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    1. User user = UserUtils.getUser();  
    2. // 使用标准查询  
    3. DetachedCriteria dc = articleDao.createDetachedCriteria();  
    4. dc.createAlias("office", "office").createAlias("user", "user");  
    5. dc.add(dataScopeFilter(user, "office", "user"));  
    6. List<Entity> list = articleDao.find(page, dc);;  
    7. // 使用HQL查询  
    8. String hql = "select e from Entity e join e.office o join e.user u where 1=1 ";  
    9. hql += dataScopeFilterString(UserUtils.getUser(), "o", "u");  

    10. List<Entity> list2 = articleDao.find(page, hql);  



    1. /** 
    2.  * 数据范围过滤 
    3.  * @param dc Hibernate标准查询对象 
    4.  * @param user 当前用户对象,通过“UserUtils.getUser()”获取 
    5.  * @param officeAlias 机构表别名,例如:dc.createAlias("office", "office"); 
    6.  * @param userAlias 用户表别名,传递空,忽略此参数 
    7.  * @return 标准连接条件对象 
    8.  */  
    9. protected static Junction dataScopeFilter(User user, String officeAlias, String userAlias) {  
    10. 10.   
    11. 11.     // 进行权限过滤,多个角色权限范围之间为或者关系。  
    12. 12.     List<String> dataScope = Lists.newArrayList();  
    13. 13.     Junction junction = Restrictions.disjunction();  
    14. 14.       
    15. 15.     // 超级管理员,跳过权限过滤  
    16. 16.     if (!user.isAdmin()){  
    17. 17.         for (Role r : user.getRoleList()){  
    18. 18.             if (!dataScope.contains(r.getDataScope()) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(officeAlias)){  
    19. 19.                 boolean isDataScopeAll = false;  
    20. 20.                 if (Role.DATA_SCOPE_ALL.equals(r.getDataScope())){  
    21. 21.                     isDataScopeAll = true;  
    22. 22.                 }  
    23. 23.                 else if (Role.DATA_SCOPE_COMPANY_AND_CHILD.equals(r.getDataScope())){  
    24. 24.                     junction.add(Restrictions.eq(officeAlias+".id", user.getCompany().getId()));  
    25. 25.                     junction.add(Restrictions.like(officeAlias+".parentIds", user.getCompany().getParentIds()+user.getCompany().getId()+",%"));  
    26. 26.                 }  
    27. 27.                 else if (Role.DATA_SCOPE_COMPANY.equals(r.getDataScope())){  
    28. 28.                     junction.add(Restrictions.eq(officeAlias+".id", user.getCompany().getId()));  
    29. 29.                     junction.add(Restrictions.and(Restrictions.eq(officeAlias+".parent.id", user.getCompany().getId()),  
    30. 30.                             Restrictions.eq(officeAlias+".type", "2"))); // 包括本公司下的部门  
    31. 31.                 }  
    32. 32.                 else if (Role.DATA_SCOPE_OFFICE_AND_CHILD.equals(r.getDataScope())){  
    33. 33.                     junction.add(Restrictions.eq(officeAlias+".id", user.getOffice().getId()));  
    34. 34.                     junction.add(Restrictions.like(officeAlias+".parentIds", user.getOffice().getParentIds()+user.getOffice().getId()+",%"));  
    35. 35.                 }  
    36. 36.                 else if (Role.DATA_SCOPE_OFFICE.equals(r.getDataScope())){  
    37. 37.                     junction.add(Restrictions.eq(officeAlias+".id", user.getOffice().getId()));  
    38. 38.                 }  
    39. 39.                 else if (Role.DATA_SCOPE_CUSTOM.equals(r.getDataScope())){  
    40. 40.                     junction.add(Restrictions.in(officeAlias+".id", r.getOfficeIdList()));  
    41. 41.                 }  
    42. 42.                 //else if (Role.DATA_SCOPE_SELF.equals(r.getDataScope())){  
    43. 43.                 if (!isDataScopeAll){  
    44. 44.                     if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(userAlias)){  
    45. 45.                         junction.add(Restrictions.eq(userAlias+".id", user.getId()));  
    46. 46.                     }else {  
    47. 47.                         junction.add(Restrictions.isNull(officeAlias+".id"));  
    48. 48.                     }  
    49. 49.                 }else{  
    50. 50.                     // 如果包含全部权限,则去掉之前添加的所有条件,并跳出循环。  
    51. 51.                     junction = Restrictions.disjunction();  
    52. 52.                     break;  
    53. 53.                 }  
    54. 54.                 dataScope.add(r.getDataScope());  
    55. 55.             }  
    56. 56.         }  
    57. 57.     }  
    58. 58.     return junction;  

    59. }  

    1. 60.   

    61. /** 

    1. 62.  * 数据范围过滤 
    2. 63.  * @param user 当前用户对象,通过“UserUtils.getUser()”获取 
    3. 64.  * @param officeAlias 机构表别名,例如:dc.createAlias("office", "office"); 
    4. 65.  * @param userAlias 用户表别名,传递空,忽略此参数 
    5. 66.  * @return ql查询字符串 
    6. 67.  */  

    68. protected static String dataScopeFilterString(User user, String officeAlias, String userAlias) {  

    1. 69.     Junction junction = dataScopeFilter(user, officeAlias, userAlias);  
    2. 70.     Iterator<Criterion> it = junction.conditions().iterator();  
    3. 71.     StringBuilder ql = new StringBuilder();  
    4. 72.     ql.append(" and (");  
    5. 73.     if (it.hasNext()){  
    6. 74.         ql.append(it.next());  
    7. 75.     }  
    8. 76.     String[] strField = {".parentIds like ", ".type="}; // 需要给字段增加“单引号”的字段。  
    9. 77.     while (it.hasNext()) {  
    10. 78.         ql.append(" or (");  
    11. 79.         String s = it.next().toString();  
    12. 80.         for(String field : strField){  
    13. 81.             s = s.replaceAll(field + "(\w.*)", field + "'$1'");  
    14. 82.         }  
    15. 83.         ql.append(s).append(")");  
    16. 84.     }  
    17. 85.     ql.append(")");  
    18. 86.     return ql.toString();  

    87. }  

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dahaoheshan/p/6886102.html
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