过系统时。系统可以不停地连续计算。



    假设我们的代码可以保证Storm的Topology中每一个Bolt结点处理数据的时长一定,那么我们就相当于用Storm开发了一个(软)实时的系统。顺便提一句,又比方Spark这个主要是内存计算框架,在增加了Streaming Spark子项目后。能将数据流切分并转化成RDD进行兴许计算,从而也支持了流式处理(否则之前Spark都是以固定的一坨数据为输入的)。

    原文:What's the difference between real-timeprocessing and stream processing?

    Usually,a system is called a real time system if it has tight deadlines within which aresult is guaranteed. For example, you can consider your TV to be a real timeprocessing system: given an analog or digital input, within say 1ms, acorresponding phosphor dot will light up on the screen. In the context ofsoftware systems, a system is usually called a real time system if it hasresponses that are guaranteed within hard "real-world" timedeadlines. For example, a system that guarantees the processing of a NASDAQstock quote coming in from the network within 10 ms would be considered a realtime processing system: whether this is achieved by using a softwarearchitecture that utilizes continuous (stream) processing or one shot processingin hardware is immaterial. The fact that there is a reasonably small real-worldguaranteed deadline for the processing makes it a real time system.

    Inpractice though real time systems are extremely hard to implement using commonsoftware systems. For example, the vanilla linux kernel isn't a real timekernel: certain operations such as process scheduling, network packetprocessing etc. are implemented using algorithms that don't guarantee a hardtime limit. eg. If your process is preempted from CPU resources by a higherpriority process, the scheduler may not give your process the CPU resources itneeds to guarantee a response in the given deadline (depending on thescheduling algorithm). The same thing applies to network packets. There are, ofcourse, flavors of the kernel available that provide real time schedulingguarantees for processes etc. (QNX [1]comes to mind) Software systems in this area usually go for a flavor of realtime processing called soft real time computing where the deadline is not an absolute but aprobability. For example, Amazon requires all the software subcomponents on itspage to provide a result or fail within 100-200ms for 99% of all requests. Thisgives it a soft real time guarantee that a page will render within a given timelimit. 

    Streamprocessing on the other hand refers to a methodof continuous computation that happens as data is flowing through the system.There are no compulsory time limitations in stream processing. For example, asystem that simply output the count of words present in a Tweet for 99.9% ofthe tweets it encountered but output the complete works of Shakespeare for theremaining 0.1% of tweets is a valid stream processing system. There is no fixedtime deadline on the output of the system when an input is received: the datais processed as it comes in and sometimes data might be awaiting processing.The only constraint on such a stream processing system is that its long termoutput rate should be faster or at least equal to the long term data input rate(otherwise the storage requirements of the system grow without bound).Additionally, it must have enough memory to store queued inputs should it bestuck while processing any item in the input stream.

    Giventhis context, I'm sure it's easy to figure out that Storm is a streamprocessing system. You can use Storm to develop a (soft) real time system ifyou can place guarantees on the processing duration for all inputs at everystage of the topology. 

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cynchanpin/p/6823376.html
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