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  • KD树



      1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
      2 #define LL long long 
      3 using namespace std;
      4 int n,op,x,y,z,M,a1,a2,b1,b2; LL ans;
      5 int read(){
      6     int x=0,f=1;char ch=getchar();
      7     while(ch<'0'||ch>'9'){if(ch=='-')f=-1;ch=getchar();}
      8     while(ch>='0'&&ch<='9'){x=x*10+ch-'0';ch=getchar();}
      9     return x*f;
     10 }
     11 namespace KD{
     12     int cnt,rt,D;
     13     struct P{
     14         int d[2],p[2],q[2],v,l,r; LL s;
     15         int &operator[](int x) {return d[x];}
     16     }a[200005],b[200005],A;
     17     bool operator==(P a,P b){
     18         return a[0]==b[0]&&a[1]==b[1];
     19     }
     20     bool operator<(P a,P b){
     21         return a[D]<b[D];
     22     }
     24     void up(int u){
     25         int l=a[u].l,r=a[u].r;
     26         a[u].s=a[l].s+a[r].s+a[u].v;
     27         for (int i=0;i<2;++i){
     28             a[u].p[i]=a[u].q[i]=a[u][i];
     29             if (l) a[u].p[i]=min(a[u].p[i],a[l].p[i]);
     30             if (l) a[u].q[i]=max(a[u].q[i],a[l].q[i]);
     31             if (r) a[u].p[i]=min(a[u].p[i],a[r].p[i]);
     32             if (r) a[u].q[i]=max(a[u].q[i],a[r].q[i]);
     33         }
     34     }
     35     void add(int &u,bool F){
     36         if (!u){
     37             u=++cnt;
     38             a[u][0]=a[u].p[0]=a[u].q[0]=A[0];
     39             a[u][1]=a[u].p[1]=a[u].q[1]=A[1];
     40         }
     41         if (A==a[u]){
     42             a[u].v+=A.v; a[u].s+=A.v;
     43             return;
     44         }
     45         if (A[F]<a[u][F]) add(a[u].l,F^1);
     46             else add(a[u].r,F^1);
     47         up(u);
     48     }    
     49     int go(int l,int r,bool F){
     50         if (l>r) return 0;
     51         int m=l+r>>1; D=F;
     52         nth_element(b+l,b+m,b+r+1);
     53         a[m]=b[m];
     54         a[m].l=go(l,m-1,F^1);
     55         a[m].r=go(m+1,r,F^1);
     56         up(m);
     57         return m;
     58     }
     59     bool in(P a,P b){
     60         return a.p[0]>=b.p[0]&&a.p[1]>=b.p[1]&&a.q[0]<=b.q[0]&&a.q[1]<=b.q[1];
     61     }
     62     bool out(P a,P b){
     63         return a.q[0]<b.p[0]||a.q[1]<b.p[1]||a.p[0]>b.q[0]||a.p[1]>b.q[1];
     64     }
     65     LL sum(int u){
     66         if (!u||out(a[u],A)) return 0;
     67         if (in(a[u],A)) return a[u].s;
     68         LL tmp=0;
     69         if (a[u][0]>=A.p[0]&&a[u][0]<=A.q[0]&&a[u][1]>=A.p[1]&&a[u][1]<=A.q[1]) tmp=a[u].v;
     70         tmp+=sum(a[u].l)+sum(a[u].r);
     71         return tmp;
     72     }
     74     void insert(int x,int y,int z){
     75         A[0]=A.p[0]=A.q[0]=x;
     76         A[1]=A.p[1]=A.q[1]=y;
     77         A.s=A.v=z; add(rt,0);
     78     }
     79     void rebuild(){
     80         for (int i=1;i<=cnt;++i) b[i]=a[i];
     81         rt=go(1,cnt,0);
     82     }
     83     LL qsum(int a1,int b1,int a2,int b2){
     84         A.p[0]=a1; A.q[0]=a2;
     85         A.p[1]=b1; A.q[1]=b2;
     86         return sum(rt);
     87     }
     88 }
     89 int main(){
     90     n=read(); M=10000;
     91     while (1){
     92         op=read();
     93         if (op==3) return 0;
     94         if (op==1){
     95             x=read(); y=read(); z=read();
     96             KD::insert(x^ans,y^ans,z^ans);
     97             if (KD::cnt==M)
     98                 KD::rebuild(),M+=10000;
     99         }else{
    100             a1=read()^ans; b1=read()^ans; a2=read()^ans; b2=read()^ans;
    101             printf("%lld
    102         }
    103     }
    104     return 0;
    105 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cyz666/p/7833132.html
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