1. 将原来Install函数的CreateService调用改为
SC_HANDLE hService = ::CreateService( hSCM, // SC_HANDLE hSCManager, handle to service control manager database m_szServiceName, // LPCTSTR lpServiceName, pointer to name of service to start _T("世纪德润看护服务"), // LPCTSTR lpDisplayName, pointer to display name SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS, // DWORD dwDesiredAccess, type of access to service SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS, // DWORD dwServiceType, type of service SERVICE_AUTO_START, // DWORD dwStartType, when to start service SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL, // DWORD dwErrorControl, severity if service fails to start szFilePath, // LPCTSTR lpBinaryPathName, pointer to name of binary file NULL, // LPCTSTR lpLoadOrderGroup, pointer to name of load ordering group NULL, // LPDWORD lpdwTagId, pointer to variable to get tag identifier _T("RPCSS/0"), // LPCTSTR lpDependencies, pointer to array of dependency names NULL, // LPCTSTR lpServiceStartName,pointer to account name of service NULL); // LPCTSTR lpPassword pointer to password for service account
// Need to acquire database lock before reconfiguring. SC_LOCK sclLock = LockServiceDatabase(hSCM); if (sclLock != NULL) { // Open a handle to the service. SC_HANDLE hService = OpenService( hSCM, // SCManager database m_szServiceName, // name of service SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG); // need CHANGE access if (hService != NULL) { SERVICE_DESCRIPTION sdBuf; sdBuf.lpDescription = _T("提供北京世纪德润科技有限公司服务程序的看护服务。"); if (ChangeServiceConfig2 ( hService, SERVICE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION, &sdBuf)) { // MessageBox(NULL, "Change SUCCESS", "", MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION); } CloseServiceHandle(hService); } UnlockServiceDatabase(sclLock); }
template <class T, UINT nServiceNameID> class ATL_NO_VTABLE CDRAtlServiceModuleT : public CAtlExeModuleT<T>